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create_order_with_plan_m Guide

Allows creation of order and plan changes on a single invoice.

API Specification:



Required Fields:

  • <client_no>
  • <auth_key>
  • <acct_no> or <client_acct_id>

Additional Guidance

Inputs passed to this API call will override any fraud options that you specified in your payment gateway, collection group, or Direct Post settings, unless stated otherwise below.

Input Fields
Field Name Notes
<client_order_id> You can assign a customer order id when creating an order. You can require that Aria enforce uniqueness for this value on active orders by setting the client parameter "Enforce Unique Client Order ID" to "True." Once set, the system will return errors if you attempt to create an order with a <client_order_id> associated with an active order. Once an order becomes inactive, you can reuse a <client_order_id>.
<order_qualifier_list> You can specify up to nine (9) qualifiers in this hash.
  • To use fraud filtering, you must have it enabled and configured in your payment gateway. Contact your payment gateway representative for setup information and additional documentation.
  • If you set this field to 0, then Aria will ignore all other fraud filtering fields.
  • If you set this field to 1, then Aria will apply the values that you specified in the other fraud filtering fields. However, if you pass -1 into any fraud filtering field, Aria will ignore that field.
  • If you set this field to 2, then Aria will apply the values that you specified in the other fraud filtering fields.
Allowable values
Values Description
0 false (disable)

Note: If you set this field to 0, then Aria will ignore all other fraud filtering fields.

1 true (enable)

Note: If you set this field to 1, then Aria will apply the values that you specified in the other fraud filtering fields. However, if you pass -1 into any fraud filtering field, Aria will ignore that field.

2 Use settings specified at the collection group or payment gateway level.

Note: If you set this field to 2, then Aria will apply the values that you specified in the other fraud filtering fields.


If you use Chase Paymentech or Vantiv, this field allows you to tell that payment gateway which transaction type is involved (examples: single or recurring transaction) when you process a customer's payment information.

This field applies to credit cards and tokenized credit cards. If you don't pass a value into this field, it will default to -1 (use client configuration settings).

The value that you pass into this field will override the Recurring Options that you set in the Aria application under:

  • Configuration > Payments > Payment Gateways > Chase Paymentech/Vantiv > Gateway Options; and
  • Configuration > Payments > Collection Groups > Chase Paymentech/Vantiv > Collection Group Options.

Currently, only Chase Paymentech and Vantiv support this field. Other payment gateways might not honor all of the allowable values for this field. You will need to check your payment gateway documentation for confirmation.

Aria will use this order of precedence to determine the transaction type:

  1. value passed into this field
  2. collection group configuration
  3. payment gateway configuration
  4. transaction type that you specified in the <recurring_processing_model_ind> field
Allowable values
Values Description
-1 Use client configuration settings for "Send Transaction Type as Recurring for Initial Request Where Possible" or "Send Transaction Type as Recurring for Subsequent Request" as applicable. (default)
1 (Chase) Single transaction mail/telephone order (MOTO) - Designates a transaction where the accountholder is not present at a merchant location and completes the sale over the phone or through the mail. The transaction is not for recurring services or products and does not include sales that are processed via an installment plan.
2 (Chase) Recurring Transaction - Designates a transaction that represents an arrangement between an accountholder and the merchant where transactions are going to occur on a periodic basis.
3 (Chase) Installment Transaction - Designates a group of transactions that originated from a single purchase where the merchant agrees to bill the accountholder in installments.
4 (Chase) Deferred Transaction - Designates a transaction that represents an order with a payment delayed for a specified amount of time.
5 (Chase) Secure Electronic Commerce Transaction - Designates a transaction completed via the Internet at a 3-D Secure capable merchant and in which the accountholder was fully authenticated. (examples: 3-D Secure includes Verified by Visa, Mastercard Identity Check, American Express SafeKey and Discover ProtectBuy.)
6 (Chase) Non-Authenticated Electronic Commerce Transaction - Designates a transaction completed via the Internet at a 3-D Secure capable merchant that attempted to authenticate the accountholder using 3-D Secure (examples: 3-D Secure includes Verified by Visa and Mastercard Identity Check.) Verified by Visa, Mastercard Identity Check, American Express SafeKey and Discover ProtectBuy transactions in the event of: * A non-participating issuer * A non-participating accountholder of a participating issuer * A participating issuer, but the authentication server is not available
7 (Chase) Channel Encrypted Transaction - Designates a transaction between an accountholder and a merchant completed via the Internet where the transaction includes the use of transaction encryption such as SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), but authentication was not performed. The accountholder payment data was protected with a form of Internet security, such as SSL, but authentication was not performed. For Discover, indicates an e-commerce Card Transaction with data protection in which ProtectBuy for Cardholder authentication was not used.
8 (Chase) Non-Secure Electronic Commerce Transaction - Designates a transaction between an accountholder and a merchant completed via the Internet where: * The transaction does not include the use of any transaction encryption such as SSL * Authentication is not performed * An accountholder certificate is not managed.
I (Chase) IVR Transaction (PINless Debit only) - Designates a transaction where the accountholder completes the sale via an interactive voice response (IVR) system.
R (Chase) Retail Transaction - Designates a transaction where the accountholder was present at a merchant location.
telephone (Vantiv) The transaction is for a single telephone order.
mailorder (Vantiv) The transaction is for a single mail order transaction.
Allowable values
Values Description
2 (Default) Perform the requested plan change immediately, honoring the client's pre-configured universal rule for performing or not performing proration as a result of a mid-billing-period plan assignment or de-assignment. No new recurring charges or credits are generated when no proration occurs.
3 Perform the requested plan change immediately, ignoring the client's pre-configured universal rule for performing or not performing proration and forcing NO PRORATION. No new recurring charges or credits are generated when no proration occurs.
4 Perform the requested plan change immediately, ignoring the client's pre-configured universal rule for performing or not performing proration and forcing PRORATION.
5 Perform the requested plan change immediately, ignoring the client's pre-configured universal rule for performing or not performing proration and forcing PRORATION FOR CHARGES ONLY. NOTE: This value is not permitted when cancelling a supplemental plan.
6 Perform the requested plan change immediately, ignoring the client's pre-configured universal rule for performing or not performing proration and forcing PRORATION FOR CREDITS ONLY. NOTE: This value is not permitted when assigning a supplemental plan.
Allowable values
Values Description
0 No. Do not bill immediately.
1 Yes. Bill immediately.
2 Order Held. This places the billing for the newly created order in a pending state labeled Order Held. The billing status can be updated using the update_order_m API, or through the interface.
3 Bill on the next anniversary bill after the fulfillment date.
4 Bill on the fulfillment date.
5 Bill on the next anniversary bill that bills arrears services through the fulfillment date.
Allowable values
Values Description
savings savings
checking checking
business business
Allowable values
Values Description
true true
false false
Allowable values
Values Description
0 disable
1 enable
-1 Use settings specified at the collection group or payment gateway level.
Allowable values
Values Description
0 false
1 true
-1 Use settings specified at the collection group or payment gateway level.
Allowable values
Values Description
0 false
1 true
-1 Use settings specified at the collection group or payment gateway level.
Allowable values
Values Description
0 false
1 true
Allowable values
Values Description
0 false
1 true
Allowable values
Values Description
0 false
1 true
Allowable values
Values Description
0 false
1 true
Allowable values
Values Description
false Scheduled plan changes will not be returned in the plan_instance_queue array (default).
true Scheduled plan changes will be returned in the plan_instance_queue array.
Output Fields
Field Name Notes
Allowable values
Values Description
1 Recurring charge
2 Tax charge
3 Service credit
4 Coupon credit
5 Activation charge
6 Usage charge
7 Recurring arrears charge
8 Order charge
9 Surcharge
Allowable values
Values Description
0 0
1 1
<transaction_id> Deprecated
<independent_installment_date> This is honored only when <aligned_installment> = N AND when <client_installment_term_id> or <installment_term_no> is passed. Otherwise, this will generate an error or be ignored.

Error Codes

Error Code/Description Associated Inputs

1001: unexpected error


1004: authentication error


1009: account does not exist, Account not found: AriaNo (acct_no), Account not found: Userid (userid), or Account not found: ClientId (client_acct_id)


1010: missing required parameters, Missing input: (object-name) is required with assignment_directive ($AriaNo)


1024: invalid date format

Additional Comments: All date inputs must be in yyyy-mm-dd format.


1033:  a parameter that represents a true or false value contains invalid input


1035: invalid assignment directive, Invalid Assignment Directive: (assignment_directive)


1049: Billing or Plan changes not allowed due to the account status, Cannot add assignment for account with status code -99, Cannot add assignment for account with status code 0

Additional Comments: This message indicates a processing problem.


1099: invalid or previously used receipt ID


3010: skus must have have units greater than zero


3034: Invalid Bill immediate option


3040: Order Statement Message exceeded 1000 characters


3041: Invalid date format for fulfilled_date.


3118: The client_order_id provided already exists.


4006: invalid pay method or alternate pay method


4008: invalid expiration date

Additional Comments: Dates must be in yyyy-mm-dd format. For update_payment_method_token_m, the date must be a future date.


4009: invalid cc number


4010: invalid bank draft info

Additional Comments:

  1. The client parameter BANK_DRAFT_INDICATOR must be enabled.
  2. Bank_acct_no and bank_routing_no are required.
  3. Valid bank_routing_no from Aria's ABA lookup in case of US address.
  4. Bank_routing_no must be numeric.
  5. For US, bank_routing_no should be 9 digits in length (left padded with zeros).
  6. Bank_routing_no must pass checksum validation.

4011: cc authorization failed

Additional Comments: $1 authorization has failed.


5017: invalid iso country code


5029: invalid item or sku


5054: The Account Contact name, Billing Contact name, and Statement Contact name must be the same for consumer accounts.

Additional Comments: The first name, middle initial and last name of account contact, billing contact and statement contact must be the same when consumer_acct_ind = 1.


6021: Invalid state_prov entered


6027: IBAN is alphanumeric and is 15 to 34 characters in length


6029: Bank swift code is alphanumeric and is 8 or 11 characters in length


6031: BBAN is numeric and up to 16 digits


6032: Bank ID code is numeric and up to 10 digits


6033: Bank branch code is numeric and up to 10 digits


6034: Basic bank account number or IBAN is required for Direct Debit


6051: Invalid Billing sequence number.


6053:Either IBAN or Agreement ID is required for this payment method. 


7012: Single order billing not allowed because account status prevents it.


7032: Single order billing not allowed because Plan instance status prevents it

Additional Comments: This error occurs in the following situations:

  1. The Plan instance status code allows billability and the invoice option is "NONE".
  2. If the Plan instance status does not allow billability.

12010: Client account group does not exist


14002: invalid Supplemental Plan no


14006: invalid rate schedule no


14012: Alternate rate schedule's currency does not match the account's currency.

Additional Comments: The alt_rate_schedule currency does not match the  account currency.


14037: Invalid client sSupplemental Plan ID


14038: Invalid client Master Plan id


14039: Invalid client rate schedule id


14046: If you passed in an invalid plan_instance_no, this message will appear: "Invalid Plan instance number". If you passed in an invalid master_plan_instance_id, this message will appear: "Invalid master_plan_instance_id".

Additional Comments: The plan_instance_no or master_plan_instance_id must belong to the account, or it is invalid. The percent_eval_plan_instance_no must belong to the account and also to the MPI given in input.


14047: If you passed in an invalid client_plan_instance_id, this message will appear: "Invalid client Plan instance identifier". If you passed in an invalid client_master_plan_instance_id , this message will appear: "Invalid client_master_plan_instance_id".


14049: Invalid parent Plan instance no


15001: invalid coupon code


15002: coupon expired


15003: coupon already applied to account


15011: The coupon code provided for this account or Master Plan does not match its specified Coupon Applicability Scope, which determines whether the coupon is available at the account level, the Master Plan Instance level, or both.


18005: Invalid Template number


18006: Invalid client template id


25009: One or more provided inventory items are not eligible for purchase.

Additional Comments: Inventory items are not mapped to the Plans on the account.


25010: One or more provided inventory items are Inactive.


25020: Illegal characters entered


25045: One or more fraud control fields are missing or invalid fraud control field name


25046: One or more fraud control fields values are missing or invalid fraud control value


29001: The service location provided is not valid.

Additional Comments: The given service location is not available for the client.


29002: The client service location id provided is not valid.

Additional Comments: The given service location ID is not available for the client.


29003: The service location provided has been disabled or deleted and cannot be associated with a Plan instance.

Additional Comments: The given service location must be active.


29004: Provided contact idx is invalid.

Additional Comments: When there is no matching map index available for acct_contact_idx, contact_idx, bill_contact_idx, stmt_contact_idx, dest_contact_idx, item_dest_contact_id, this error occurs.


29005: The contact number provided is invalid for the specified account.

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