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Aria Knowledge Central

Release 45


Enhancements and fixes to Aria functionality for this release are described below.

Release Date

Stage Future Release Date


Production Release Date


System Requirements

Supported Browsers

Aria supports the latest stable versions of the following Web browsers:

  • Chrome 63
  • Firefox 52
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Safari 11 on MacOS

Screen Resolution

1024 x 768 or higher

Application Features

New Iterations of Event Notification Classes To Include client_acct_id and resp_plan_instance_no In Payload (DEV-10608)

Aria now populates the <client_acct_id> and <resp_plan_instance_no> fields in new version numbers of these Event Notification Classes:

In addition, the new version of the Financial Transactions event class version includes, in name-value and email formats, the field <resp_plan_instance_no>, which was missing in the previous version.

If you are using any of these Event Notification Classes and wish to leverage these fields in your stack, contact Customer Support to update to the latest versions.

Override Discount Rule Scope UI Enhanced (DEV-10684)

The Override Discount Rule Scope feature has been improved with the addition of a paginated data table at the bottom of the Coupon Assignment screen. To access this screen, click Accounts > [search for an account] > Payments & Credits Coupons Assign Coupon button. The data table shows the Scope options for specifying plans and MPIs that you have chosen in the selection dialogs. Also, now when checking the Override Discount Rule Scope check box, the Rule Name and Scope drop-downs will appear immediately, eliminating the initial Add Discount Rule button step in the workflow. Power CSR level privileges are required to access this feature.

To learn more about this feature while assigning coupons, click here

Tokenized Card Details Stored Across Billing/Collection Groups (DEV-10690)

A new client parameter has been added for this release which enhances Aria’s existing functionality for tokenized credit card payments. If Tokenization: Store Full Credit Card (under Configuration > Payments > Payment Settings) is set to True (False is the default), then the full credit card information is stored when the token is created (for Payment Method = 13 for Tokenized Credit Card). This applies for both primary and secondary payment methods, enabling the same tokenized card to be used for multiple billing groups and collection groups.

After storing the tokenized card as a payment method (Accounts > [Search for and select an account] > Account Overview > Payment Methods), the card can be used for payment from the Billing Groups screen (Accounts > [Search for and select an account] > Plans > Billing Groups > Edit Billing Group) or the Plans screen as a primary or secondary payment method (Accounts > [Search for and select an account] > Plans).

Learn more about Tokenized Credit Cards from here.

Application Fixes  

  • If the client parameter Dispute Hold Expiration Override Maximum Days (Configuration Client Settings > Miscellaneous Settings) is not set and an invoice is selected for writeoff (Account > search for an account > Account Overview > Payments & Credits > Select Invoice > Create New Write-Off), the writeoff will now be created successfully as expected. (TICKET-18858)
  • Billing Groups with multiple Master Plan Instances (MPIs) can now generate invoices at the Billing Group level for uninvoiced MPIs when other MPIs within the Billing Group have currently pending invoices. An error will be returned when attempting to generate invoices for a Billing Group where all MPI invoices are already created or are in a pending state. (TICKET-18892)
  • Aria now correctly calculates the billing anniversary for plan instances added with billing intervals greater than one month with prorated invoices. For example, if a plan instance is added to an account with an existing 3-year billing interval for another plan instance, the new plan can now be added with an anniversary date matching that of the existing plan instance. (TICKET-18904)
  • The proration service credit created is now correctly applied for the tax charge line item of the current billing period invoice. (TICKET-18947)

API Features 

Several APIs Now Return Custom Rate Indicator and Rate Schedule Number (DEV-10519)

This feature adds custom rate details related to plans and invoice line items in the following API calls via new output fields as follows:

API Call Output Array(s) New Output Field(s)



<plan_instance_service_rates> (NEW)

get_invoice_details_m <invoice_line_details>  









create_order_with_plan_m cart_inv_line_items  



get_invoice_information_m (object query)



get_all_invoice_information_m (object query)




Increase client_record_id input field length (DEV-10661)

To enhance Aria's usage client definition, the <client_record_id> input field length has been increased from 50 characters to 100 characters for the following APIs:

Tokenized Card Details Stored Across Billing/Collection Groups (DEV-10690)

A new client parameter has been added for this release which enhances Aria’s existing functionality for tokenized credit card payments. If Tokenization: Store Full Credit Card (under Configuration > Payments > Payment Settings) is set to True (False is the default), then the full credit card information is stored when the token is created (for Payment Method = 13 for Tokenized Credit Card). This applies to selected APIs for both primary and secondary payment methods, enabling the same tokenized card to be used for multiple billing groups and collection groups.

The following APIs will store a tokenized card to support a primary or backup pay method:

API Pay Methods
assign_acct_plan_m Generates a new token when the <payment_method_no> is passed for the primary pay method for the new billing group.
create_acct_billing_group_m Generates a new token when the <payment_method_no> is passed for the primary pay method.
update_acct_billing_group_m Generates a new token when the <primary_payment_method_no> or <client_primary_payment_method_id> (or <backup_payment_method_no> or <client_backup_payment_method_id>) is passed.
update_acct_complete_m Generates a new token when the <payment_method_no> is passed for the primary pay method.
update_acct_plan_multi_m Generates a new token when the <payment_method_no> is passed for the primary pay method for the new billing group.

The following APIs will store a tokenized card to support an alternative pay method (at the <alt_pay_method> field):

API Fixes 

  • The gen_invoice_m API can now generate invoices at the Billing Group level for uninvoiced MPIs when other MPIs within the Billing Group have currently pending invoices. (TICKET-18892)

WSDL File Locations

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