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Aria Knowledge Central

get_acct_plans_all_m Guide

Returns the plan, service, and rate schedule data for all master and supplemental plans assigned to a specified account.

API Specification:


Required Fields:
  • <client_no>
  • <auth_key>
  • <acct_no>

Additional Guidance

Input Fields
Field Name Notes
Allowable values
Values Description
true true
false false
Allowable values
Values Description
true true
false false
Allowable values
Values Description
true true
false false
Allowable values
Values Description
true true
false false
Allowable values
Values Description
true true
false false
Allowable values
Values Description
true true
false false
Allowable values
Values Description
true true
false false
Allowable values
Values Description
true true
false false

Output Fields

Field Name Notes
Allowable values
Values Description
0 0
1 1
Allowable values
Values Description
0 Not displayable
1 displayable
Allowable values
Values Description
1 Active
2 Pending Cancellation
3 Pending Termination
31 Pending Installation
32 Pending Activation
41 Trial
61 Active Non-billable
0 Inactive
-1 Suspended
-2 Cancelled
-3 Terminated
Allowable values
Values Description
-3 Terminated
-2 Cancelled
-1 Suspended
0 Inactive
1 Active
2 Pending Cancellation
3 Pending Termination
31 Pending Installation
32 Pending Activation
41 Trial
61 Active Non-billable
Allowable values
Values Description
1 Day
2 Week
3 Month
4 Quarter
5 Year
Allowable values
Values Description
1 Day
2 Week
3 Month
4 Quarter
5 Year
Allowable values
Values Description
1 Day
2 Week
3 Month
4 Quarter
5 Year
Allowable values
Values Description
Allowable values
Values Description
Allowable values
Values Description
0 None
1 HTML Email
2 Text Email
3 Text Email w/link to HTML
4 Data export
5 Printable (no Email) w/Surcharge
6 Printable & Text Email
7 Printable & HTML Email w/Surcharge
8 Printable (no Email)
9 PDF (Printing required, no Email)
10 PDF (delivered by Email)
11 PDF (Printing req & Email)w/surcharge
12 PDF (Printing req, no Email)w/surcharge
13 XML Master File
14 PDF Master File
Allowable values
Values Description
0 0
1 1
Allowable values
Values Description
0 Alternate rate schedule
1 Default rate schedule
Allowable values
Values Description
0 Master plan
1 Supplemental plan
Allowable values
Values Description
-3 Terminated
-2 Cancelled
-1 Suspended
0 Inactive
1 Active
2 Pending Cancellation
3 Pending Termination
31 Pending Installation
32 Pending Activation
41 Trial
61 Active Non-billable
Allowable values
Values Description
Terminated Terminated
Cancelled Cancelled
Suspended Suspended
Inactive Inactive
Active Active
Pending Cancellation Pending Cancellation
Pending Termination Pending Termination
Pending Installation Pending Installation
Pending Activation Pending Activation
Trial Trial
Active Non-billable Active Non-billable
Allowable values
Values Description
0 None
1 In Progress
Allowable values
Values Description
I Indicates to generate the invoice immediately for the pro-rated charges.
A Indicates to generate the invoice to the next anniversary date for the pro-rated charges.
Allowable values
Values Description
0 Service is not recurring-based.
1 Service is recurring-based.
Allowable values
Values Description
0 Service is not usage-based.
1 Service is usage-based.
Allowable values
Values Description
0 Service is not taxable.
1 Service is taxable.
Allowable values
Values Description
0 Service is not a tax-based service.
1 Service is a tax-based service.
Allowable values for is_arrears_ind:
Values Description
0 Service is not arrears-based.
1 Service is arrears-based.
Allowable values for is_setup_ind:
Values Description
0 Service is not setup-based.
1 Service is setup-based.
Allowable values for is_misc_ind:
Values Description
0 Service is not miscellaneous.
1 Service is miscellaneous.
Allowable values for is_donation_ind:
Values Description
0 Service is not donation-based.
1 Service is donation-based.
Allowable values for is_order_based_ind:
Values Description
0 Service is not order-based.
1 Service is order-based.
Allowable values for is_cancellation_ind:
Values Description
0 Service is not cancellation-based.
1 Service is cancellation-based.
Allowable values for display_ind:
Values Description
0 Service is not displayable.
1 Service is displayable.
Allowable values for tiered_pricing_rule:
Values Description
1 Standard
2 Volume Discount
3 Flat Rate Per Tier
Allowable values for is_min_fee_ind:
Values Description
0 Service is not a minimum fee.
1 Service is a minimum fee.
Allowable values for future_rate:
Values Description
0 false, i.e., no future rate.
1 True, i.e., future rates are captured.
  null, i.e., no future rate.
Allowable values for apply_usage_rates_daily:
Values Description
0 usage shall be rated based on the entire billing period
1 usage shall be rated based on one day periods individually.
Allowable values
Values Description
0 0
1 1
Allowable values
Values Description
0 0
1 1
Allowable values
Values Description
0 0
1 1
Allowable values
Values Description
0 0
1 1
Allowable values
Values Description
0 0
1 1
Allowable values
Values Description
0 0
1 1
Allowable values
Values Description
0 0
1 1
Allowable values
Values Description
0 0
1 1
Allowable values
Values Description
0 0
1 1
Allowable values
Values Description
0 0
1 1
Allowable values
Values Description
0 0
1 1
Allowable values
Values Description
1 Standard
2 Volume Discount
3 Flat Rate Per Tier
Allowable values
Values Description
0 0
1 1
Allowable values
Values Description
0 usage shall be rated based on the entire billing period
1 usage shall be rated based on one day periods individually.
Allowable values
Values Description
0 The service is tax-exclusive.
1 The service is tax-inclusive.
Allowable Values
Values Description
0 Refers to the setting you have on client parameter "Automatically Rate Un-rated Usage Records at Load Time"
1 At Loading Time
2 At Invoicing Time
Allowable Values
Values Description
0 Rating will be performed with aggregated usage units.
1 Rating will be performed at per usage record level.
Allowable values
Values Description
I Inline
O Offset
Allowable values
Values Description
NULL or 1 Recurring / Auto Renew.(Default)
2 Single Use.

<plan_instance_services> (array)

<plan_services> (array)

  • <usage_record_taxation_level_ind>
Allowable Values
Values Description
0 Taxation will be performed with aggregated usage charges.
1 Taxation will be performed at per-usage-record level.

Error Codes

Error Code/Description Associated Inputs

1001: unexpected error


1004: authentication error

Associated Inputs: auth_key, client_id, client_no

<auth_key>, <client_no>

1009: account does not exist, Account not found: AriaNo (acct_no), Account not found: Userid (userid), or Account not found: ClientId (client_acct_id)

Associated Inputs: acct_no, account_no, client_acct_id, user_id, userid, parent_acct_no

<acct_no>, <client_acct_id>

1016: invalid input, acct_no: (acct_no) is not a valid long, assignment_directive: (assignment_directive) is not a valid long, “billing_group_no: (billing_group_no) is not a valid long, threshold_billing_rule_no: (threshold_billing_rule_no) is not a valid long

Associated Inputs: alt_service_no_to_apply, assignment_directive, auto_skip_to_next_bill_date, client_billing_group_id, custom_rate_service_no/custom_rate_client_service_id, plan_instance_no, plan_instance_service_no, client_plan_instance_id, client_plan_instance_service_id, plan_instance_no, plan_instance_service_no, client_plan_instance_id, client_plan_instance_service_id, plan_instance_service_no, eligible_plan_no, eligible_service_no, email, force_master_bill_date_reset, fulfillment_only, include_master_plans, include_supp_plans, include_billing_groups, include_payment_methods, include_master_plans, include_supp_plans, include_billing_groups, include_payment_methods, invoice_no, length_months, end_date, limit, limit_records, modify_directive, contract_plan_instances_update, modify_directive, contract_plan_instances_update, offset, percent_amount, percent_eval_plan_instance_no, client_percent_eval_plan_instance_id, percent_eval_service_no, client_percent_eval_service_id, phone_ext, work_phone_ext, plan_unit_inst_status_cd, plan_units, reason_code, start_date, end_date, start_date, end_date, status_cd, acct_no, assignment_directive, billing_group_no, threshold_billing_rule_no

Additional Comments:  This error can be caused by the wrong type of input, for example, text in a numbers-only field, an  or specifying a value other than one of the documented allowable values.

  • For the get_order_m API, this is the error code returned when the user passes an invalid order value for the <status_filter_cd> input which is other than the allowed values (0/null, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5).
  • For the bulk_cancel_order_m API, invalid input can occur with the <order_status_directive> argument. Allowed values are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4/null, 5 and 6.
  • For the get_acct_coupon_details_m API, invalid input can occur with the <include_all_active> input parameter (values are 0, 1 or NULL).

Alternate Message Output

1016: username cannot be longer than 30 characters
1016: first_name cannot be longer than 30 characters
1016: last_name cannot be longer than 30 characters

Associated APIs: create_user_m, update_user_m

Associated Inputs: username, first_name, last_name

<client_billing_group_id>, <client_plan_instance_id>, <plan_instance_no>, <limit>, <offset>, <acct_no>, <billing_group_no>

1033:  a parameter that represents a true or false value contains invalid input

Associated Inputs: alt_collect_on_approve, alt_send_statement_on_approve, cancel_orders_on_discard, cascade_action, do_auto_discard, do_collect, change_status_after_coll, reset_dates_after_status, disable_existing_on_update, do_write, exclude_terminated_plan_inst, include_all_rate_schedules, include_plan_hierarchy, retrieve_bundled_nso, retrieve_included_nso, include_translations, include_inactive_items, include_invoice_activity_eligibility, include_rs_summary, include_translations, include_service_supp_fields/include_product_fields/, include_plan_instance_fields/include_plan_services/, include_surcharges, include_void_transactions, include_voided, invoice_unbilled_usage, is_unlinked_refund, record_cc_on_auth_failure, retrieve_excluded_usage, send_email, usage_pooling, do_write

<include_service_supp_fields>, <include_product_fields>, <include_plan_instance_fields>, <include_plan_services>, <include_surcharges>

1066: Locale name does not exist in the system.

Associated Inputs: locale_name



1067: Locale no does not exist in the system.

Associated Inputs: locale_no, master_plan_instance_no


<locale_no>, <master_plan_instance_no>

5023: number of supp field values does not meet required minimum number of values

Associated Inputs: supp_field_value

Additional Comments: The number of values given for a given field must meet the min values criteria set at configuration.



5067: limit must be between 1 and 999.

Associated Input: limit, record_limit, contract_limit


5068: offset must be greater than or equal to zero.

Associated Input: offset, contract_offset


6005: invalid supplemental field

Associated Inputs: supp_field_name

Additional Comments: Unknown field name.


14004: Invalid_plan_no

Associated Inputs: new_plan_no, rollover_plan_no


14035: Invalid client Plan id

Associated Inputs: client_plan_id, custom_rate_client_plan_instance_id


14036: Invalid client service id

Associated Inputs: client_service_id, client_plan_instance_service_id, client_percent_eval_service_id, custom_rate_client_service_id


14053: Invalid Master Plan Instance number

Associated Inputs: master_plan_instance_no


14054: Invalid client Master Plan Instance identifier

Associated Inputs: client_master_plan_instance_id


14107: Invalid Service Number.

Associated Input: custom_rate_service_no


14130: Ensure include_plan_services or include_surcharges is marked as true when setting include_rate_schedule as true. Requesting rate schedules while excluding services and surcharges creates a conflict where no rate schedules will be displayed.

Associated Inputs: include_rate_schedule, include_plan_services, include_surcharges

<include_rate_schedule>, <include_plan_services>, <include_surcharges>

14131: More than 10 inputs have been found in an array that is limited to 10 inputs. Please reduce the number of inputs.

Associated Inputs: product_catalog_plan_filter[], service_no_filter[], master_plan_instance_filter[], supplemental_field_filter[]

<product_catalog_plan_filter[]>, <service_no_filter[]>, <master_plan_instance_filter[]>, <supplemental_field_filter[]>

14222: Include Plan service in order to retrieve Plan service supplemental fields.

Associated Inputs: include_plan_services, include_service_supp_fields

Additional Comments: If the include_service_supp_fields is true and include_plan_services is  false then this error occurs.

<include_plan_services>, <include_service_supp_fields>
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