<amount> |
To authorize a tokenized credit card:
- For the Braintree payment gateway, complete the required Aria configuration fields.
- For the Worldpay payment gateway, first add the client_acct_id to the account as described in the Worldpay configuration notes.
- Do either of the following:
- If the token was already generated outside of Aria, set the <alt_pay_method> to 13and pass in the <bill_agreement_id>; or
- If you need to generate a token for the card, set the <alt_pay_method> to;13;and pass in the credit card details.
- Pass in the <amount> to be authorized.
- Optionally pass a value into the <cc_id> field to identify the type of credit card you are authorizing.
- Optionally pass in a <recurring_processing_model_ind> to specify the kind of transaction you are completing.
You can use the <recurring_processing_model_ind> field only for payment methods for which your payment gateway supports Cardholder Initiated Transactions (CIT) and Merchant Initiated Transactions (MIT).
Please contact your payment gateway representative for more information.
A value at this field or <client_plan_instance_id> is required to honor the billing group's collection group for 3DS and non-3DS payment authorization. |
<client_plan_instance_id> |
A value at this field or <plan_instance_no> is required to honor the billing group's collection group for 3DS and non-3DS payment authorization. |
<billing_group_no> |
A value at this field or <client_billing_group_id> is required to honor the billing group's collection group for 3DS and non-3DS payment authorization. |
<client_billing_group_id> |
A value at this field or <billing_group_no> is required to honor the billing group's collection group for 3DS and non-3DS payment authorization. |
<customer_gender> |
Allowable Values
Values |
Description |
F |
Female |
M |
Male |
<order_shipping_method> |
Allowable Values
Values |
Description |
C |
Lowest cost |
D |
Carrier designated by customer |
E |
Electronic delivery* |
G |
Ground* |
I |
International |
M |
Military |
N |
Next day/overnight* |
O |
Other/standard |
P |
Store pickup* |
S |
Same day* |
T |
Two day service* |
W |
Three day service* |
<fraud_filtering_enabled> |
Allowable Values
Values |
Description |
0 |
disable |
1 |
enable |
-1 |
Use settings specified at the collection group or payment gateway level. |
<change_status_on_fraud_filtering_failure> |
Allowable Values
Values |
Description |
0 |
false |
1 |
true |
-1 |
Use settings specified at the collection group or payment gateway level. |
<change_status_on_fraud_filtering_review> |
Allowable Values
Values |
Description |
0 |
false |
1 |
true |
-1 |
Use settings specified at the collection group or payment gateway level. |
<change_mp_status_on_fraud_filtering_cc_prefix_failure> |
Allowable Values
Values |
Description |
0 |
false |
1 |
true |
<change_mp_status_on_fraud_filtering_cc_number_failure> |
Allowable Values
Values |
Description |
0 |
false |
1 |
true |
<change_mp_status_on_fraud_filtering_cc_issuing_country_failure> |
Allowable Values
Values |
Description |
0 |
false |
1 |
true |
<change_mp_status_on_fraud_filtering_cc_issuing_country_suspect> |
Allowable Values
Values |
Description |
0 |
false |
1 |
true |
<fraud_scoring_enabled> |
Allowable Values
Values |
Description |
0 |
false |
1 |
true |
-1 |
Use settings specified at the collection group or payment gateway level. |
<change_status_on_fraud_scoring_failure> |
Allowable Values
Values |
Description |
0 |
false |
1 |
true |
-1 |
Use settings specified at the collection group or payment gateway level. |
<change_mp_status_on_fraud_scoring_failure> |
Allowable Values
Values |
Description |
0 |
false |
1 |
true |
<change_status_on_fraud_scoring_review> |
Allowable Values
Values |
Description |
0 |
false |
1 |
true |
-1 |
Use settings specified at the collection group or payment gateway level. |
<status_on_fraud_scoring_review> |
Allowable Values
Values |
Description |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
31 |
32 |
41 |
61 |
-1 |
-2 |
-3 |
<recurring_processing_model_ind> |
Allowable Values
Values |
Description |
0 |
Cardholder-Initiated Transaction - Credentials on File: a credit card transaction initiated by the cardholder for a new order or a plan upgrade that uses a credit card that is currently stored in Aria. (Default) |
1 |
Cardholder-Initiated Transaction: a credit card transaction initiated by the cardholder for a new account or creating an order that uses an alternate credit card that is not currently stored in Aria. |
2 |
Merchant-Initiated Transaction - Standing Instruction - Recurring: a credit card transaction initiated by Aria's clients for a recurring charge that uses a credit card that is currently stored in Aria. |
3 |
Merchant-Initiated Transaction - Unscheduled Credentials on File: a credit card transaction initiated by Aria's clients for a non-recurring charge (one-time order or plan upgrade) that uses a credit card that is currently stored in Aria. |
<attempt_3d_secure> |
Allowable Values
Values |
Description |
null |
This will let processor to dynamically decide whether 3DS is required based on their rules (Default). |
true |
Attempt 3DS authentication. |
false |
Do not attempt 3DS authentication. |
<transaction_type> |
Allowable Values
Values |
Description |
-1 |
(Chase) Use client configuration settings for "Send Transaction Type as Recurring for Initial Request Where Possible" or "Send Transaction Type as Recurring for Subsequent Request" as applicable. (Default) |
1 |
(Chase) Single transaction mail/telephone order (MOTO) - Designates a transaction where the accountholder is not present at a merchant location and completes the sale over the phone or through the mail. The transaction is not for recurring services or products and does not include sales that are processes via an installment plan. |
2 |
(Chase) Recurring Transaction - Designates a transaction that represents an agreement between an accountholder and the merchant where transactions are going to occur on a periodic basis. |
3 |
(Chase) Installment Transaction - Designates a group of transactions that originated from a single purchase where the merchant agrees to bill the accountholder in installments. |
4 |
(Chase) Deferred Transaction - Designates a transaction that represents an order with a payment delayed for a specified amount of time. |
5 |
(Chase) Secure Electronic Commerce Transaction - Designates a transaction completed via the Internet at a 3-D Secure capable merchant and in which the accountholder was fully authenticated. (examples: 3-D Secure includes Verified by Visa, Mastercard Identity Check, American Express SafeKey and Discover ProtectBuy.) |
6 |
(Chase) Non-Authenticated Electronic Commerce Transaction - Designates a transaction completed via the Internet at a 3-D Secure capable merchant that attempted to authenticate the accountholder using 3-D Secure (examples: 3-D Secure includes Verified by Visa and Mastercard Identity Check.) Verified by Visa, Mastercard Identity Check, American Express SafeKey and Discover ProtectBuy transactions in the event of: * A non-participating issuer * A non-participating accountholder of a participating issuer * A participating issuer, but the authentication server is not available |
7 |
(Chase) Channel Encrypted Transaction - Designates a transaction between an accountholder and a merchant completed via the Internet where the transaction includes the use of transaction encryption such as SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), but authentication was not performed. The accountholder payment data was protected with a form of Internet security, such as SSL, but authentication was not performed. For Discover, indicates an e-commerce Card Transaction with data protection in which ProtectBuy for Cardholder authentication was not used. |
8 |
(Chase) Non-Secure Electronic Commerce Transaction - Designates a transaction between an accountholder and a merchant completed via the Internet where: * The transaction does not include the use of any transaction encryption such as SSL * Authentication is not performed * An accountholder certificate is not managed. |
I |
(Chase) IVR Transaction (PINless Debit only) - Designates a transaction where the accountholder completes the sale via an interactive voice response (IVR) system. |
R |
(Chase) Retail Transaction - Designates a transaction where the accountholder was present at a merchant location. |
telephone |
(Vantiv) The transaction is for a single telephone order. |
mailorder |
(Vantiv) The transaction is for a single mail-order transaction. |
<cc_id> |
Allowable Values
Values |
Description |
1 |
Visa |
2 |
Mastercard |
3 |
American Express |
4 |
Discover |
5 |
Diners Club/Carte Blanche |
6 |
Maestro |
7 |
8 |
Laser |
9 |
Dankoort |
<disable_pmt_method_on_auth_failure> |
Allowable Values
Values |
Description |
false (default) |
Disable a payment method after a failed card authorization. |
true |
Enable a payment method after a failed card authorization. |