Error Code/Description |
Associated Inputs |
1004: authentication error
Associated Inputs: auth_key, client_id, client_no
<auth_key>, <client_no> |
1009: account does not exist, Account not found: AriaNo (acct_no), Account not found: Userid (userid), or Account not found: ClientId (client_acct_id)
Associated Inputs: acct_no, account_no, client_acct_id, user_id, userid, parent_acct_no
<acct_no>, <client_acct_id> |
1016: invalid input, acct_no: (acct_no) is not a valid long, assignment_directive: (assignment_directive) is not a valid long, “billing_group_no: (billing_group_no) is not a valid long, threshold_billing_rule_no: (threshold_billing_rule_no) is not a valid long
Associated Inputs: alt_service_no_to_apply, assignment_directive, auto_skip_to_next_bill_date, client_billing_group_id, custom_rate_service_no/custom_rate_client_service_id, plan_instance_no, plan_instance_service_no, client_plan_instance_id, client_plan_instance_service_id, plan_instance_no, plan_instance_service_no, client_plan_instance_id, client_plan_instance_service_id, plan_instance_service_no, eligible_plan_no, eligible_service_no, email, force_master_bill_date_reset, fulfillment_only, include_master_plans, include_supp_plans, include_billing_groups, include_payment_methods, include_master_plans, include_supp_plans, include_billing_groups, include_payment_methods, invoice_no, length_months, end_date, limit, limit_records, modify_directive, contract_plan_instances_update, modify_directive, contract_plan_instances_update, offset, percent_amount, percent_eval_plan_instance_no, client_percent_eval_plan_instance_id, percent_eval_service_no, client_percent_eval_service_id, phone_ext, work_phone_ext, plan_unit_inst_status_cd, plan_units, reason_code, start_date, end_date, start_date, end_date, status_cd, acct_no, assignment_directive, billing_group_no, threshold_billing_rule_no
Additional Comments: This error can be caused by the wrong type of input, for example, text in a numbers-only field, an or specifying a value other than one of the documented allowable values.
- For the get_order_m API, this is the error code returned when the user passes an invalid order value for the <status_filter_cd> input which is other than the allowed values (0/null, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5).
- For the bulk_cancel_order_m API, invalid input can occur with the <order_status_directive> argument. Allowed values are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4/null, 5 and 6.
- For the get_acct_coupon_details_m API, invalid input can occur with the <include_all_active> input parameter (values are 0, 1 or NULL).
Alternate Message Output
1016: username cannot be longer than 30 characters
1016: first_name cannot be longer than 30 characters
1016: last_name cannot be longer than 30 characters
Associated APIs: create_user_m, update_user_m
Associated Inputs: username, first_name, last_name
<client_billing_group_id>, <client_plan_instance_id>, <plan_instance_no>, <limit>, <offset>, <acct_no>, <billing_group_no>
1033: a parameter that represents a true or false value contains invalid input
Associated Inputs: alt_collect_on_approve, alt_send_statement_on_approve, cancel_orders_on_discard, cascade_action, do_auto_discard, do_collect, change_status_after_coll, reset_dates_after_status, disable_existing_on_update, do_write, exclude_terminated_plan_inst, include_all_rate_schedules, include_plan_hierarchy, retrieve_bundled_nso, retrieve_included_nso, include_translations, include_inactive_items, include_invoice_activity_eligibility, include_rs_summary, include_translations, include_service_supp_fields/include_product_fields/, include_plan_instance_fields/include_plan_services/, include_surcharges, include_void_transactions, include_voided, invoice_unbilled_usage, is_unlinked_refund, record_cc_on_auth_failure, retrieve_excluded_usage, send_email, usage_pooling, do_write
<include_service_supp_fields>, <include_product_fields>, <include_plan_instance_fields>, <include_plan_services>, <include_surcharges> |
1066: Locale name does not exist in the system.
Associated Inputs: locale_name
<locale_name> |
1067: Locale no does not exist in the system.
Associated Inputs: locale_no, master_plan_instance_no
<locale_no>, <master_plan_instance_no> |
5023: number of supp field values does not meet required minimum number of values
Associated Inputs: supp_field_value
Additional Comments: The number of values given for a given field must meet the min values criteria set at configuration.
<supp_field_value> |
5067: limit must be between 1 and 999.
Associated Input: limit, record_limit, contract_limit
<limit> |
5068: offset must be greater than or equal to zero.
Associated Input: offset, contract_offset
<offset> |
6005: invalid supplemental field
Associated Inputs: supp_field_name
Additional Comments: Unknown field name.
<supp_field_name> |
14004: Invalid_plan_no
Associated Inputs: new_plan_no, rollover_plan_no
<rollover_plan_no> |
14035: Invalid client Plan id
Associated Inputs: client_plan_id, custom_rate_client_plan_instance_id
<client_plan_id> |
14036: Invalid client service id
Associated Inputs: client_service_id, client_plan_instance_service_id, client_percent_eval_service_id, custom_rate_client_service_id
<client_service_id> |
14053: Invalid Master Plan Instance number
Associated Inputs: master_plan_instance_no
<master_plan_instance_no> |
14054: Invalid client Master Plan Instance identifier
Associated Inputs: client_master_plan_instance_id
<client_master_plan_instance_id> |
14107: Invalid Service Number.
Associated Input: custom_rate_service_no
<custom_rate_service_no> |
14130: Ensure include_plan_services or include_surcharges is marked as true when setting include_rate_schedule as true. Requesting rate schedules while excluding services and surcharges creates a conflict where no rate schedules will be displayed.
Associated Inputs: include_rate_schedule, include_plan_services, include_surcharges
<include_rate_schedule>, <include_plan_services>, <include_surcharges> |
14131: More than 10 inputs have been found in an array that is limited to 10 inputs. Please reduce the number of inputs.
Associated Inputs: product_catalog_plan_filter[], service_no_filter[], master_plan_instance_filter[], supplemental_field_filter[]
<product_catalog_plan_filter[]>, <service_no_filter[]>, <master_plan_instance_filter[]>, <supplemental_field_filter[]> |
14222: Include Plan service in order to retrieve Plan service supplemental fields.
Associated Inputs: include_plan_services, include_service_supp_fields
Additional Comments: If the include_service_supp_fields is true and include_plan_services is false then this error occurs.
<include_plan_services>, <include_service_supp_fields> |