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Aria Knowledge Central

Basic Registration Use Case


In this basic use case, you have a customer who wants to sign up for 1 Master Plan (product) and pay for it using 1 payment method. To sign up this customer, you would create an account with 1 Master Plan and 1 billing group as shown in the sample call below.

For samples that apply to more complex use cases, see Additional Registration Use Cases.

Note: The sample call shown below contains the minimum required fields and other key fields needed to successfully create an account using the create_acct_complete_m API. You may choose to pass in additional values to customize or screen an account based on your business requirements. Examples: you may want to assign a customer to a functional account group to identify the geographic region that the customer belongs to or to screen the customer by using fraud protection.

Please see the create_acct_complete_m API documentation for detailed information about additional available fields.


Sample Call

Call the create_acct_complete_m API as follows:

  1. Pass in your client number and authorization key:

  1. Pass values into these fields to specify login (for your user self service application) and contact information for the account:
               <lit:address1>123 Main Street</lit:address1>             
               <lit:city>Any Town</lit:city>             
  1. Pass values into these fields to add the account to a collection group and specify the currency in which the account will be billed as shown below.

    Adding the account to a collection group will ensure that the account's payments will be processed by the payment gateway associated with that collection group.
  1. Pass values into these fields to assign a payment method to the account:
                     <lit:address1>234 Maple Street</lit:address1>                     
  1. Pass values into these fields to assign a billing group to the Master Plan as shown below.

    This will ensure that payments for the Plan will be made using the payment method associated with that billing group.

Note: If Aria created a statement template for you, you can ask Aria Customer Support for the identifier to pass into the <statement_template> field shown below.

                     <lit:address1>234 Maple Street</lit:address1>                     
  1. Pass values into these fields to assign the account to a dunning group as shown below.

    This will ensure that if the customer's payments are past due, actions will be taken on the account as stated in the assigned dunning group.

  1. Pass values into these fields to assign a Master Plan to the account:

Sample Response

You can use the <acct_no> returned by the API to search for the customer in the Aria application and confirm that the account was created correctly as described in the use case above.

            <ns1:client_acct_id xsi:nil="true"/>
            <ns1:other_contact_details xsi:nil="true"/>
            <ns1:contract_details xsi:nil="true"/>
            <ns1:session_id xsi:nil="true"/>
               <ns1:nso_order_no xsi:nil="true"/>
               <ns1:nso_order_status_label xsi:nil="true"/>
               <ns1:plan_unit_instance_details xsi:nil="true"/>
               <ns1:supp_plans_assigned xsi:nil="true"/>
               <ns1:out_contract xsi:nil="true"/>
               <ns1:third_party_errors xsi:nil="true"/>
               <ns1:client_plan_instance_id xsi:nil="true"/>
               <ns1:proc_cvv_response xsi:nil="true"/>
               <ns1:proc_avs_response xsi:nil="true"/>
               <ns1:proc_cavv_response xsi:nil="true"/>
               <ns1:proc_status_text xsi:nil="true"/>
               <ns1:proc_payment_id xsi:nil="true"/>
               <ns1:proc_auth_code xsi:nil="true"/>
               <ns1:proc_merch_comments xsi:nil="true"/>
               <ns1:proc_initial_auth_txn_id xsi:nil="true"/>
                  <ns1:service_name>Recurring Fee</ns1:service_name>
                  <ns1:client_service_coa_code xsi:nil="true"/>
                  <ns1:line_description>Recurring Fee</ns1:line_description>
                  <ns1:proration_text xsi:nil="true"/>
                  <ns1:proration_remaining_days xsi:nil="true"/>
                  <ns1:proration_description xsi:nil="true"/>
                  <ns1:credit_coupon_code xsi:nil="true"/>
                  <ns1:client_sku xsi:nil="true"/>
                  <ns1:order_no xsi:nil="true"/>
                  <ns1:item_no xsi:nil="true"/>
                  <ns1:client_item_id xsi:nil="true"/>
                  <ns1:adv_billing_period_total_days xsi:nil="true"/>
                  <ns1:bill_from_address_no xsi:nil="true"/>
                  <ns1:ship_from_address_no xsi:nil="true"/>
                  <ns1:bill_to_address_no xsi:nil="true"/>
                  <ns1:ship_to_address_no xsi:nil="true"/>
               <ns1:tax_details xsi:nil="true"/>
               <ns1:proc_fraud_filtering_info xsi:nil="true"/>
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