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Aria Knowledge Central

Account Hierarchy Visualization Overview


This feature supports the visualization of detailed account hierarchy, and plan information via a screen overlay launched from within the Aria application. Clients can control what level of users can view this information.

Conditional Display of Account Hierarchy Link by Role / Level of Account Access

Getting Here: Configuration > Security > Roles
Role - Account Access.jpg

  1. An Aria user is required to be associated with a "Role" that permits Account Access at the Power CSR level.

Getting Here: Configuration > Security > Account Access > Account Overview > Pages > Account Hierarchy
Account Access_Account Hierarchy_Power CSR_ON.jpg

The Account Hierarchy Overlay screen link is enabled by a page setting for the Account Overview screen.

  1. Using the arrow drop down, the Account Hierarchy page setting must be set to a Minimum CSR Level of "Power CSR".
  2. The display setting for the page must be set to "On".

Then, click on the Save button at the bottom of the screen to apply and save this setting.

Note: By default, display of the Account Hierarchy Overlay page link is set to "Off".

Accessing an Account's Visual Account Hierarchy
Account Overview - View Account Hierarchy Link.jpg

  1. Access an account, and click on the "View Account Hierarchy" link.

Note: The "View Account Hierarchy" link is only displayed to those Aria users having the appropriate levels of Role access, and Page permissions as detailed in steps 2, and 3 above.

Account Hierarchy Overlay Screen
Account Visualizations - Steps 5 through 10.jpg

The Account Hierarchy Overlay screen displays. The selected account card(highlighted in blue), is visually represented with other account cards that comprise its account hierarchy makeup. As Parents' parents and Children's children are displayed - Up to four (4) levels of account hierarchy are displayed at any time without the need to scroll on a 1024 X 768 resolution.

Note: A "Right Arrow" icon will be displayed to the right of the 4th account card on ANY / ALL sibling rows that have 5 or more account cards. When the user clicks on the right arrow icon, (up to) 4 new account cards will display instead of the previous 4. ANY / ALL "connecting lines" will be updated to continue to show the appropriate relationship to parent / children accounts. When the user first clicks on the right arrow' icon, a "Left Arrow" will display to the left of the 1st account card for the row. When there are no more account cards to show - the "right arrow" will disappear, and the user may no longer advance to the right. However, the "left arrow" will still be present.

When there is no longer a "right arrow" (but there is a "left arrow" - by selecting the "left arrow" - the user is advanced up to 4 accounts to the left. Selecting the "left arrow" again will continue to advance the user up to 4 account cards to the left until there is no more "left arrow" and the "right arrow" appears again. Only the children (grandchildren, etc. of one account are shown at any time.

Each account card in the hierarchy displays the following:

  1. A colored dot indicating the account's current status:
    green dot.jpg Active or Permanent
    Yellow Dot.jpg Registered Pending Activation or Temporary Service Ban
    Red Dot.jpg Deactivated or Archived
  2. Company Name, or First and Last Name of Account Contact if Company Name is not available. If there is no value for either of these first two variables, then the user will see the Account User ID.
  3. A numerical value indicating the number of child accounts directly associated to the selected or highlighted account.
  4. Payment Responsibility; Self Pay, Parent Pay, or Mixed (a combination of Self Pay, and Parent Pay).
  5. Account Currency.
  6. Full Balance owed.

Account Card's "View Details" Link

  1. Clicking on an account card's "View Details" link opens a window that displays the account's:

11a. Account Number

11b. Last Invoice Date

11c. Last Invoice Amount

11d. Service Credits currency amount available on the account

11e. Number of Master Plan / Supplemental Plan instances subscribed to by the account

  1. Clicking on an account card's >View Details>Last Invoice Amount>"PAYMENTS" link returns the user to the Aria application to access the account's "Payments & Credits" screen. From here, a user can view the account's recent payments and initiate a payment, or perform other account actions using the screen tabs at the top of the screen, and / or navigation menu to the left.
    Make Payment Screen.jpg

Accessing an Account's Visual Plan Detail

  1. Clicking on a selected account card's >View Details>Plan Instances>"View All" link opens the account's Plan Visualization screen.
    Click on View All Link.jpg

This screen includes sections for A.) Billing Group, B.) Master Plan Instance, and C.) Master Plan Instances associated with the selected Billing Group.

For each Billing Group, the screen displays:

A). Billing Group

  • Aria-assigned number, and description.
  • Client-defined identifier.
  • Primary Payment description.
  • Secondary Payment description.
  • Statement Contact.
  • Notification Method.

B.) Master Plan Instance(s) associated with a selected Billing Group.

C.) A graphical representation of the Master Plan Instance, and any Supplemental Plan Instance(s) associated with the selected Billing Group. The Plan visualization includes:

  • A colored dot indicating the Master Plan / Supplemental Plan Instance(s) current status:
green dot.jpg Active, or Active Non-Billable
Yellow Dot.jpg

Inactive, Pending Activation, Pending Cancellation, Pending Installation, Pending Termination, Suspended, or Trial

Red Dot.jpg Terminated or Canceled
  • Plan Name
  • Plan Number
  • Number of Units purchased.
  • Rate Schedule name
  1. Click on the Master Plan / Supplemental Plan Instance(s) "View Details" link.
    Click on Plan Detail X.jpg

A Plan Details popup screen displays detailing the Master Plan / Supplemental Plan Instance's:

  • Last Bill date.
  • Bill Through date.
  • Usage Bill Through date.
  • Next Bill date.
  • Dunning State. (only for Master Plan Instances)
  1. Click on the Plan Detail's X to close the Plan Details popup.
    Master Plan Instance Drop Down.jpg
  2. Click on the Master Plan Instance field's drop down arrow to view and select additional Master Plan Instances associated to the selected Billing Group for payment responsibility.

Note: As shown in the above example, any Child accounts' Master Plan Instance(s) having Parent Pay responsibility by the selected account's Billing Group are displayed with information including the Master Plan Instance Number, Plan Name, and Child Account Number.

  1. Click on any of the Master Plan Instances in the drop-down to refresh the screen's plan display.
    Plan View Details_Billing Groups.jpg
  1. Click on the Plan(s) "View Details" link to view specific billing information for the Master Plan / Supplemental Plan instance(s) as described in Step 14.
  2. Click on the Billing Group field's drop-down arrow to view, and select other Billing Groups associated to this account.
    Click on Another Billing Group.jpg
  3. Click on any additional "Billing Groups" associated to this account.

Note: As shown in the above example, any Parent accounts' Master Plan Instance(s)/Billing Group's having Parent Pay responsibility for any of the selected account's Master Plan Instances is displayed. The Parent Account's Billing Group is displayed with information including the Master Plan Instance Number responsible for payment, it's associated Billing Group, and the Parent Account Number.
Click on Back to Account View.jpg

  1. Click on the "Back to Account View" link to return to the Account Hierarchy Overlay screen.

Special Note: You can customize the account and plan instance hierarchy visualizations using internally-defined fields as well as a client's account / product supplemental fields. See Account Hierarchy / Master Plan Instance Hierarchy Visualization for more information.

Navigating Other Accounts on the Account Hierarchy Overlay Screen
Access Another Account In Hierarchy.jpg

  1. Click on another Account Card displayed on the Account Hierarchy Overlay screen.
    Looking At Another Account in Hierarchy.jpg
  2. The original account card selected is now outlined in orange.
  3. The new account card selected is now highlighted in blue.
  4. Any children accounts associated with the newly selected account card are displayed.

Note: Each account card, other than the original account card , includes a "View Account" link in addition to a "View Details" link.

  1. Click on an account card's "View Account" link to return to the Aria Application to view the account's "Account Overview" screen.
    Differtent Account - View Account Hierarchy.jpg
  2. Click on the account's "View Account Hierarchy" link.
    Click on Any Accounts Account Card.jpg
  3. The Account Hierarchy Overlay screen displays showing the account hierarchy for this account. Click on any Parent or Children account cards of the selected account to expand the selected accounts' account hierarchy tree.
    Click on the X.jpg
  4. Click on the Account Overlay screen's "X" at any time to close, and return to the original selected account's "Account Overview" screen in the Aria Application.
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