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Events in the Account and Master Plan Instances Class


Listed below are event details associated with the creation and modification of account records and their related data elements.

XSD Files

Below is a list of .XSD format files in the Account and Master Plan Instances class.

Versions Stage Future Production and Stage Current


  • XSD format

List of Events

Below is a list of event numbers and events in the Account and Master Plan Instances class.

Event ID Label
701 Account Created
702 Account Administrative Contact Modified
703 Account Authentication Data Modified
704 Account Status Changed
705 Account Status Queued for Change
706 Account Supplemental Field Value Added
707 Account Supplemental Field Value Modified
708 Account Supplemental Field Value Deleted
709 Account's Parent Account Assignment Modified
710 Parent Account Had New Child Account Assigned
711 Parent Account Had Existing Child Account De-assigned
712 Account Comment Added
713 Account Notification Profile Modified
714 Account Credit Card Pending Expiration
715 Account New Form of Payment Added
716 Account Form of Payment Modified
717 Account Billing Contact Modified
718 Account Master Plan Instance Modified
719 Account Supplemental Plan Modified
720 Account Master Service Plan Queued for Assignment
721 Account Supplemental Service Plan Queued for Assignment
722 Account Master Service Plan Queued Assignment Removed
723 Account Supplemental Service Plan Queued Assignment Removed
724 Account Master Service Plan Assigned
725 Account Supplemental Service Plan Assigned
726 Account Master Plan Instance De-assigned
727 Account Supplemental Plan De-assigned
728 Account Master Plan Instance Queued for De-assignment
729 Account Supplemental Plan Queued for De-assignment
730 Account Master Plan Instance Queued for Modification
731 Account Supplemental Plan Queued for Modification
732 Account Service Plan Contract Pending Expiration
733 Account Service Plan Contract Expired
734 Account Master Plan Instance Status Modified
735 Account Supplemental Plan Status Modified
736 Account Statement Contact Modified
737 Account Billing Group Created
738 Account Billing Group Modified
739 Account Billing Group Disabled
740 Account Dunning Group Created
741 Account Dunning Group Modified
742 Account Dunning Group Disabled
743 Account Master Plan Instance Dunning State Changed
744 Account Master Plan Instance Dunning Degrade Date Changed
745 Account Dunning Group Default Dunning Process Changed
746 Account First Billable Supplemental Service Plan Assigned Under Non-Billable Master Plan Instance
747 Account Free Master Plan Instance Replaced with Non-Free Master Plan Instance
748 Account Fulfillment Based Service Plan Assignment
749 Account Service Plan Unit Queued for Fulfillment
750 Account Service Plan Unit Fulfillment Complete
751 Account Contract Created
752 Account Contract Edited
753 Account Contract Deleted
754 Account Master Plan Instance Product Field Modified
755 Account Supplemental Plan Product Field Modified
756 Account Master Plan Unit Instance Product Field Modified
757 Account Supplemental Plan Unit Instance Product Field Modified
758 Account Master Plan Instance Porting Successful
759 Account Master Plan Instance Porting Failed
801 Order Entered, Not Processed
802 Order Marked Eligible for Billing
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