1004: authentication error
Associated Inputs: auth_key, client_id, client_no
<auth_key>, <client_no> |
1016: invalid input
Additional Comments: This error can be caused by the wrong type of input; for example, text in a numbers-only field, or specifying a value other than one of the documented allowable values.
<client_no>, <acct_no>, <payment_method_no>, <disabled_ind>, <bill_contact_no>, <pay_method_type>, <cc_expire_mm>, <cc_expire_yyyy>, <bank_check_digit>, <cc_id>, <cc_auth_amount>, <fraud_filter>, <include_auth_results>, <perform_card_type_detail_inquiry>, <perform_balance_inquiry>, <recurring_processing_model_ind>, <alt_collection_acct_group_no>, <billing_group_no>, <master_plan_instance_no> |
1024: invalid date format
Associated Inputs: bill_birthdate, birthdate, degrade_date, initial_credit_date, invoice_line_reversing_date, service_fulfillment_date, queue_date, start_bill_date, end_bill_date, start_date, end_date, stmt_birthdate, bill_birthdate
Additional Comments: All date inputs must be in yyyy-mm-dd format.
<bill_birthdate>, <application_date> |
1033: a parameter that represents a true or false value contains invalid input
Associated Inputs: alt_collect_on_approve, alt_send_statement_on_approve, cancel_orders_on_discard, cascade_action, do_auto_discard, do_collect, change_status_after_coll, reset_dates_after_status, disable_existing_on_update, do_write, exclude_terminated_plan_inst, include_all_rate_schedules, include_plan_hierarchy, retrieve_bundled_nso, retrieve_included_nso, include_translations, include_inactive_items, include_invoice_activity_eligibility, include_rs_summary, include_translations, include_service_supp_fields/include_product_fields/, include_plan_instance_fields/include_plan_services/, include_surcharges, include_void_transactions, include_voided, invoice_unbilled_usage, is_unlinked_refund, record_cc_on_auth_failure, retrieve_excluded_usage, send_email, usage_pooling, do_write
<do_collect>, <reset_dates_after_status>, <disable_existing_on_update>, <change_mp_status_on_fraud_filtering_cc_prefix_failure>, <change_mp_status_on_fraud_filtering_cc_number_failure>, <change_mp_status_on_fraud_filtering_cc_issuing_country_failure>, <change_mp_status_on_fraud_filtering_cc_issuing_country_suspect>, <include_auth_results>, <perform_balance_inquiry>, <attempt_3d_secure>, <disable_pmt_method_on_auth_failure> |
1066: Locale name does not exist in the system.
Associated Inputs: locale_name
1067: Locale no does not exist in the system.
Associated Inputs: locale_no, master_plan_instance_no
1500: Unsupported bank/country code for this payment method.
Associated Inputs: proc_status_code, proc_status_code, bank_country_cd
Additional Comments: Added in support of ACH payments via Direct Debit (country code must be US).
<bank_country_cd> |
4006: invalid pay method or alternate pay method
Associated Inputs: alt_pay_method, pay_method_type, pay_method_type
<payment_method_no>, <pay_method_type> |
4008: invalid expiration date
Associated Inputs: alt_pay_method, cc_expire_mm, cc_expire_yyyy, credit_expiry_date, pay_method_type
Additional Comments: Dates must be in yyyy-mm-dd format. For update_payment_method_token_m, the date must be a future date.
<cc_expire_mm>, <cc_expire_yyyy> |
4009: invalid cc number
Associated Inputs: cc_number, alt_pay_method, cc_num, pay_method_type
<cc_num> |
4010: invalid bank draft info
Associated Inputs: bank_acct_no, bank_routing_no, alt_pay_method
Additional Comments:
- The client parameter BANK_DRAFT_INDICATOR must be enabled.
- Bank_acct_no and bank_routing_no are required.
- Valid bank_routing_no from Aria's ABA lookup in case of US address.
- Bank_routing_no must be numeric.
- For US, bank_routing_no should be 9 digits in length (left padded with zeros).
- Bank_routing_no must pass checksum validation.
<bank_acct_num>, <bank_routing_num> |
4011: cc authorization failed
Associated Inputs: alt_pay_method, cc_number, cc_expire_mm, cc_expire_yyyy, pay_method_type
Additional Comments: $1 authorization has failed.
<cc_expire_mm>, <cc_expire_yyyy>, <cc_num> |
4017: duplicate payment method client defined id.
Associated Inputs: client_payment_method_id, new_client_payment_method_id
Additional Comments: This value must be unique at the client level.
<client_payment_method_id>, <new_client_payment_method_id> |
4019: Invalid Bank Account Type.
Associated Inputs: alt_pay_method, bank_acct_type
<bank_acct_type> |
4022: invalid cc id
Associated Inputs: pay_method_type, cc_id
<cc_id> |
4023: The payment method provided is currently associated with a billing group and cannot be disabled. Either remove the payment method from the billing group before disabling it, or call the remove_acct_payment_method_m API to remove that payment method from the account.
Associated Inputs: disabled_ind, payment_method_no, client_payment_method_id
<disabled_ind>, <payment_method_no>, <client_payment_method_id> |
4032: cc_id is required.
Associated Inputs: cc_id, pay_method_type
Additional Comments: cc_id is required for this payment processor.
<cc_id> |
4044: Missing a required value. Please check that either bank_account_no, bank_routing_number or agreement_id is present.
5017: invalid iso country code
Associated Inputs country, bank_country_cd, bill_country
<bill_country>, <bank_country_cd> |
5018: account in uneditable status
Additional Comments: If the account is in an archived state, edit is not allowed.
6003: could not validate billing information
Associated Inputs: pay_method_type, cc_auth_amount
Additional Comments: There was an error during the $1 authorization attempt.
<pay_method_type>, <cc_auth_amount> |
6021: Invalid state_prov entered
Associated Inputs: bill_state_prov, state_prov, stmt_state_prov, bill_state_prov
<bill_state_prov> |
6027: IBAN is alphanumeric and is 15 to 34 characters in length
Associated Inputs: iban, alt_pay_method_iban
<iban> |
6029: Bank swift code is alphanumeric and is 8 or 11 characters in length
Associated Inputs: bank_swift_cd, alt_pay_method
<bank_swift_cd> |
6031: BBAN is numeric and up to 16 digits
Associated Inputs: alt_payment_method, bank_acct_no
<bank_acct_num> |
6032: Bank ID code is numeric and up to 10 digits
<bank_id_cd> |
6033: Bank branch code is numeric and up to 10 digits
Associated Inputs: bank_branch_cd
<bank_branch_cd> |
6034: Basic bank account number or IBAN is required for Direct Debit
Associated Inputs: iban, bank_acct_no
<iban>, <bank_acct_num> |
6045: Account can have only one active NETS payment method.
Associated Inputs: payment_method_type
<pay_method_type> |
6053:Either IBAN or Agreement ID is required for this payment method.
Associated Inputs: iban, bill_agreement_id, pay_method_type, alt_pay_method
<pay_method_type>, <iban>, <bill_agreement_id> |
14053: Invalid Master Plan Instance number
Associated Inputs: master_plan_instance_no
<master_plan_instance_no> |
14054: Invalid client Master Plan Instance identifier
Associated Inputs: client_master_plan_instance_id
<client_master_plan_instance_id> |
14121: Include Master Plan Instances in order to retrieve Supplemental Plan instances.
Associated Inputs: include_master_plans, include_supp_plans
Additional Comments: You must include Master Plans when retreiving suplemental Plans.
20026: agreement id OR credit card info is required
Associated Inputs: pay_method_type, bill_agreement_id, cc_num
Additional Comments: The pay_method_type is "13", the bill_agreement_id is null and cc_num is null.
<pay_method_type>, <bill_agreement_id>, <cc_num> |
25020: Illegal characters entered
Associated Inputs: All character field inputs like firstname lastname, dunning_group_name, comments, etc.
<auth_key>, <client_payment_method_id>, <bill_first_name>, <bill_middle_initial>, <bill_last_name>, <bill_company_name>, <bill_address1>, <bill_address2>, <bill_address3>, <bill_city>, <bill_locality>, <bill_state_prov>, <bill_country>, <bill_postal_cd>, <bill_phone>, <bill_phone_ext>, <bill_cell_phone>, <bill_work_phone>, <bill_work_phone_ext>, <bill_fax>, <bill_email>, <bill_birthdate>, <pay_method_name>, <pay_method_description>, <cc_num>, <cvv>, <bank_acct_num>, <bank_routing_num>, <bill_agreement_id>, <iban>, <bank_swift_cd>, <bank_country_cd>, <mandate_id>, <bank_id_cd>, <bank_branch_cd>, <do_collect>, <change_status_after_coll>, <reset_dates_after_status>, <client_receipt_id>, <disable_existing_on_update>, <fraud_control_field_name>, <fraud_control_field_value end_user_session_id>, <end_user_ip_address>, <end_user_browser_accept_header>, <end_user_browser_agent>, <new_client_payment_method_id>, <attempt_3d_secure>, <proc_field_name>, <proc_field_value disable_pmt_method_on_auth_failure>, <bank_name>, <bank_city>, <alt_client_collection_acct_group_id>, <client_acct_id>, <client_billing_group_id>, <client_master_plan_instance_id>, <bank_acct_type>, <bank_acct_holder_type>, <application_id>, <application_date>, <alt_caller_id>, <attach_qualifier_option": "s">, <qualifier_name>, <qualifier_value> |
25023: Primary payment method is required.
Associated Inputs: pay_method_type, pay_method_name, client_pay_method_cdid,bill_agreement_id
Additional Comments: There must be a primary pay method before setting up a secondary pay method. When the primary pay method is removed, then the secondary becomes primary.
<pay_method_type>, <pay_method_name>, <client_payment_method_id> |
25025: Backup pay method cannot be different than primary pay method
Associated Inputs: new pay_method_type, primary_payment_method_no, backup_payment_method_no, client_primary_payment_method_id, client_backup_payment_method_id
<payment_method_no>, <client_payment_method_id>, <pay_method_type>, <new_client_payment_method_id> |
25026: Primary pay method cannot be different than backup pay method
Associated Inputs: new pay_method_type, primary_payment_method_no, backup_payment_method_no, client_primary_payment_method_id, client_backup_payment_method_id
<payment_method_no>, <client_payment_method_id>, <pay_method_type>, <new_client_payment_method_id> |
25027: Provided payment method is not a credit card
Associated Inputs:cc_expire_yyyy, cc_expire_mm, pay_method_type
Additional Comments: expiry date can be modified only for credit card.
<pay_method_type>, <cc_expire_mm>, <cc_expire_yyyy> |
25028: Provided payment_method_id is already in a disabled state.
Associated Inputs: payment_method_type, payment_method_no, client_payment_method_id
<payment_method_no>, <client_payment_method_id>, <pay_method_type> |
25042: The expiration date for tokenized credit cards cannot be edited as that information is provided by the payment processor.
Associated Inputs: cc_expire_yyyy, cc_expire_mm, payment_method_no, client_payment_method_id
<payment_method_no>, <client_payment_method_id>, <cc_expire_mm>, <cc_expire_yyyy> |
25043: Primary payment method does not support secondary pay method.
Associated Inputs: new pay_method_type, primary_payment_method_no, backup_payment_method_no, client_primary_payment_method_id, client_backup_payment_method_id, pay_method_type
Additional Comments: The primary_client_payment_method_id is not 1, 2, or 13) and the backup_client_payment_method_id is not null.
<payment_method_no>, <client_payment_method_id>, <pay_method_type>, <new_client_payment_method_id> |
25044: Secondary payment method type must match the primary.
Associated Inputs: new pay_method_type, primary_payment_method_no, backup_payment_method_no, client_primary_payment_method_id, client_backup_payment_method_id
Additional Comments: The backup_client_payment_method_id is not 1, 2, or 13.
<payment_method_no>, <client_payment_method_id>, <pay_method_type>, <new_client_payment_method_id> |
26004: Include billing groups in order to retrieve payment methods.
Associated Inputs: include_billing_groups, include_payment_methods
26007: Provided client defined pay method ID does not exist for this account.
Associated Inputs: client_payment_method_id, client_primary_payment_method_id, client_backup_payment_method_id
<client_payment_method_id>, <new_client_payment_method_id> |
26008: Provided payment_method_id does not exist for this account.
Associated Inputs: payment_method_no, payment_method_no, client_payment_method_id, primary_payment_method_no, backup_payment_method_no
<client_payment_method_id>, <new_client_payment_method_id> |
26010: Invalid billing group number
Associated Inputs: billing_group_no
<billing_group_no> |
26012: Invalid client-defined billing group ID.
Associated Inputs: client_billing_group_id
<client_billing_group_id> |
29005: The contact number provided is invalid for the specified account.
Associated Inputs: acct_contact_no, bill_contact_no, stmt_contact_no
<bill_contact_no> |