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Account Overview Screen


The Account Overview screen acts as a dashboard for a customer's account. Refer to the below screenshots and corresponding descriptions to better understanding of the Account Overview screen and tabs.

Aria Customer Care Portal

Note: The Aria Customer Care Portal offers an updated, more refined Account Overview screen. 

Account Overview Screen Details

Getting Here: Click Account > search for and select an account > Select Account Overview from the left navigation to display the Account Overview screen.

Account Overview

Clicking any of the orange bars on the Account Overview tab collapses that section. Clicking any of the gray bars expands that section.

  1. Account Details: Displays overview information about the account holder including the account holder's name, address, contact information, account creation date, account start date, tax information, legal entity assignment (if enabled for the client), and whether a balance is due on the account. The View Account Hierarchy link (if enabled by the client) supports the visualization of detailed account hierarchy, and Plan information via a screen overlay launched from within the Aria application. Clients control what level of users can view this information. acct-overview-02.png
    Account Overview Tabs
    1. Account Status: This tab shows you the status for the current account. View the Account Statuses page to learn more about the different statuses that will display on this tab.
    2. Toggle Test Account Flag: The Toggle Test Account Flag tab shows whether an account is a test account or not. You can change the account from this tab or you can alter it using the toggle_test_account_m API.
    3. Notification Method: You can view the account's Account Notification methods and settings from the Notification Method tab.
    4. Account Groups: View the Account Groups that an account is a part of from the Account Groups tab. You can learn more about managing these Account Groups from Manage Account Groups.
    5. CSR Activity: View recent CSR Activity for the current account from the CSR Activity tab. Learn about the CSR Activity Report.
    6. Manage Child Accounts: The Manage Child Accounts - Account Security tab shows you a list of the child accounts that fall under the current account. This tab allows you to assign a child account to the current account creating a new parent-child relationship or unassign a child account removing an existing parent-child relationship.
    7. Account Security: Account Security tab allows you to alter some account security settings. You can also set this Security Settings from the Security page.
    8. Taxpayer Information: Taxpayer Information tab shows you the Taxpayer ID and the Tax Exemption Status. These fields can be edited from this screen.
    9. Sequence Group: The Sequence Group tab shows you the Sequence Group details for the current account. Sequence Groups are based on the functional account groups that you have created. Learn how to Add a Customer to a Sequence Group.
    10. Payment Methods: View the available payment methods from the Payment Methods tab. You can Add Payment Method to an account by modifying a plan's payment methods. Also see the Payment Methods and Card Types available to ensure the account's payment method and payment gateway is valid.
    11. Contacts: View the current account's listed contacts from the Contacts tab or learn how to edit Account Contacts.
    12. Rev-rec Profile: View the current Rev-rec Profile from this tab. Learn about SmartRec and Transactions to set up and link new Rev-rec Profiles.
  2. Balance Details: Displays a list of Master Plan Instances associated with the account with the balance due, Dunning state, and plan status.acct-overview-02a-balance-detail.png
  3. Recent Invoices: Displays a list of recent invoices for the account. Selecting a link from the Inv. No. column displays the Invoices screen.acct-overview-03-recent-invoices.png
  4. Recent Payments: Displays a list of recent payments that were made by the account. Selecting a link from the Payment No. column displays a list of paid invoices for the account.clipboard_ea1edf0f3895a78db2a3e54bfad435f62.png
  5. Recent Transactions: Displays a list of the recent transactions that have occurred on this account. Selecting a transaction from the Transaction Number column will display the transaction details.clipboard_e235a550f6a8d7d9b1d11f2d3c115a104.png
  6. Recent Statements: Displays recently created statements for the account. Selecting a statement from the Statement No. column will show the list of transactions for the selected statement.clipboard_e494b73b58632dc99196c7cf5ef406063.png
  7. Recent Comments: Displays the most recent changes to the account and includes details about what changes were made, the date and time of when the changes were made, and which user made the changes.clipboard_e563faa54fba1f65520352e3ca7ce8208.png
  8. Recent Communications: Displays the communications that have been sent out about this account including statements and invoices that were sent to the account's contact. Selecting a communication will display the information and forms that was sent externally to the specified account contact.clipboard_e6e3135400b364c4fe43d0abfedf1b284.png
  9. Account Hierarchy Glance: If the account is a parent or child account, a list of related accounts will display. Selecting any of these accounts from the list will open the Account Overview page for that account.clipboard_ed6647cf1b23654b688cf53efd4c8ccdf.png


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