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issue_refund_to_acct_m Guide

Issues refunds of payment amounts, and any invoice line items to be reversed for a specified account. The refund of a payment will increase the account/master plan instance balance to its pre-payment state (or near, if a partial refund). A refund related reversal would almost retain the balance "as is", as you are reversing the invoice line item charges, along with the refund.

Reversing an invoice charge line item proportionately reverses the corresponding tax (tax to reverse = original tax - tax for revised charge). In the case of tax-inclusive charges, the specified line item reversal amount will be considered as a tax-inclusive reversal amount. In the case of external tax engines, there will be a tax-posting that will occur to update the new taxes to the external tax engine against the customer's account.


  • If you use the NETS payment processor, "Enable Refund for NETS Payment" must be set to "True" in the UI before you use this API, or you receive the error message "The payment processor does not support refunds".
  • Tax-posting to external tax engines occurs for all generated invoices, voided invoices, write-offs, refund-related reversals, proration reversal/credit (and credit-memo/rebills).
API Specification: issue_refund_to_acct_m
Required Fields:
  • <client_no>
  • <auth_key>
  • <acct_no> or <client_acct_id>
  • <payment_transaction_id>
  • <reason_code>

Additional Guidance

  • If you use the NETS payment processor, "Enable Refund for NETS Payment" must be set to "True" in the UI before you use this API, or you receive the error message "The payment processor does not support refunds".
  • You cannot perform a refund-reversal on an invoice with usage that is taxed per-record.
Input Fields
Field Name Notes
<invoice_trans_to_reverse> If sending multiple line items, you must send the line items in ascending order using the invoice_line_no field in the invoice_trans_to_reverse array for the tax line items to be calculated correctly.
Allowable Values
Values Description
1 Account charged in error
2 Goods/services not delivered
3 Customer dissatisfaction
4 Cancellation of pre-paid service
5 Good Will
6 Overpayment / Duplicate payment
7 Wrong/undesired payment source charged
99999999 Other
Allowable Values
Values Description
TRUE true
FALSE false
Allowable Values
Values Description
TRUE true
FALSE false
NULL equate to 'false'
Allowable Values
Values Description
TRUE true
FALSE false
NULL equate to 'false'
Allowable Values
Values Description

Honor what is set on alt_payment_method (for backward compatibility)

2 Original or External Payment - if original payment method fails then external payment is issued. Check number is required.
3 External Payment
Allowable Values
Values Description
NULL Continue to age (meaning, the aging counter continues from original post date - default)
1 Re-age as of today (meaning, aging is reset as of today)

This parameter is added to control the existing behaviour of payment application to the refund transaction such that the refund amount should be applied to the specific payment against which the refund is created instead of FIFO application. This parameter is not honoured when refund with opening of paid lines is performed.

Allowable Values

Value Description
0 Continue to work as per existing way of applying payment based on FIFO (default, except for open paid lines).
1 Apply refund amount to the specific payment against which the refund is created.

Error Codes

Error Code/Description Associated Inputs

1001: unexpected error


1004: authentication error

<auth_key>, <client_no>

1009: account does not exist, Account not found: AriaNo (acct_no), Account not found: Userid (userid), or Account not found: ClientId (client_acct_id)

<acct_no, <client_acct_id

1024: invalid date format

Additional Comments: All date inputs must be in yyyy-mm-dd format.

<application_date>, <invoice_line_reversing_date>

1033:  a parameter that represents a true or false value contains invalid input

<do_write>, <auto_calc_refund>, <is_unlinked_refund>

2010: The payment ID is not valid or is not associated with account number.


2011: The payment ID is no longer eligible for refund processing (remaining refundable amount now equal to zero).


2014: The total amount of invoice line items selected for refund-related reversal amount exceeds the total designated refund amount.

<invoice_no>, <invoice_line_no>, <invoice_line_reversing_amount>

2015: The refund amount submitted must be a valid number greater than zero but no greater than the remaining refundable payment amount.


2016: Could not find the corresponding charge line for the reversal line item number.

<invoice_no>, <invoice_line_no>

2017: Invalid refund-related reversal amount input. Please provide entries that are greater than zero and no greater than the remaining reversible amount of the invoice line item.

<invoice_no>, <invoice_line_no>

2018: Refunds of non-electronically-collected payments may only be recorded if a numeric refund check number is supplied.


2019: Could not create reversal transaction.


2020: The given payment is not eligible  for refund on this day.


2021: Refund Check Number is longer than allowed

Additional Comments: Maximum length is 38 characters.


2029: The amount selected for refund exceeds the payment’s remaining balance.


3113: Invalid amount entered. Please enter an amount for the maximum allowed currency specific decimal places for the issue_refund_to_acct_m API.

<total_refund_amount>, <invoice_line_reversing_amount>, <open_amount>

3114: A Refund Reversal, using a Rebill Action, is not supported for refunding NETS payments.


3115: A Refund Reversal, using a Rebill Action, is not supported for reversing child account invoices.


3117: A ($action) cannot be performed since this invoice contains usage with either, precalculated taxes, or taxes calculated at the individual record level.


3020: Reversing date is not applicable for non-recurring service lines


3021: refund amount cannot be null when do_write is set to true and auto_calc_refund is set to false or auto_calc_refund cannot be set to false when do_write is set to true and refund amount is not provided

<total_refund_amount>, <do_write>, <auto_calc_refund>

3022: Invalid refund reason code


4009: invalid cc number

<cc_number>, <alt_pay_method>

4011: cc authorization failed

Additional Comments: $1 authorization has failed.

<alt_pay_method>, <cc_number>, <cc_expire_mm>, <cc_expire_yyyy>

4016: The payment processor does not accept refunds beyond the standard refund window


4031: The payment processor does not support refund on this card.

Additional Comments: Refunds are not supported on all credit cards by all payment processors.


6052: The original payment was not made through a credit card.

Additional Comments: An alternate card is only permitted when payment was by credit card.


6054: Refund cannot be processed for this payment, since its original payment method is inactive now.


25020: Illegal characters entered

<auth_key>, <client_acct_id>, <refund_check_number>, <comments>, <do_write>, <auto_calc_refund>, <invoice_line_reversing_date>, <client_receipt_id>, <is_unlinked_refund>, <cc_number>, <cvv>, <bill_first_name, <bill_last_name, <bill_company_name, <bill_address1, <bill_address2>, <bill_address3>, <bill_city>, <bill_locality>, <bill_country>, <bill_state_prov>, <bill_zip>, <bill_phone>, <bill_cell_phone>, <bill_work_phone>, <bill_email>, <soft_descriptor>, <soft_descriptor_customer_service>, <application_id>, <application_date>, <alt_caller_id>, <attach_qualifier_option>, <qualifier_name>, <qualifier_value>


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