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Aria Knowledge Central

get_invoice_details_m Guide

Returns the line items of a specified invoice.

API Specification: get_invoice_details_m
Required Fields:
  • <client_no>
  • <auth_key>
  • <acct_no> or <client_acct_id>
  • <invoice_no>

Error Codes:

Error Code/Description Associated Inputs

1001: unexpected error


1004: authentication error

<auth_key>, <client_no>

1008: no line items provided

Additional Comments: There are no payments on the invoice.


1009: account does not exist, Account not found: AriaNo (acct_no), Account not found: Userid (userid), or Account not found: ClientId (client_acct_id)

<acct_no>, <client_acct_id>

1066: Locale name does not exist in the system.


1067: Locale no does not exist in the system.

<locale_name>, <master_plan_instance_no>

2001: transaction does not exist


3109: Invalid Client SKU.

<client_item_id>, <inventory_items>

14046: If you passed in an invalid plan_instance_no, this message will appear: "Invalid Plan instance number". If you passed in an invalid master_plan_instance_id, this message will appear: "Invalid master_plan_instance_id".

Additional Comments: The plan_instance_no or master_plan_instance_id must belong to the account, or it is invalid. The percent_eval_plan_instance_no must belong to the account and also to the MPI given in input.

<plan_instance_no>, <master_plan_instance_id>, <client_plan_instance_id>

14047: If you passed in an invalid client_plan_instance_id, this message will appear: "Invalid client Plan instance identifier". If you passed in an invalid client_master_plan_instance_id , this message will appear: "Invalid client_master_plan_instance_id".

<client_plan_instance_id>, <client_master_plan_instance_id>

26003: The API execution is not supported because your client parameter Account_EOM_Enabled is set to False. Please contact Aria customer support with questions about the Account_EOM_Enabled client parameter.


Additional Guidance:

  • The previously existing input and/or output fields <client_item_id>, <client_item_id_out> and/or <filter_client_item_id> were removed from this API call in Release 47.
Input Fields 
Field Name Notes

<tax_details> (array)





Assuming that the client setting Aria Internal Tax Rounding Method is set to "Per invoice."
Output Fields 
Field Name Notes
Allowable values
Values Description
1 Recurring charge
2 Tax charge
3 Service credit
4 Coupon Credit
5 Activation Charge
6 Usage Charge
7 Recurring arrears charge
8 Order charge
9 Surcharge
Allowable values
Values Description
C Combined Invoice
F Anniversary Period Invoice
H Hybrid Invoice
O Order based Invoice
P Non-anniversary Subscription Invoice
R Rebill Invoice


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