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Aria Knowledge Central

Release 54


Enhancements and fixes to Aria functionality for this release are described below.

Release Date

Stage Future Release Date


Production Release Date


System Requirements

Supported Browsers

Aria supports the latest stable versions of the following Web browsers: 

  • Chrome 63
  • Firefox 52
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Safari 11 on MacOS 

Screen Resolution

1024 x 768 or higher

Release 54 Contents

Application Features 

REST API Introduced for Avalara Taxation (DEV-10488)

In order to synchronize applications and exchange information as securely as possible, Aria has enhanced its support of Avalara taxation with the latest REST v2 API. Either SOAP or REST API configurations are available from a radio button selection when configuring Avalara taxation (SOAP is the default).

Aria also introduces a new UI Ship-from Address field for Avalara so you can select either the service location or configuration/account address for tax calculation. Select one of the following values at this field:

  1. Use Group Config Address hierarchy – (Default, existing behavior) - If this option is chosen, then the ship_from will be using either the Plan instance’s ship_from address OR the Group line item config address.
  2. Use Config Address hierarchy – If this option is chosen, then the ship_from will be using the config address (main config).
  3. Use Account Address – If this option is chosen, then the ship_from will be using the Account taxable address.

Navigation: Configuration > Integrations > Taxation Configuration (Avalara > Configuration tab)

Note: For option #1 or #2, if the Address is not found for the account, then Aria will use the next order of the precedence address. For example, if you chooses #1 the but account doesn’t have a line level address, Aria will try to use the client config address.

More information on Avalara taxation can be accessed here.

Vertex Tax Calculation for Seller/Division and Seller/Department (DEV-10526)

Aria’s integration with Vertex taxation now provides the ability to calculate taxes on the division and department levels through a supplemental field override enhancement (Configuration > Integrations > Taxation Configuration [Vertex O Series]).

After enabling the override at the Supp Field Override field, you can configure the the Seller/Division and/or Seller/Department fields to calculate taxes based on account fields. This ensures that the legal entity/company hierarchy is maintained for tax calculation.

Note: Values at the Supp Field Override drop-down are populated based on account fields.

Learn more about Aria's Vertex O Series integration from here.

Audit logging for product catalog and account plan changes (DEV-10658)

A new Audit log with a downloadable report for Plan Activity can be found under Configuration > Audit Logs > Plan Activity. The Plan Activity log results are presented in two tabs that allow you to search both Product Catalog Plans and Account Plans data. To enable, turn the Client Settings > Miscellaneous Settings > Plan Activity Log setting to On. The Plan Activity Log tracks and displays the following:

  • Rate and tier changes

  • Rate and schedule changes which include:

    • Account: when a user assigns a new plan, cancels an existing plan, or replaces an existing plan with a new plan.

    • Catalog: when a user creates a plan, edits a plan specific to adding/removing a service, adds/removes rate tiers, adds/removes rate schedules, or deletes a plan.

The results of the Plan Activity Log are displayed in a table. Each row in the table has a column with Show or Hide Rate, which can be expanded to show the rate schedule data including both prior rating data and new rating data.

View More than 1,000 Orders in Aria UI (DEV-11160)

This enhancement introduces pagination to Accounts > [specified account] > Statements & Invoices > Orders tab, enabling users of the Aria application to view more than 1,000 orders in the Aria UI.

Worldpay Now Included With Aria Smart Payments (DEV-11173)

Aria added Smart Payment functionality for the Worldpay payment gateway (from Fidelity National Information Service) with this release.

Capture and Payment

Worldpay’s Smart Payments integration includes Capture and Payment for pay method 1 (Credit Card). For Capture, this covers a previously authorized amount. For Payment, Aria performs both an Authorization and Capture internally.

Note: Payments are supported up to $1,000 USD. Any exceeded amount will generate the following error: “Transaction amount exceeds Maximum Transaction Amount set up for this merchant.”

Cancel Authorization

Authorization reversals have also been implemented as part of Worldpay’s Smart Payments integration. Since Worldpay doesn’t accept $0 Authorizations, the amount must be > $0. The old_proc_id is required to reverse authentication; in the absence of this id, the proc_payment_id is required.

Query Token

For Worldpay, Query Tokenization is included for pay method 13 (Tokenized Credit Card). For the Query Token action, Aria provides the token (<bill_agreement_id>) that is created with the Create Token action and the authenticatedShopperID (<client_acct_id>) to retrieve the card details. The <client_acct_id> is mandatory to parse with the <bill_agreement_id>.

Note: The client_acct_id comes from the account level and does not get overridden by values passed in the API fields.


Worldpay supports refunds of previously authorized transactions to your customer’s original payment method through the following:

  • UI Refund: Refund the full or partial amount of a transaction to the original payment method via the UI (Accounts > [search for an account] > Payments & Credits > Refunds).

Allow 15 Characters in Currency for IBAN Norway Support (DEV-11178)

With this release, Aria has relaxed the validation of the Norway Single Euro Payment Area (SEPA) Direct Debit International Bank Account Number (IBAN) value from 16 to 15 characters (the IBAN value is alphanumeric and ranges from 15 to 34 characters depending on the country).

This applies to the following locations in the Aria UI (for all payment gateways):

  • Payment Methods (Configuration > Payments > Payment Methods)
  • Payments (Accounts > [search for an account] > Payments & Credits > Payments > Apply a Payment)

SEPA Direct Debit is a reusable, delayed notification payment method. This means that it can take up to 14 business days to receive notification on the success or failure of a payment after you initiate a debit from the customer’s account, though the average is five business days.

Bank Account Holder Type Introduced for Stripe Tokenized ACH Payments (DEV-11195)

The Bank Account Holder Type field is introduced with this release to process Tokenized ACH payments (pay method 48) for the Stripe payment gateway. Permitted values are Individual or Company. This field is included in the following locations in the Aria UI:

  • Create Account
  • Payment Methods
  • Billing Group (Primary and Secondary)
  • Payments
  • Plan Assignment

Click here for more information on the Stripe payment gateway.

New Parameter for Proration Credits on Open Charges (DEV-11209)

A new hidden client parameter, Net Value for Open Prorated Charges, has been added with this Aria release. Enabling this parameter will require your Aria representative to change your value set. If set to True, open prorated charges (due to plan cancellation or plan downgrades) are reflected in the plan’s net values (e.g., an original open charge of $100 will be reflected as $50 if the plan is cancelled mid-period; no credit is issued and an invoice is generated on the plan anniversary date). If set to False, a cash credit will be issued for early cancellation. This parameter default is set to False for existing clients and True for new clients.

Also, the following UI updates related to Open Charges are covered in this ticket (Accounts > [search for an account] > Statements & Invoices > Open Charges):

  • Remove the Line Number column and append the line number to the Proration No. column. This means the column will display as follows (e.g., for Proration No.: 81112 - 1, 81112 - 2, 81113 – 1).
  • Rename the Posting Date column to Date. The Date column will be used to display either the original posting date OR the updated posting date. If there’s an updated posting date, then this column will display the updated posting date.
  • Introduce the Period date range column and remove the Service Name column.
  • Introduce the Description column, with the following sample text:
    • For a prorated open charge, the following appears: ‘Prorated charge for due to <plan action: i.e., plan cancellation or plan update> on <update date format: depends on client date format setting>’.
    • For a regular open charge, the following appears: ‘<Service name>'.

Aria Billing UI Account Search 'Express Mode' (DEV-11215)

A new feature allows clients to enable an Express Search mode to allow the fastest performance possible based on the search field being used. Currently the only fields that are supported in this new mode are Account Number and Email Address. More fields will be added to Express Search as needed.

Clients must send a request to Aria support to enable Express Search. The client parameter ENABLE_EXPRESS_SEARCH must be set to TRUE (the default value is FALSE). Once enabled for a client, the Express Search will replace the current Quick Search accessed from Accounts > Search in the UI. Advanced Search will still be available to the client.

Tokenized Direct Debit Transactions via Direct Post for Stripe (DEV-11216)

Tokenized Direct Debit transactions are now supported by Aria via the Direct Post handler for the Stripe payment gateway in support of the SEPA and BACS payment methods (Configuration > Client Settings > USS Reg Configuration). The field Save Direct Debit as Token has been added to the USS Reg Configuration screen.

The following values are allowed at this field:

Field Description
True When the Direct Post setting “Save Direct Debit as Token“ is set to True, then the given direct debit details will be sent with the Tokenized Direct Debit payment method (37), the payment is processed with the TDD payment method, and token information is stored in the payment method of the account.
False (default) When the Direct Post setting is configured with “Save Direct Debit as Token“ as false or null, then the given direct debit details will be sent with the Direct Debit payment method (26), the payment is processed with the DD payment method, and the actual bank information is stored in the payment method of the account.

BACS (Bankers Automated Clearing Services) is a UK bank-to-bank payment method. SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) is a payment scheme used for local Euro bank-to-bank transfers across Europe.

Learn more creating a Direct Post configuration from here.

Application Fixes 

  • When an Anniversary status change update is created, the existing Anniversary date or change request status is discarded, and the new change request status is used. When an Anniversary Replace or Cancel update is created, the queued status change request is removed as there can only be one Anniversary date. Additionally, when an Anniversary status change queue is deleted via API or UI, the corresponding queue backend entry is deleted as well. (TICKET-19073)
  • Payload event transactions for Cash Credits are now filtered by <transaction_type> to display the correct <posting_date>. Previously, Cash Credit payload events provided a <posting_date> of ‘NULL’ which was incorrectly pulled from the client’s invoice by the <invoice_no> that matches the Cash Credit’s <source_no>. (TICKET-19091)

API Features 

New Input Parameters in get_order_m API Call (DEV-11160)

Aria has added two new input parameters and one output parameter to the get_order_m API call. The input field <limit> controls the number of records returned. The input field <offset> controls the number of records to be skipped in the return. The output field <filtered_order_count> returns the total number of orders matching the filters specified in the API call, without considering the value of <limit>.

Worldpay Now Included With Aria Smart Payments—API (DEV-11173)

Tokenization (Create Token and Payment)

Create Token and Payment with Token functionality is now implemented as part of Worldpay Smart Payments for the following card types:

  • American Express
  • Discover
  • Japan Credit Bureau (JCB)
  • Mastercard
  • VISA

Transactions for a specific amount using a customer credit card or Worldpay token are authorized for <processor_id> 29 (for Worldpay).

Note: For token-based transactions, the <client_acct_id> (authenticatedShopperID) input parameter for authorize_electronic_payment_m is required to identify each shopper token.


Worldpay supports refunds of previously authorized transactions to your customer’s original payment method through the following:

  • API Refund: Refund either the full or partial amount of a transaction to the customer's original payment method via the issue_refund_to_acct_m API.

Allow 15 Characters in Currency for IBAN Norway Support (API)(DEV-11178)

With this release, Aria has relaxed the validation of the Norway Single Euro Payment Area (SEPA) Direct Debit International Bank Account Number (IBAN) value from 16 to 15 characters (the IBAN value is alphanumeric and ranges from 15 to 34 characters depending on the country).

This applies to the following APIs:

Also, the following error message has been updated:

Error code: 6027
Existing error message : IBAN is alphanumeric and is 16 to 34 characters in length
Updated error message : IBAN is alphanumeric and is 15 to 34 characters in length

New Order Qualifier Fields in create_order_with_plan_m (DEV-11184)

This feature introduces a new input array to the API call create_order_with_plan_m to support Order Qualifiers. Order Qualifiers provide an additional level of detail concerning an order item on. For example, an order item could be a router. In the order qualifier field/qualifier value array, you could pass information such as the router manufacturer, serial number, or connection speed (such as 5GHz). This eliminates the need to create individual order items for every possible combination of a particular item.

The hash <order_qualifier_list> will include the attributes <order_qualifier_name> and <order_qualifier_value>. You can specify up to nine items in the <order_qualifier_list> hash.

  • When more than nine order qualifiers are passed, Aria returns this error: 1042/Invalid qualifier array count: order_qualifier_list.
  • When the length of an order qualifier name or value is more than 100 chars, Aria returns one of these errors: 1043/Invalid qualifier array element length: order_qualifier_name, or 1043/Invalid qualifier array element length: order_qualifier_value.
  • If the name or value is missing on a particular record, Aria returns one of these errors: 1010/Missing required parameter: order_qualifier_name, or 1010/Missing required parameter: order_qualifier_value.

Note: You should pass the existing <attach_qualifier_option> input as 'N' so that the order qualifiers do not get saved against any open payment that got consumed for the new order invoice of the current API call.

Bank Account Holder Type Introduced for Stripe Tokenized ACH Payments (API)(DEV-11194)

The input field <bank_acct_holder_type> is introduced with this release to process Tokenized ACH payments (pay method 48) for the Stripe payment gateway. Permitted values are Individual or Company. This optional field is included in the following APIs:

Click here for more information on the Stripe payment gateway.

get_credit_details_m API now returns output fields "origin_plan_name" and "origin_client_plan_instance_id" (DEV-11210)

The get_credit_details_m API now returns <origin_plan_name> and <origin_client_plan_instance_id> when a tax proration cash credit number (a Cash Credit created for a tax line item) is passed as input.

API Fixes 

WSDL File Locations

Stage Current


EUR None

Stage Future






Object Query WSDL Files

Stage Current


EUR None

Stage Future





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