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Aria Knowledge Central

Add a Customer to a Sequence Group


You can add a customer to a sequence group for which statement IDs will be sequentially numbered. The sequence groups are based on the functional account groups that you created in Aria. You can add a customer to a sequence group or a functional account group depending on your business needs by:

  • Using sequence groups to segregate statements generated in different languages
  • Specifying that the statement IDs for accounts within a sequence group be sequentially numbered. As a result, the statement IDs for different customers in that group could be numbered as follows: 30, 31, 32, etc.

Note: To sequentially number statement IDs for accounts within a sequence group, you must first go to Configuration > Billing > Invoice Settings > Statement Sequence Source and select Functional Group.

Adding a Customer to a Sequence Group

Getting Here: Click Accounts > search for an account > Account Overview > Sequence Group tab.

  1. Click Edit Fields.
  2. Select the desired Functional Group.
  1. Click Save Changes.

Note: Statement Sequence ID's are not generated in the following cases:

  • An Invoice with no charges or credits
  • A zero dollar Invoice that is not included on a Statement
  • Credit Memos
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