<billing_ind> |
Allowable values
Values |
Description |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
<display_ind> |
Allowable values
Values |
Description |
0 |
Not displayable |
1 |
displayable |
<initial_plan_status> |
Allowable values
Values |
Description |
1 |
Active |
2 |
Pending Cancellation |
3 |
Pending Termination |
31 |
Pending Installation |
32 |
Pending Activation |
41 |
Trial |
61 |
Active Non-billable |
0 |
Inactive |
-1 |
Suspended |
-2 |
Cancelled |
-3 |
Terminated |
<rollover_plan_status> |
Allowable values
Values |
Description |
-3 |
Terminated |
-2 |
Cancelled |
-1 |
Suspended |
0 |
Inactive |
1 |
Active |
2 |
Pending Cancellation |
3 |
Pending Termination |
31 |
Pending Installation |
32 |
Pending Activation |
41 |
Trial |
61 |
Active Non-billable |
<rollover_plan_status_uom_cd> |
Allowable values
Values |
Description |
1 |
Day |
2 |
Week |
3 |
Month |
4 |
Quarter |
5 |
Year |
<init_free_period_uom_cd> |
Allowable values
Values |
Description |
1 |
Day |
2 |
Week |
3 |
Month |
4 |
Quarter |
5 |
Year |
<rollover_plan_uom_cd> |
Allowable values
Values |
Description |
1 |
Day |
2 |
Week |
3 |
Month |
4 |
Quarter |
5 |
Year |
<initial_plan_status_cd> |
Allowable values
Values |
Description |
1 |
41 |
61 |
<rollover_plan_status_cd> |
Allowable values
Values |
Description |
1 |
41 |
61 |
<default_notify_method> |
Allowable values
Values |
Description |
0 |
None |
1 |
HTML Email |
2 |
Text Email |
3 |
Text Email w/link to HTML |
4 |
Data export |
5 |
Printable (no Email) w/Surcharge |
6 |
Printable & Text Email |
7 |
Printable & HTML Email w/Surcharge |
8 |
Printable (no Email) |
9 |
PDF (Printing required, no Email) |
10 |
PDF (delivered by Email) |
11 |
PDF (Printing req & Email)w/surcharge |
12 |
PDF (Printing req, no Email)w/surcharge |
13 |
XML Master File |
14 |
PDF Master File |
<prepaid_ind> |
Allowable values
Values |
Description |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
<rate_sched_is_default_ind> |
Allowable values
Values |
Description |
0 |
Alternate rate schedule |
1 |
Default rate schedule |
<supp_plan_ind> |
Allowable values
Values |
Description |
0 |
Master plan |
1 |
Supplemental plan |
<plan_instance_status_cd> |
Allowable values
Values |
Description |
-3 |
Terminated |
-2 |
Cancelled |
-1 |
Suspended |
0 |
Inactive |
1 |
Active |
2 |
Pending Cancellation |
3 |
Pending Termination |
31 |
Pending Installation |
32 |
Pending Activation |
41 |
Trial |
61 |
Active Non-billable |
<plan_instance_status_label> |
Allowable values
Values |
Description |
Terminated |
Terminated |
Cancelled |
Cancelled |
Suspended |
Suspended |
Inactive |
Inactive |
Active |
Active |
Pending Cancellation |
Pending Cancellation |
Pending Termination |
Pending Termination |
Pending Installation |
Pending Installation |
Pending Activation |
Pending Activation |
Trial |
Trial |
Active Non-billable |
Active Non-billable |
<dunning_state> |
Allowable values
Values |
Description |
0 |
None |
1 |
In Progress |
<proration_invoice_timing_cd> |
Allowable values
Values |
Description |
I |
Indicates to generate the invoice immediately for the pro-rated charges. |
A |
Indicates to generate the invoice to the next anniversary date for the pro-rated charges. |
<is_recurring_ind> |
Allowable values
Values |
Description |
0 |
Service is not recurring-based. |
1 |
Service is recurring-based. |
<is_usage_based_ind> |
Allowable values
Values |
Description |
0 |
Service is not usage-based. |
1 |
Service is usage-based. |
<taxable_ind> |
Allowable values
Values |
Description |
0 |
Service is not taxable. |
1 |
Service is taxable. |
<is_tax_ind> |
Allowable values
Values |
Description |
0 |
Service is not a tax-based service. |
1 |
Service is a tax-based service. |
<is_arrears_ind> |
Allowable values for is_arrears_ind:
Values |
Description |
0 |
Service is not arrears-based. |
1 |
Service is arrears-based. |
<is_setup_ind> |
Allowable values for is_setup_ind:
Values |
Description |
0 |
Service is not setup-based. |
1 |
Service is setup-based. |
<is_misc_ind> |
Allowable values for is_misc_ind:
Values |
Description |
0 |
Service is not miscellaneous. |
1 |
Service is miscellaneous. |
<is_donation_ind> |
Allowable values for is_donation_ind:
Values |
Description |
0 |
Service is not donation-based. |
1 |
Service is donation-based. |
<is_order_based_ind> |
Allowable values for is_order_based_ind:
Values |
Description |
0 |
Service is not order-based. |
1 |
Service is order-based. |
<is_cancellation_ind> |
Allowable values for is_cancellation_ind:
Values |
Description |
0 |
Service is not cancellation-based. |
1 |
Service is cancellation-based. |
<display_ind> |
Allowable values for display_ind:
Values |
Description |
0 |
Service is not displayable. |
1 |
Service is displayable. |
<tiered_pricing_rule> |
Allowable values for tiered_pricing_rule:
Values |
Description |
1 |
Standard |
2 |
Volume Discount |
3 |
Flat Rate Per Tier |
<is_min_fee_ind> |
Allowable values for is_min_fee_ind:
Values |
Description |
0 |
Service is not a minimum fee. |
1 |
Service is a minimum fee. |
<future_rate> |
Allowable values for future_rate:
Values |
Description |
0 |
false, i.e., no future rate. |
1 |
True, i.e., future rates are captured. |
null, i.e., no future rate. |
<apply_usage_rates_daily> |
Allowable values for apply_usage_rates_daily:
Values |
Description |
0 |
usage shall be rated based on the entire billing period |
1 |
usage shall be rated based on one day periods individually. |
<is_recurring_ind> |
Allowable values
Values |
Description |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
<is_usage_based_ind> |
Allowable values
Values |
Description |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
<taxable_ind> |
Allowable values
Values |
Description |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
<is_tax_ind> |
Allowable values
Values |
Description |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
<is_arrears_ind> |
Allowable values
Values |
Description |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
<is_setup_ind> |
Allowable values
Values |
Description |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
<is_misc_ind> |
Allowable values
Values |
Description |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
<is_donation_ind> |
Allowable values
Values |
Description |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
<is_order_based_ind> |
Allowable values
Values |
Description |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
<is_cancellation_ind> |
Allowable values
Values |
Description |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
<display_ind> |
Allowable values
Values |
Description |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
<tiered_pricing_rule> |
Allowable values
Values |
Description |
1 |
Standard |
2 |
Volume Discount |
3 |
Flat Rate Per Tier |
<is_min_fee_ind> |
Allowable values
Values |
Description |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
<apply_usage_rates_daily> |
Allowable values
Values |
Description |
0 |
usage shall be rated based on the entire billing period |
1 |
usage shall be rated based on one day periods individually. |
<tax_inclusive_ind> |
Allowable values
Values |
Description |
0 |
The service is tax-exclusive. |
1 |
The service is tax-inclusive. |
<usage_rating_time_ind> |
Allowable Values
Values |
Description |
0 |
Refers to the setting you have on client parameter "Automatically Rate Un-rated Usage Records at Load Time" |
1 |
At Loading Time |
2 |
At Invoicing Time |
<usage_record_rating_level_ind> |
Allowable Values
Values |
Description |
0 |
Rating will be performed with aggregated usage units. |
1 |
Rating will be performed at per usage record level. |
<invoice_app_method> |
Allowable values
Values |
Description |
I |
Inline |
O |
Offset |
<months_renewal_option> |
Allowable values
Values |
Description |
NULL or 1 |
Recurring / Auto Renew.(Default) |
2 |
Single Use. |
<plan_instance_services> (array)
<plan_services> (array)
- <usage_record_taxation_level_ind>
Allowable Values
Values |
Description |
0 |
Taxation will be performed with aggregated usage charges. |
1 |
Taxation will be performed at per-usage-record level. |