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Aria Knowledge Central

Release 59

Note: This is a draft version of the release notes for Aria Billing Cloud—Version 59, which is currently available in Stage Future.


Enhancements and fixes to Aria functionality for this release are described below.

Release Date

Stage Future Release Date


System Requirements

Supported Browsers

Aria supports the latest stable versions of the following Web browsers: 

  • Chrome 63
  • Firefox 52
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Safari 11 on MacOS 

Screen Resolution

1024 x 768 or higher

Release 59 Contents

  1. Application Features 
    1. Usage Pooling and Accumulation Now Support Volume Discount Pricing (DEV-10540)
    2. Webhook Notifications Implemented for Worldpay Smart Payments (DEV-11355)
    3. NSO Installments Phase 3 (DEV-11363)
    4. Support for Daily-Weekly Contracts When Contracts End Mid-Billing Period (DEV-11410)
    5. District Tax Now Considered in Proration Calculation for Plan Cancellations (DEV-11476)
    6. New Statement Replacement String Incorporates Credits in Tax Summary (DEV-11498)
    7. New Client Parameter to Force Client Order ID Uniqueness (DEV-11518)
    8. Specify Currency Format in Email Templates By Locale (DEV-11520)
    9. Credit Note Replacement String InsertCreditActivityTrTypeDesc Not Displaying The Correct Translated Value (DEV-11526)
    10. Copy Config Copies Functional Account Groups for Payment Terms (DEV-11534)
    11. Fraud Scoring and BACS/SEPA Direct Debit and Tokenized Direct Debit Smart Payments for Worldline (DEV-11542)
    12. Application Fixes 
  2. API Features 
    1. NSO Installments Phase 3—APIs (DEV-11363)
    2. API proc_field_override for Adyen, Stripe and Worldline (DEV-11464)
    3. Enhanced Ability to Update Billing Groups via update_acct_complete_m (DEV-11503)
    4. update_payment_method_token_m API Introduced for Worldline Smart Payments (DEV-11505)
    5. New Output Fields Return Complete Client Sequence ID in Credit Memo API Calls (DEV-11519)
    6. Enhanced Input Validations For Send Account Email API (DEV-11531)
    7. API fields ean_gln_num and ean_gln_requisition_num updated for multiple APIs (DEV-11540)
    8. API Fixes 
  3. WSDL File Locations
    1. Object Query WSDL Files

Application Features 

Usage Pooling and Accumulation Now Support Volume Discount Pricing (DEV-10540)

This feature adds support for Volume Discounts for usage when using Usage Pooling or Accumulation. This only works when Aria rates usage at invoice time via the client parameter "Configuration > Billing > Invoice Settings Automatically Rate Un-rated Usage Records at Load Time". For Volume Discounts to work with Usage Accumulation, you must also enable Usage Pooling. If you already use Usage Pooling, you can use this new feature immediately.

Rate Schedule for Usage Services
Incoming Faxes (Standard Pricing) Outgoing Faxes (Volume Discount Pricing) Outgoing Faxes 2X (Volume Discount Pricing) Incoming Faxes 5X (Standard Pricing)
Units Rates Units Rates Units Rates Units Rates
0-100 0 0-600 0 0-100 0 0-2000 0
101-300 1 601-2000 1 101-300 1 2001-3000 1
301-500 2 2001-∞ 2 301-∞ 2 3001-4500 2
501-∞ 3         4501-∞ 3

Real-time Rating Based on Above Rate Schedule

Usage Date Usage Record No Service Name Billable Units Pooled Usage Units Usage Charge Calculation Explanation
01-Apr-24 1 Incoming Faxes 120 120 $20 First 100 units are $0. The remaining 20 units fall into tier 2.
(20 * 1) = 20
02-Apr-24 2 Incoming Faxes 60 180 $60 Previous pooled unit 120, So start with tier 2. All 60 units falls into tier 2.
(60*1) = 60
03-Apr-24 5 Outgoing Faxes 200 380   Current pooled unit 380. But we do not know the total pooled unit yet when the last usage for this service was loaded. So, remember the billable unit and hold billing.
03-Apr-24 6 Incoming Faxes 170 550 $390 Previous pooled unit 380, So start with tier 3. First 120 units falls into tier 3.
(120*2) = 240
Balance 50 units fall into tier 4.
(50*3) = 150 Total = 240+150 = 390
03-Apr-24 7 Outgoing Faxes 100 650   Still, we do not know the total pooled unit when the last usage for this service was loaded. So, remember the billable unit and hold billing.
03-Apr-24 8 Outgoing Faxes 400 1050  
03-Apr-24 9 Outgoing Faxes 2X 100 1150   Current pooled unit 1150. But we do not know the total pooled unit yet when the last usage for this service was loaded. So, remember the billable unit and hold billing.
08-Apr-24 3 Outgoing Faxes 300 1450   Still, we do not know the pooled unit when the last usage for this service was loaded. So, remember the billable unit and hold billing.
09-Apr-24 4 Outgoing Faxes 2X 150 1600   Still, we do not know the pooled unit when the last usage for this service was loaded. So, remember the billable unit and hold billing.
09-Apr-24 10 Outgoing Faxes 400 2000 $1,400 System finds this is the last usage record for this service. For Outgoing Faxes, we have 5 usage record (200, 100, 400, 300 and 400) and total units are 1400. Pooled unit = 2000 and hence, tier 2 is chosen.
(1400*1) = 1400 Total = 1400
09-Apr-24 11 Outgoing Faxes 2X 200 2200   Still, we do not know the pooled unit when the last usage for this service was loaded. So, remember the billable unit and hold billing.
09-Apr-24 12 Outgoing Faxes 2X 300 2500   Still, we do not know the pooled unit when the last usage for this service was loaded. So, remember the billable unit and hold billing.
13-Apr-24 13 Incoming Faxes 5X 650 3150 $800 Previous pooled unit 2500. First 500 units falls into tier 2.
(500*1) = 500
Remaining 150 falls into tier 3
(150*2) = 300 Total = 500+300 = 800
14-Apr-24 14 Outgoing Faxes 2X 180 3330   Still, we do not know the pooled unit when the last usage for this service was loaded. So, remember the billable unit and hold billing.
16-Apr-24 15 Outgoing Faxes 2X 220 3550 $2,300 System finds this is the last usage record for this service. For Outgoing Faxes 2X, we have 6 usage record (100, 150, 200, 300, 180 and 220) and total units are 1150. Current pooled unit = 3550 and all 1150 units falls into tier 3.
(1150*2) = 2300   Total = 2300
16-Apr-24 16 Incoming Faxes 5X 400 3950 $800 Previous pooled unit 3550.All 400 units falls into tier 3.
(400*2) = 800 Total = 800
16-Apr-24 17 Incoming Faxes 5X 600 4550 $1,250 Previous pooled unit 3950. First 550 units falls into tier 3.
(550*2) = 1100
Remaining 50 falls into tier 4
(50*3) = 150 Total = 1100+150 = 1250
        Total $7,020  

Webhook Notifications Implemented for Worldpay Smart Payments (DEV-11355)

With this release of Smart Payments for the Worldpay payment gateway, Aria now supports webhook notifications for Credit Card, Tokenized Credit Card, ACH, SEPA, and Tokenized SEPA payment and refund transactions.

Details follow on feature implementation:

  1. Integrated Worldpay webhook notifications for following pay methods:
    1. Credit Card (pay method = 1)
    2. Tokenized Credit Card (pay method = 13)
    3. ACH (pay method = 2)
    4. SEPA (pay method = 26)
    5. Tokenized SEPA (pay method = 37)

NSO Installments Phase 3 (DEV-11363)

Aria introduces Phase 3 of the Installments feature for non-subscription offerings (NSOs). This includes support for extended use cases and the ability to access installment features from the Aria Billing Cloud (Crescendo) user interface (API enhancements are included below).

This includes the following:

  • Tracking a payment applied to an installment for each statement cycle, which helps determine the correct installment amount due for future statements.
  • Allowing clients to define a “lump sum days until due” in the installment catalog definition for an aligned installment type so the due date on a lump sum payment can be any day other than the future installment due date.
  • Using the installment due date to determine if an installment is past due regardless of the payment application method system wide in Aria (FDFO for First Due First, Out; FIFO for First In, First Out for oldest invoices; etc.).
  • Calculating estimate dates for aligned installments by gathering the billing interval and rate schedule for all plan instances under the aligned MPI and generating all invoicing dates and taking the upcoming ones for however many installments are left.

UI Enhancements

Product Catalog

  • Create Installment Terms from the Product menu; these can be mapped to an NSO.
  • View NSO installment terms when selecting a plan from the Product menu when you map an NSO to a plan.
  • Allow you to define the number of days in the installment catalog definition for an aligned installment type so the due date on a lump sum payment can be any day other than the future statement due date.

Account Registration

  • View/select installment terms from the new Installment column at the Accounts > Statements & InvoicesOrders screen.

Dunning for Net Terms

  • Enable dunning for installments as part of master plan instances (MPIs) associated with the Net Terms pay method. Now, when an MPI is in dunning because the installment amount due is not paid, once the installment amount is paid and the batch runs on the next degrade date, the MPI will come out of dunning. This eliminates the need to validate future installment amounts for dunning or out-of-dunning movements.

Event Notification

  • Use a new event for installment assignment and trigger the event with the appropriate payload (XML, Name-Value Pair, and Email)—Account Installment Assigned under Accounts and Master Plan Instances.
    • When the installment is successfully assigned, event 760 will be triggered (against the destination account) and the payload will be generated.

Client Parameter

  • Exclude future installments due from collection when setting the existing Auto Collect on Order Invoicing parameter to True.

Support for Daily-Weekly Contracts When Contracts End Mid-Billing Period (DEV-11410)

Aria now supports Contracts on plans with Daily-Weekly rate schedules with the end action “Terminate service and billing and prorate final invoice”. When a contract ends on plans with Daily-Weekly rate schedules in the middle of a billing period, Aria correctly calculates proration.

District Tax Now Considered in Proration Calculation for Plan Cancellations (DEV-11476)

Aria now considers credits for district taxes when you cancel a plan. Previously, Aria omitted the credit when the district tax amount was rounded down to zero.

New Statement Replacement String Incorporates Credits in Tax Summary (DEV-11498)

Aria added a new Statement Template Replacement String, "insertTaxSummaryAfterCreditAmt". This replacement string displays the correct post-credit tax amount in a Tax Summary, ensuring the total reflects the true invoice amount.

New Client Parameter to Force Client Order ID Uniqueness (DEV-11518)

You can now control whether or not <client_order_id> is required to be unique via a new client parameter "Configuration > Client Settings > Miscellaneous Settings > Enforce Unique Client Order ID." This parameter can be found from either the Aria Billing Cloud UI, or the API calls create_order_m and create_order_with_plan_m.

This parameter is "True" by default and, if you attempt to create an order with a duplicate ID, Aria returns Error 3118 "The client_order_id provided already exists." The uniqueness requirement applies only to active orders (not cancelled orders).

Specify Currency Format in Email Templates By Locale (DEV-11520)

You can now customize how currency appears in your email notifications with a new "Currency Format" setting. This new parameter on the Locale Configuration screen specifies a format for how numbers are displayed as currency within Locale-specific Email Templates. When not specified, Aria uses your client-level currency format settings (Configuration > Client Settings > Miscellaneous Settings) or the system-wide default (USD).

Supported Currency Formats
ID Format Format Type Numeric Chars Region
1 0,000,000,000.00 Millions Decimal char—dot, Group separator—comma US, Australia, etc.
2,00 Millions Decimal char—comma, Group separator—dot Argentina, Denmark, European Union, etc.
3 0 000 000 000,00 Millions Decimal char—comma, Group separator—space France
4 0,00,00,00,000.00 Lakhs Decimal char—dot, Group separator—comma India
5 0000000000.00 Plain Decimal char—dot, Group separator—none  
6 0000000000,00 Plain Decimal char—comma, Group separator—none  

Credit Note Replacement String InsertCreditActivityTrTypeDesc Not Displaying The Correct Translated Value (DEV-11526)

The 'insertCreditActivityTrTypeDesc' replacement string within the Credit Note Template has been updated to display the Voided Invoice description in the correct language based on the the transaction type set during the transaction. Previously, the transaction type for Void Invoice was mapped to Invoice (1) instead of Voided Invoice (-1), causing an incorrect translation.

Copy Config Copies Functional Account Groups for Payment Terms (DEV-11534)

This features enhances Copy Config functionality by correctly copying Functional Account Groups for Payment Terms.

Fraud Scoring and BACS/SEPA Direct Debit and Tokenized Direct Debit Smart Payments for Worldline (DEV-11542)

Aria delivers additional functionality through its integration with the Worldline payment gateway in this release, including the following new features:

Fraud Scoring

Aria now provides fraud detection during payment authorization for credit card payments. Unlike other processors where Aria depends on the fraud score, Aria relies on the fraud message from Worldline, which can be one of the following:

  • accepted – authorized
  • denied - rejected

Note: For Fraud detection to work:

  1. Aria must ask Worldline to set up Microsoft Dynamic 365 Fraud Protection (DFP) for our merchant ID.
  2. Worldline can configure challenged payments to accept/deny by default.

BACS Direct Debit Payments

Also included in this release are BACS Direct Debit initial and recurring payments (pay method = 26), as well as transaction logging with masking of sensitive information (a BACS payment is a bank-to-bank transfer in the United Kingdom).

This introduces a new masking configuration to mask all characters of the bank-check-digit field in transaction logging.

BACS Direct Debit Refunds

BACS support also includes full and partial refunds for Direct Debit initial and recurring payments (pay method = 26), as well as integrated transaction logging.

SEPA Direct Debit Support

Worldline’s Smart Payments integration is also enhanced with SEPA create token and payment support (pay method  = 37), including transaction logging (SEPA payments are cashless Euro transactions that can be made across the European Union and several non-E.U. countries).

Fraud Note

At present, from Aria, we only support accepting/rejecting cards for fraud. Challenged payments should be configured to either accept/reject categories by the client with Worldline.

Application Fixes 


API Features 

NSO Installments Phase 3—APIs (DEV-11363)

The following API enhancements are included as part of the NSO Installments Phase 3 release:

Input Parameter Description
<installment_schedule_details> array
<notify_date> Date when customer will be notified of an installment. For aligned installment the notify dates follow master plan instance anniversary invoice bill dates.
<notify_id> Notification identification
<due_date> Due date of when individual installment is due. For aligned installment the due dates follow master plan instance anniversary invoice due dates.
<due_amount> Amount due of each individual installment
<paid_amount_to_date> Paid amount of each individual installment
<remaining_installment_balance> Remaining balance of each individual installment
<installment_status> Status of each individual installment related to payment. Statuses are: Paid, Not Paid, Closed. Closed status applies to the rest of installment balance when an installment schedule is cancelled.

When running these APIs, the tax at the installment level will now be properly unapplied.

API proc_field_override for Adyen, Stripe and Worldline (DEV-11464)

For the Adyen, Stripe and Worldline payment gateways included in Aria’s Smart Payments integration, the following enhancement has been added. For the authorize_electronic_payment_m API, the “pa_3ds_termination_url” value in the input parameter now overrides the 3DS Termination URL field value for these payment processors (Configuration > Payments > Payment Gateways\Collection Groups > Processing Options tab).

Enhanced Ability to Update Billing Groups via update_acct_complete_m (DEV-11503)

This feature enhances your ability to update billing groups via the API call update_acct_complete_m. A new input field <billing_group_directive> specifies whether you are updating an existing billing group or creating a new one. Additional input fields <existing_client_billing_group_id> and <new_client_billing_group_id> allow you specify a billing group and, if desired, update a Client Billing Group ID.

The field <client_billing_group_id> is now deprecated. In addition, you can now create or update new payment methods for existing billing groups via new input field <payment_method_directive> in the <payment_methods_array>.

update_payment_method_token_m API Introduced for Worldline Smart Payments (DEV-11505)

With this release, Aria introduces the update_payment_method_token_m API for Worldine as part of Aria’s Smart Payments integration. Use this API to update all payment information along with token details, including customer first and last name as well as credit card expiration date. Additionally, the Tokenization: Store Full Credit Card client parameter must be set to True to enable this feature.

New Output Fields Return Complete Client Sequence ID in Credit Memo API Calls (DEV-11519)

Two APIs used for managing credit memos (get_cm_details_m and create_cm_m) now return an additional field, <client_appended_cm_seq_id>. This output includes a prefix or suffix that you defined for your credit memo IDs. Previously, these APIs only returned the system-generated <client_cm_seq_id>.

Enhanced Input Validations For Send Account Email API (DEV-11531)

This feature adds more informative errors when an incorrect template class or template number are specified in send_acct_email_m. The enhancement also adds a requirement for either <template_class> or <template_no>; you can also now use either <acct_no> or <client_acct_id> to specify the email recipient.

New Error Codes

Input Parameter Old Error Code and Message New Error Code New Error Message
<template_no> 1001/unexpected error 1016 Invalid input: template_no contains an invalid template number.
<template_class> 1001/unexpected error 1047 Invalid email template class.
<template_no>, <client_template_id>, <template_class> 1001/unexpected error 1010 One of the following parameters is required: template_class, client_template_id, template_no.
<acct_no>, <user_id>, <client_acct_id>   1010 One of the following parameters is required: user_id, acct_no, client_acct_id.

API fields ean_gln_num and ean_gln_requisition_num updated for multiple APIs (DEV-11540)

The <ean_gln_num> and <ean_gln_requisition_num> field description have been updated as follows for the below APIs:

API Field Name

API Field Description


'This is the European Article Number or Global Location Number that is a required field if a payment option is terms AND one of the input parameters payment terms number/payment terms name/client payment term ID matches a term in which the payment term type equals EAN/GLN. This number should be provided by Aria's client's customers and is unique to each customer (account).'


'This is the European Article Number requisition number or Global Location Number requisition number that is a required field if a payment option is terms AND one of the input parameters payment terms number/payment terms name/client payment term ID matches a term in which the payment term type equals EAN/GLN. This number should be provided by Aria's client's customers and is used to track their individual projects similarly to a purchase order. This number is generated by the individual customer (account) and is not provided by any other party'.

API Fixes 


WSDL File Locations

Stage Current

EUR None

Stage Future




Object Query WSDL Files

Stage Current

EUR None

Stage Future



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