1004: authentication error
<auth_key>, <client_no> |
1009: account does not exist, Account not found: AriaNo (acct_no), Account not found: Userid (userid), or Account not found: ClientId (client_acct_id)
<acct_no, <client_acct_id |
1024: invalid date format
Additional Comments: All date inputs must be in yyyy-mm-dd format.
<application_date>, <invoice_line_reversing_date> |
1033: a parameter that represents a true or false value contains invalid input
<do_write>, <auto_calc_refund>, <is_unlinked_refund> |
2010: The payment ID is not valid or is not associated with account number.
<payment_transaction_id> |
2011: The payment ID is no longer eligible for refund processing (remaining refundable amount now equal to zero).
<payment_transaction_id> |
2014: The total amount of invoice line items selected for refund-related reversal amount exceeds the total designated refund amount.
<invoice_no>, <invoice_line_no>, <invoice_line_reversing_amount> |
2015: The refund amount submitted must be a valid number greater than zero but no greater than the remaining refundable payment amount.
<total_refund_amount> |
2016: Could not find the corresponding charge line for the reversal line item number.
<invoice_no>, <invoice_line_no> |
2017: Invalid refund-related reversal amount input. Please provide entries that are greater than zero and no greater than the remaining reversible amount of the invoice line item.
<invoice_no>, <invoice_line_no> |
2018: Refunds of non-electronically-collected payments may only be recorded if a numeric refund check number is supplied.
<refund_check_number> |
2019: Could not create reversal transaction.
2020: The given payment is not eligible for refund on this day.
2021: Refund Check Number is longer than allowed
Additional Comments: Maximum length is 38 characters.
<refund_check_number> |
2029: The amount selected for refund exceeds the payment’s remaining balance.
<total_refund_amount> |
3113: Invalid amount entered. Please enter an amount for the maximum allowed currency specific decimal places for the issue_refund_to_acct_m API.
<total_refund_amount>, <invoice_line_reversing_amount>, <open_amount> |
3114: A Refund Reversal, using a Rebill Action, is not supported for refunding NETS payments.
3115: A Refund Reversal, using a Rebill Action, is not supported for reversing child account invoices.
3117: A ($action) cannot be performed since this invoice contains usage with either, precalculated taxes, or taxes calculated at the individual record level.
3020: Reversing date is not applicable for non-recurring service lines
<invoice_line_reversing_date> |
3021: refund amount cannot be null when do_write is set to true and auto_calc_refund is set to false or auto_calc_refund cannot be set to false when do_write is set to true and refund amount is not provided
<total_refund_amount>, <do_write>, <auto_calc_refund> |
3022: Invalid refund reason code
<reason_cd> |
<cc_number>, <alt_pay_method> |
4011: cc authorization failed
Additional Comments: $1 authorization has failed.
<alt_pay_method>, <cc_number>, <cc_expire_mm>, <cc_expire_yyyy> |
4016: The payment processor does not accept refunds beyond the standard refund window
4031: The payment processor does not support refund on this card.
Additional Comments: Refunds are not supported on all credit cards by all payment processors.
<alt_pay_method> |
6052: The original payment was not made through a credit card.
Additional Comments: An alternate card is only permitted when payment was by credit card.
6054: Refund cannot be processed for this payment, since its original payment method is inactive now.
25020: Illegal characters entered
<auth_key>, <client_acct_id>, <refund_check_number>, <comments>, <do_write>, <auto_calc_refund>, <invoice_line_reversing_date>, <client_receipt_id>, <is_unlinked_refund>, <cc_number>, <cvv>, <bill_first_name, <bill_last_name, <bill_company_name, <bill_address1, <bill_address2>, <bill_address3>, <bill_city>, <bill_locality>, <bill_country>, <bill_state_prov>, <bill_zip>, <bill_phone>, <bill_cell_phone>, <bill_work_phone>, <bill_email>, <soft_descriptor>, <soft_descriptor_customer_service>, <application_id>, <application_date>, <alt_caller_id>, <attach_qualifier_option>, <qualifier_name>, <qualifier_value> |