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Aria Knowledge Central

Release 62

Note: This is a draft version of the release notes for Aria Billing Cloud—Version 62, which is currently available in Stage Future.


Enhancements and fixes to Aria functionality for this release are described below.

Release Date

Stage Future Release Date


System Requirements

Supported Browsers

Aria supports the latest stable versions of the following Web browsers: 

  • Chrome 63
  • Firefox 52
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Safari 11 on MacOS 

Screen Resolution

1024 x 768 or higher

Release 62 Contents

Application Features 

Enhance 'Statement Sequence For Credit Notes' Parameter To Generate Appropriate Statement Sequencing (DEV-11191)

When the Use Statement Sequence for Credit Notes parameter is set to TRUE within the Aria Billing application, future generated Credit Notes will have the same sequence numbers as Statements. The sequence number is generated when creating credits, voiding invoices, and refund actions. Setting this parameter to TRUE will also result in the Credit Note statement sequence honoring the following client parameters:

  • Statement Sequence Source

  • Starting Sequence Number

  • Statement ID Display Format

  • Secondary Statement ID Display Format

  • Statement ID Padded Length

Aria Billing UI Support For Modifying Contracts When More Than Fifty MPI's Are On A Contract (DEV-11392)

Within the Aria Billing Cloud application, Master Plan Instances (MPIs) are displayed fifty MPIs per page. During contract creation or modification, the Save action now handles and processes the complete list of MPIs including MPIs that are not displayed on the current page. This means that when there are more than 50 MPIs associated with an account, you can select or modify MPIs from multiple pages and all selections will all be processed. This enhances previous functionality that only allowed you to create or modify MPIs displayed on the current page.

Installment for NSO: Account-Level Customization & Mid-period Modifications (DEV-11674)

This phase of NSO Installment Terms introduces the ability to customize installment plans at the account level during the NSO purchase process; to execute mid-period installment plan changes; and accommodates Master Plan Instance cancellations and replacements. You can leverage these new features via the API calls featured in the API Features section below.

Customization at the Account Level During the NSO Purchase (account override)

You can now override all attributes set within the product catalog and specify both the installment amount (tax inclusive) and last installment amount threshold (the allowable additional amount, specified as a percentage of the installment amount, for the last installment payment amount).

Example: If the installment amount is $50 and the remaining amount owed is $80:

  • 0% last installment amount threshold (amount can be $0 greater than the installment amount)—The remainder is split into $50 and $30 (last installment).
  • 90% last installment amount threshold (amount can be $45 greater than the installment amount)—The last installment threshold is $95. In this case, the last installment amount will be $80.

If "last installment amount threshold" is set to NULL, it defaults to 0%. Valid values are 0 to 99.

Mid-period Modifications and Ability to Preview Changes

Customers can now request changes in installment amounts, extensions of installment periods, or other modifications to their installment schedule in the middle of their billing period. 

If the update results in a different number of installments (e.g. changing the installment amount or installment period), Aria will:

  1. discontinue the original installment schedule, and
  2. create a new installment schedule with a new installment schedule number. Customers will begin to receive reminders of unpaid balances according to the new schedule, even when reminders on the original schedule have previously been sent. 

Otherwise, Aria retains the original installment schedule number and updates only installments that have not been communicated. See API guidelines for more information.

Aligned Installments When Associated MPI Is Cancelled or Replaced

When a customer cancels or replaces the MPI to which an NSO is associated, Aria now offers two behavior options:

  1. Associate installment schedule with another MPI—You can specify a different associated MPI for the installment schedule.
    Note: For aligned installments, when changes are done on anniversary, the installment changes will be done on the anniversary as well. 
  2. Cancel the installment schedule—You can cancel the installment schedule.
    Note: When you cancel a plan and installment on the customer's billing anniversary via update_acct_plan_multi_m, the installment cancellation effective date will be a day after anniversary (auto collect on installment remainder balance will be on that installment cancellation effective date). Alternatively, you can queue an installment cancellation separately by calling cancel_acct_installment_m.

Expansion of Quick Search Parameters (DEV-11694)

Quick Search within Aria’s CCP application has had the following new search criteria added:

  • Test Account
  • Account Status
  • Subscription (formerly titled ‘Account Service Plan’) as pictured below
  • Custom Fields (formerly titled ‘Client Defined Account Fields’)

You now also have the ability to search by select fields without using a search operator. Additionally, the Quick Search result popover has been enhanced to show more comprehensive explanations of why results match the entered query.


File Uniqueness Added For Aria Reports (DEV-11697)

The <schedule_id> is now appended to an Aria report file name to ensure uniqueness of each report. This removes the possibility of overwriting during a run of multiple reports of the same type and file name completed at the same time.

The following is a sample file name before the <schedule_id> is appended:

  • mb_inv_item_ch**d_dtl-20240723-133236.csv

The following is a sample file name after the <schedule_id> is appended:

  • mb_inv_item_ch**d_dtl-22318-20240723-133236123.csv

In the above example, if no report prefix is configured, then substitute <rpt_id> for mb_inv_item_ch**d_dtl.

Additional Features For Braintree Smart Payments Integration (DEV-11740)

Aria now provides the following enhancements to its Smart Payments integration with the Braintree payment gateway:

Fraud Feature Support

With this release, Aria provides fraud feature support on the Payment Gateway and Collection Account Group levels (Configuration > Payments > Payment Gateways/Collection Groups) for pay methods 1 (Credit Card) and 13 (Tokenized Credit Card) for Visa and Mastercard.

As part of this enhancement, the following fields have been added to the Processing Options tab:

  • Send Fraud Request—This field determines us to pass the fraud fields to Braintree as part of the “auth_fraud_score“ action via the validate_acct_fraud_scoring_m API (select Enabled from the drop-down list; more on API functionality is included on this page).
  • Fraud Scoring Threshold Value—If the attempted transaction’s risk score value is “Greater Than Or Equal” to the configured threshold value and the fraud result is not Approve, then Aria treats the transaction as failure.
  • Change Status on Fraud Failure—If this field is set to True and the transaction fails, then Aria will change the MPI status based on the New Status on Fraud Failure field.

Aria also have introduces the Advanced Options tab to support the fraud feature, including the following fields:

  • end_user_session_id , fraud_merchant_id and correlation_id—These fields are used to determine device data for fraud scoring.
  • end_user_ip_address and end_user browser_agent—These fields are used to determine risk data for fraud scoring.
    • The customer ip address needs to be passed in the end_user_ip_address; we also allow account level override to be passed.
    • The customer browser needs to be passed in the end_user_browser_agent; we also allow account level override to be passed.

For determining device data, Braintree recommends client-side implementation to get the session id values and later pass those values in the API/UI to Aria to use the values at the time of fraud request.

Note: The mandate_text field at the Advanced Options tab must be configured in order to create a token for payment. For more information, please consult the API article on Braintree Smart Payments also appearing on this page.

Soft Descriptor Tooltip

The soft_descriptor tooltip at the Advanced Options tab has been modified to note that this field must be 30 characters or shorter for credit cards and 15 characters for ACH. It can only contain letters, numbers, spaces, and the special characters .* ,!'"()@/&#+$-

Environment Field for Collections

The environment field at the Merchant Account Details tab has been added for the Payment Gateway and Collection Account Group levels. This value needs to be set to "sandbox" or "production" to perform a collection (recommended by Braintree).

Level 2/Level 3 Support

For payment actions for pay methods 1 and 13, Level 2 and Level 3 support has been implemented for Braintree; supported card types are VISA (cc_id = 1) and Mastercard (cc_id = 2). A maximum of 249 invoice line items are supported.

Transaction Logging

Aria has added transaction logging for the following supported actions (for pay methods 1 and 13):

  • Create token
  • Query token
  • Payment authorization
  • Payment capture
  • Reversal
  • Refund
  • Authorize 3DS

Webhook Notifications

A webhook notification URL can now be configured on the Braintree dashboard, allowing Aria to receive real-time updates on transaction status changes. This applies to the following transaction statuses:

  • transaction_settlement_declined: Notification indicating that a transaction's settlement has been declined.
  • transaction_settled: Notification indicating that a transaction has been successfully settled.
  • transaction_reviewed: Notification indicating that a transaction has been reviewed by the payment processor.

Error Handling

Aria's Braintree Smart Payments integration now has enhanced error handling capabilities. By supporting more complex and structured error messages, you can gain better insights into validation issues.

Updates to the Subscription Details Page in CCP (DEV-11754)

The Subscription Details page within CCP has been updated to include the following new and improved functions:

  • Filtering has been enabled for Collection Group and Billing Group records.
  • New Recent Payments and Recent Transactions columns have been added.
  • New Balance Due, Days Past Due, and Usage Pooling data is displayed within the page.
  • A Subscription Information drawer opens when the subscription Status is clicked.
  • An Invoice Details drawer opens when a subscription's Recent Invoices are clicked.
  • A Payment Method drawer opens when the Create New button (near the primary payment method) is clicked.
  • Handling of multiple Coupons and multiple Surcharges is now possible.

Buckaroo Now Included in Aria Smart Payments (DEV-11757)

With this release, Aria introduces the Buckaroo payment gateway as part of its Smart Payments integration. This covers the following functionality:

  • UI Enhancements (Configuration > Payments > Payment Gateways/Collection Groups)
    • Merchant Account Detail tab
    • Advanced Options tab
    • Accepted Payment Method tab
  • Soft Descriptor support
  • Mandate ID Transmission

UI Enhancements

The following fields are included at the Merchant Account Details tab:

Field Description
API URL This is the Buckaroo endpoint URL used to make API calls. It is required at either the Payment Gateway or Collection Group level. The Collection Group value supersedes the Payment Gateway level value.
Website Key This is the key provided by Buckaroo to identify a transaction with a specific merchant website. This key is also used for calculating HMAC SHA256 signature data.
Secret Key This is the merchant secret key that is provided by the Buckaroo and it is used for generating the HMAC SHA256 hash as part of API authentication.

The following field is included at the Advanced Options tab:

Field Description
soft_descriptor This is a transaction description shown on the buyer's credit card statement that displays a Merchant Name or Item Description. For additional charge identification, the invoice ID or sequential statement ID can be included by using the following tags: <Invoice_ID> or <Sequential_Statement_ID>. Please refer to our documentation for more information on data tag use and Buckaroo's documentation for "Description".

For this release, Aria supports the following SEPA payments through Braintree Smart Payments:

  • Direct Debit (pay method 26)
  • Tokenized Direct Debit (pay method 37)

Soft Descriptor Support

For Tokenized Direct Debit SEPA (pay method 37 with IBAN for online/real-time payments), Aria now stores the soft descriptor value (configured either via API or UI). This will be used for sending at the time of batch payments.

For example: ANWB-10001-19 (format for soft Descriptor: ANWB-<Invoice_ID>-<Sequential_Statement_ID>)

Mandate ID Transmission

Aria also supports sending mandate details (mandate_id, mandate_signature_date) as part of a SEPA Direct Debit payment request (for a Buckaroo and external Mandate ID). If the mandate details are provided via APIs, we will honor the values and send the same to Buckaroo. If they are not provided, Aria will make use of mandate details generated by Buckaroo. This applies to both SEPA and Tokenized SEPA pay methods.

Processing Mandate Details (Aria/Buckaroo)

mandate_id mandate_signature_date sequence
Yes Yes Aria will store both the values send the same to Buckaroo—Existing behavior.
Yes No Aria will honor the mandate_id provided in the API and send it to Buckaroo and update only mandate_signature_date returned by Buckaroo (i.e current date) notification.
No Yes Aria will ignore the mandate_signature_date provided in the API request and use the mandate fields returned by Buckaroo notification.
No No At the time of payment success in notification, Aria will update these two fields in the billing_info record sent by Buckaroo.

Credit Memo Statement Sequence from Functional Account Group (DEV-11769)

This feature introduces the ability to facilitate distinct credit memo sequences via functional account groups, further enhancing your ability to comply with legal reporting requirements for different localities and allowing you to manage both invoice and credit memo sequences consistently across different account groups. You can specify two new credit memo sequence sources, "FG level" and "By Statement Sequence Source" via the client parameter "Credit Memo Sequence Source." 

Aria's Functional Group Configuration UI accommodates this feature with updated field names and new fields for credit memo sequence ID generation; once configured, you can add an account to a functional account group.

Webhook Notification Support Added for Buckaroo Smart Payments (DEV-11797)

As part of Buckaroo's Smart Payments integration, Aria introduces webhook notification support for Single Euro Payment Area (SEPA) payments (pay methods 26 for SEPA Direct Debit and 37 for SEPA Tokenized Direct Debit). This has been added for successful, failed, and reversed payments.

Note: As a reminder, webhooks are an automated means for applications to communicate with each other by sending data in real time; they are triggered by specific activity, such as invoicing of plan/account charges or data transmission initiated by system events within Aria client applications.

► Webhook Processing By Pay Method
Payment Method Webhook Event Behavior
Direct Debit SEPA Payment (pay method=26) C004 For Success, Aria will update the proc_status_code as 1000, proc_status_text as message sent from Buckaroo and collection status as 3. Aria will also update the mandate_id and mandate_auth_date values. For Failure, Aria will update the proc_status_code as 2000, proc_status_text as message sent from Buckaroo and collection status as 5. Aria will also void the transaction.
Tokenized Direct Debit SEPA Payment (pay method=37) C005 Same as above
Direct Debit and Tokenized Direct Debit SEPA Reversal (pay methods 26 and 37) C501 Aria will update the proc_status_code as 2000, proc_status_text as message sent from Buckaroo and collection status as 5. Aria will also void the transaction.

Application Fixes 


API Features 

Installment for NSO: Account-Level Customization & Mid-period Modifications (DEV-11674)

This phase of NSO Installment Terms introduces the ability to customize installment plans at the account level during the NSO purchase process; to execute mid-period installment plan changes; and accommodates Master Plan Instance cancellations and replacements. You can leverage these new features via modified API calls create_order_m, update_acct_plan_multi_m, and create_order_with_plan_m; and the new API call, update_acct_installment_m.

Updates to create_order_m and create_order_with_plan_m API Calls

New Input Field Type Max Length Description

<order_line_items> (array)

  • <installment_amount>

Specifies the individual installment amount, inclusive of tax. For example, if a purchase is taxed at 15%, a $20 installment amount will be split into $17.39 (charge) and $2.61 (tax). The total tax-inclusive purchase amount will be divided by this amount to calculate the length of installment.

Note: If this field is provided, the <installment_term_length> field will be ignored.

<order_line_items> (array)

  • <aligned_installment>
string 1

Specifies installment type for the account, whether installment should be aligned with master plan instance or independent.

Allowable Values

Value Description
Y Yes (Aligned)
N No (Independent)

<order_line_items> (array)

  • <installment_term_type>
string 1

Specifies the installment term type for the assigned installment, applicable only for independent.

Allowable Values

Value Description
M Months
W Weeks
D Days
~ Null

<order_line_items> (array)

  • <installment_term_length>
double   Specifies the installment term length for the assigned installment. For <installment_type> = 2, the input will be used jointly with the interval type. For <installment_type> = 1, this will be the number of statements that the installment amount will be part of.

<order_line_items> (array)

  • <installment_interval>
long   Specifies the installment interval for the assigned installment, applicable only for independent installment. It works jointly with terms type. If defined, must be less than terms length.

<order_line_items> (array)

  • <days_until_due>
long   Specifies the number of days until due for the independent installment. Applicable only when <installment_type> = 2 or installment term defined on product catalog is <aligned_installment> = N. Determines how many days after customer is notified on the installment that it's due. If 5 is passed, then 5 days after customers are notified, the installment will be due.

<order_line_items> (array)

  • <installment_lump_sum_type>

Specifies the installment lump sum type for the assigned installment. Allowable values are: P - for proportionately split charge/tax; T - for purchase tax only.

Allowable Values

Value Description
P Proportionately split charge/tax
T Purchase tax only
~ Null

<order_line_items> (array)

  • <installment_lump_sum_amount>
Specifies the lump sum amount, mandatory when lump sump type is proportionately split (<lump_sum_type> = P).

<order_line_items> (array)

  • <installment_aligned_lump_sum>
long   Applicable only for aligned installment. Determines when to notify customers of the lump sum. Allowable values are: 0 - Aligned with when an invoice is created; 1 - Aligned with the 1st installment

<order_line_items> (array)

  • <installment_lump_sum_days>
long   Specifies the lump sum days. Applicable only for independent installment (<update_installment_type> = 2 or installment term defined on product catalog is <aligned_installment> = N). Determines how many days after a purchase or invoice date that a lump sum is charged and be notified to customers.

<order_line_items> (array)

  • <installment_lump_sum_days_until_due>
long   Specifies the lump sum days until due, applicable for both types of installment. Determines how many days after customers are notified that a lump sum is due.

<order_line_items> (array)

  • <last_installment_amount_threshold>
long   Specifies the percentage used to calculate the allowable additional amount for the last installment's threshold. For example: If the installment amount is $50 and the remainder is $80, with 0%, the remainder is split into $50 and $30 (last installment). With 90%, the allowable additional amount is $45, making the last installment threshold $95. In this case, the last installment amount will be $80. If set to NULL, it defaults to 0%. Valid values are 0 to 99.

Updates to update_acct_plan_multi_m API Call

New Input Field Type Max Length Description
<installment_updates> array   Array of installment updates

<installment_updates> (array)

  • <installment_no>
long   Aria assigned installment schedule no

<installment_updates> (array)

  • <installment_directive>

Installment directive governs what needs to be done with an installment when a master plan instance is cancelled or replaced. If NULL, no update will be done to installment.

Allowable Values

Value Description
1 Cancelled and due immediately
2 Map installment to a different master plan instance

<installment_updates> (array)

  • <installment_master_plan_instance_no>


22 The unique identifier of the existing master plan instance that will be associated with the installment. Applicable only when <installment_directive> = 2 (map installment to a different master plan instance).

<installment_updates> (array)

  • <installment_client_master_plan_instance_id>
string 100 The client-defined identifier of the existing master plan instance that will be associated with installment. Applicable only when <installment_directive> = 2 (map installment to a different master plan instance).

<installment_updates> (array)

  • <installment_master_plan_instance_idx>
long   A non-persistent reference of a master plan instance associated with installment within the API request.

New API Call update_acct_installment_m

This API call updates the installment attributes for a specified account. Fields not included in the update will retain their existing values. If the update changes the number of installments or installment amounts, Aria creates a new installment schedule. Otherwise, Aria retains the original installment schedule number, and only updates installments not yet communicated to the account.

Required Fields for update_acct_installment_m

  • <client_no>
  • <auth_key>
  • <acct_no> or <client_acct_id>
  • <installment_no>

View the update_acct_installment_m Guide for required fields, allowable values for fields with pick lists, and associated error codes. View the full specification on SwaggerHub.

Other API Changes

Aria has introduced a change of behavior for the <notify_id> output field in the <installment_schedule_details> array in get_acct_installment_m and get_invoice_details_m: now it is only be for independent installments. Aria has introduced the output field <statement_no> in that same array for aligned installments. 

Additional Features For Braintree Smart Payments Integration (API)(DEV-11740)

Aria adds the following enhancements to Braintree's Smart Payments integration with this release:

Fraud Feature Support

As part of fraud feature support for Aria's Smart Payments integration with Braintree, you can use the following existing shipping address inputs of the validate_acct_fraud_scoring_m API to pass fraud data:

  • <ship_first_name>
  • <ship_last_name>
  • <ship_address1>
  • <ship_address2>
  • <ship_city>
  • <ship_state_prov>
  • <ship_country>
  • <ship_zip>
  • <ship_phone>

To pass the Risk data, the existing <end_user_ip_address> and <end_user_browsing_agent> inputs will be used.

To pass the Device data, the existing <end_user_session_id> (a direct field in the API) will be used along with fraud_merchant_id and correlation_id in the <fraud_field_name> field in the <fraud_field> array (correlation_id is a new permitted value for the <fraud_field_name> for this API).

Note: If fraud data is passed via this API, it will take precedence over the fraud data at the Payment Gateway/Collection Account Group Advanced Options configuration setting.

Tokenized ACH Support

For Braintree Smart Payments, Aria now supports Tokenized ACH payments (pay method 48). This applies to the following APIs:

For pay method 48, you must pass the <bank_acct_num>, <bank_routing_num> and <bank_acct_type> values, whch invokes the create_token action. Braintree will respond with a token, and this value will be stored under the <bill_agreement_id> output field of the applicable APIs and used to perform payment.

Note: You must configure the mandate_text field at the Advanced Options tab in order to create the token (at the Payment Gateway and Collection Account Group levels).

New Fields in Credit Memo API Calls to Specify and Retrieve Additional Detail (DEV-11788)

This feature enhances Aria's credit memo feature by allowing you to specify period dates and qualifier fields in the create_cm_m API call, improving the accuracy and detail of credit memo records. You can now specify start and end dates for the period covered by the credit memo and assign values for qualifier fields to store extra information related to the credit memo.

You can specify up to 9 qualifiers in create_cm_m. If you specify more than 9, then Aria returns Error 1109, "The number of qualifiers supplied, exceeds the maximum of 9 qualifiers."

New Input Fields for create_cm_m

New API Field Type Description
<cm_period_start_date> string Period start date of the credit memo. Used to indicate the period that the credit memo covers. *
<cm_period_end_date> string Period end date of the credit memo. Used to indicate the period that the credit memo covers. *
<cm_qualifier_list> array Array of additional values you can associate with the credit memo.
  • <cm_qualifier_name>
string, maxlength=100 Name of the field you want to associate with the credit memo.
  • <cm_qualifier_value>
string, maxlength=100 Corresponding value of the field you want to associate with the credit memo.

* Note: Dates must be formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. 

These new fields will be included in responses from get_cm_details_m, and stored in the database for reporting purposes.

New Output Fields for get_cm_details_m

New API Field Type Description
<cm_period_start_date> string Period start date of the credit memo. Used to indicate the period that the credit memo covers. *
<cm_period_end_date> string Period end date of the credit memo. Used to indicate the period that the credit memo covers. *
<cm_qualifiers> array Returns array of credit memo qualifiers associated with the credit memo number.
  • <cm_qualifier_name>
string Returns the qualifier name associated with the credit memo number.
  • <cm_qualifier_value>
string Returns the qualifier value associated with the credit memo number.

Peformance Improvement for bulk_record_usage_m API (DEV-11803)

This update improves the performance of calls to bulk_record_usage_m API when you specify only the amount and not the rate. Now, Aria automatically calculates and records the usage rate, reducing reliance on the bulk usage rating batch job and ensuring Aria honors the specified amount during the invoicing process.

API Fixes 

  • Aria Billing Cloud no longer generates Credit Memo Sequence IDs for credit memos when you pass <do_write> = false in the create_cm_m API call. (TICKET-19635)

WSDL File Locations

Stage Current

EUR None

Stage Future




Object Query WSDL Files

Stage Current

EUR None

Stage Future



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