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Aria's Customer Care Portal (CCP) is a new enhanced user interface designed to simplify workflows and improve performance.

What is the Customer Care Portal (CCP)? 

The Customer Care Portal is Aria’s enhanced user interface designed to simplify workflows and improve performance of account management. CCP makes account and payment functions easier for users. It also offers more comprehensive screens with options to customize what information you see.

What can you do in CCP? 

The current version of the Customer Care Portal is meant to provide users with a preview of the enhanced tool and the ability to test common account management features present in Aria Billing Cloud. Currently, CCP Beta allows users to do the following:

  • View and manage Accounts
  • Manage Payments including adding, deleting, collecting, and processing payments 
  • Export, print, download data in PDF, CSV, and XML format

Note: The following terms commonly used in Aria Billing are now associated with new CCP terminology as shown in the following table. 

Aria Billing CCP
Master Plan Instances Subscriptions
Supplemental Plan Instances Add-Ons
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