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Aria Knowledge Central

Create Functional Account Groups


You can create functional account groups to categorize your customers based on some common element such as geography, product, or channel. You can then choose to give your Customer Support Representatives access to specific functional account groups by assigning them the applicable user role.

In addition, you can sequentially number statement IDs for accounts within a functional account group. A functional account group in which statement IDs are sequentially numbered is called a sequence group.

You can use sequence groups to segregate statements generated in different languages.

Note: To sequentially number statement IDs for accounts within a sequence group, first go to: Configuration > Billing > Invoice Settings > Statement Sequence Source and select Functional Group. A customer can belong to multiple functional account groups.

Creating Functional Account Groups

Getting Here: Click Configuration > Client Settings > Functional Account Groups

  1. Click New.

Note: Required fields are marked with red asterisk.

  1. In the Group Name field, enter a meaningful name for the functional account group. It is recommended that you use a name that reflects the purpose of the functional account group.
  2. In the Client Group ID field, enter a unique ID code with which to identify the functional account group.

    The Aria-assigned functional account group numbers are different across environments. However, you can create functional account groups in your Stage Current/Stage Future and production environments using the same client group IDs. That way, any functionality that you set up to work with particular client group IDs will work across all of those environments. You can also use API calls to pass in a client group ID (client_acct_group_id) or an array of client group IDs (client_func_acct_group_ids) to assign a customer to the corresponding functional account group(s).

    Please see API Calls for Working with Client Group IDs below for the list of API calls into which you can pass a client group ID.
  1. In the Description field, enter an explanation of the purpose of the functional account group.

Note: The Group Prefix and Starting Sequence No options listed below apply only if you plan to sequentially number statement IDs for accounts within this functional account group:
If you want Aria to sequentially number statement IDs for accounts within a functional account group, you must specify that the statement sequence source is Functional Group (under
Configuration > Billing > Invoice Settings > Statement Sequence Source > Functional Group).

  1. In the Group Prefix field, enter the prefix that should be used if you want Aria to sequentially number statement IDs for accounts within this functional account group.

    If you add the prefix “EC-” for the East Coastfunctional account group, then statement IDs for accounts belonging to the sequentially numbered as follows: “EC-0,EC-1, EC-2...”
  1. In the Starting Sequence No field, enter the first number that you want Aria to use for sequentially numbering statements IDs for accounts within this functional account group. If you do not specify a starting sequence number, then 0 will be used as the first statement ID.

    If you specify that the starting sequence number should be 30, then statement IDs for accounts within the functional account group will be numbered as follows: "30, 31, 32..."

Note: You cannot edit the starting sequence number of a previously created functional account group.

  1. From the Notification Template Group drop-down, select the temple set to be used for notifications sent to members of this group
  2. Click Save.

    You can then add accounts to the functional account group, or if you want to sequentially number statement IDs for accounts within this functional account group, then add accounts to the sequence group created for the functional account group.

    You can edit a functional account group at any time by clicking the functional account group.

    The functional account group information displays on the Functional Account Groups screen.functional_account_groups.jpg
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