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Aria Knowledge Central

Release 49


Enhancements and fixes to Aria functionality for this release are described below.

Release Date

Stage Future Release Date


Production Release Date


System Requirements

Supported Browsers

Aria supports the latest stable versions of the following Web browsers: 

Chrome 63
Firefox 52
Microsoft Edge
Safari 11 on MacOS 

Screen Resolution

1024 x 768 or higher

Release 49 Contents

Application Features 

Streamlined Credit Memo Processing Within Vertex Integration (DEV-10472)

As part of Aria’s Vertex integration, the parameter Allow Credits after 'x' days has been added (Configuration > Integrations > Taxation Configurations [Vertex O Series]). When this parameter is configured, negative line items for credits are transmitted with the associated invoice for tax calculation purposes; this applies when a credit memo is processed after the period specified by this parameter. The default for Vertex is 90 days; this means that the credit memo can be processed as a new transaction with negative line items when the invoice date is older than 90 days.

A tool tip appears at this field indicating that negative line items will be sent when a refund is passed after the configured time period.

Learn more about Aria's Vertex integration here.

Collection Group Selection for Tokenized Credit Cards (DEV-10543)

The Payment Methods creation screen (Account > [select account] > Payment Methods > New) has been enhanced so that you can select a collection group of the "Tokenized credit card" type. Above the Billing Contact hyperlink, a filter was added for the new Collection Group dropdown that allows you to search through existing collection groups for selection. A collection group selection assigns a specific payment gateway and merchant account to pass the tokenized credit card outside of Aria. If no collection group is specified, Aria defaults to the account-level collection group and then to the payment gateway with the lowest process ID for agreement ID validation. Note that any tokens or credit cards that get passed are both validated against the selected collection group. Credit cards are additionally validated for all collection groups associated with the account.

Creating Write-Offs and Dispute Holds for Parent-Pay Child Invoices (DEV-10616)

In this release, Aria introduces the ability to create a write-off or a dispute hold for child invoices with parent pay. The dispute hold or write-off is applied on the child invoice and initiated from the parent account. Only child invoices with balance transfers that are not fully paid by the responsible parent account are eligible for use with this new functionality. The dispute or write-off amount on a child invoice is the full unpaid amount of all unpaid balance transfers from this invoice on the paying parent account. The amount of the dispute/write-off is allocated to each charge line until it is fully consumed. Reverse balance transferring from parent to child is used to transfer the unpaid amount back for dispute hold or write-off. 

To get here in the Aria Billing Cloud UI, go to Accounts > [select account] > Payments & Credits > Write-Offs/Dispute Holds. During Write-Off or Dispute Hold creation, the Invoice table listing will now show all plan invoices on the parent account, including selectable parent-paid child invoices. A row with a new label above all eligible child invoices stating, "All invoices of child accounts eligible to be written off or disputed" is displayed. In the subsequent screen, a read-only Account field shows the child account ID. After the Create Write-Off or Create Dispute Hold operation is performed, verification that the transaction was successfully completed will appear in the All Plans listing at the bottom of the final Write-Off/Dispute Hold screen. To further verify the transaction in both the parent and child accounts, go to the Transactions screen in Accounts > [select account] > Statements & Invoices > Transactions tab. In addition, Recent Transactions and Recent Comments sections in the Account Overview screen will show records of the transaction. 

Smart Payments Now Supported for Adyen With Payment Processor Enhancements (DEV-10783)

Ayden’s payment processor integration now supports smart payments as part of Aria’s enhancement of core payment processor functionality that can be leveraged with a minimal impact on business operations.

This includes the following payment-related functionality:

  • Credit card authorization and capture (pay_method = 1)
  • US ACH Direct Debit one-off payments (pay_method = 2)
  • BACS and SEPA Direct Debit one-off payments (pay_method = 26)
  • Tokenized credit card payments (pay_method = 13)
  • Authorization Reversals
  • Refunds
  • 3D Secure Authentication (3DS) 1.0 and 2.0
  • Fraud Scoring

You can enable webhook notifications by inputting authentication credentials obtained from Adyen into Aria (Configuration > Payments > Payment Gateways > Merchant Account Details). The following required authentication methods are supported:

  • Merchant Account Name and Password
  • HMAC Key

Aria exposes an endpoint where webhook notifications will be posted and returns an "accepted" response when the webhook is received. Aria ingests the following webhooks configured in the Adyen merchant portal:

  • Standard notifications
  • Generic Pending
  • BankTransfer Pending
  • Direct-debit Pending
  • Ideal Details
  • Ideal Pending
  • Payment Method Notifications

Learn more about Aria's Adyen integration from here.

Enhanced Proration on Rate Schedule Changes in Aria Application (DEV-10826)

This feature introduces the capability to trigger proration when updating a plan instance's rates in the Aria Application on the screen (Select an Account) > Plans > (Select a Plan Instance) Custom Rates.

An Apply Proration checkbox  will expose the following proration-related inputs:

  1. Assignment directive.
  2. Offset interval for Assignment Directive "Immediate."
  3. Offset months (manual/auto) for immediate/future Assignment Directives. This option will be available only when the billing interval type is "monthly".
  4. Effective date for future Assignment Directives.

The Apply Proration checkbox becomes unchecked when:

  1. Custom Rates plan scope is selected for 'Queued' plans.
  2. The selected Plan Instance is currently with custom rates and "Edit" is not chosen.
  3. The "Apply to this plan instance and save as re-usable rate schedule for this plan" checkbox is checked in the Custom Rates configuration screen under Application Scope.
    from custom rates is selected.

The proration will also consider the existing "Force Currency Change" input if selected. If the Apply Proration checkbox is not selected, then Aria updates rates without proration (as it was doing before).

When Immediate Proration is selected for "Assignment Directive", a Preview Invoice button appears. When clicked, a page displays the generated proration invoice lines where you can review them and either confirm or cancel the rate change.

Plan History Display Enhancement For Dunning Status (DEV-10905)

This feature enhances the Plan History tab in the Account Overview section of the Aria UI for the action "Dunning State Changed". Now, the value of Action Details for such actions shows the Dunning "from status" and the Dunning "to status". For example, "Dunning state changed from Completed to In Progress".

Shipping Contact Details Added For Apple Pay Payments (DEV-10932)

Aria now stores the shipping contact details from the Apple Pay payload for clients making multiple Apple Pay payments from the same account. Shipping contact information is now included as part of the Apple Pay payload, including "ship_locality" (city or local municipality or township).

This includes the following fields:

  • ship_fname
  • ship_lname
  • ship_addr_ln1
  • ship_addr_ln2
  • ship_addr_ln3
  • ship_city
  • ship_locality
  • ship_state
  • ship_zip
  • ship_country
  • ship_email
  • ship_phone

No enhancements to Aria APIs or the UI are required to enable this functionality.

Application Fixes 

  • Aria was updated to ensure data was being entered and displayed properly when defining Tax Configuration sets in Configuration Integrations Taxation Configuration. In addition, functionality was enhanced to prohibit saving two identical rates for one Tax Configuration set. (TICKET-18016)
  • Aria now accommodates multiple tax jurisdictions by including multiple tax response lines where necessary for calculating taxation when processing a refund reversal. This provides additional granularity in tax calculation. This feature enhances the Vertex O Series and Avalara Communication Tax methods via Aria APIs and the UI (Configuration > Integrations > Taxation Configuration). (TICKET-19000)

API Features 

API Support for Write-Off/Hold Disputes on Parent-Pay Child Invoice (DEV-10616)

For API support to initiate write-offs/dispute holds on parent-pay child invoices from within the parent account, it was necessary to enhance or supplement the following APIs: get_acct_writeoff_or_disputes_mcreate_writeoff_or_dispute_mget_invoices_to_writeoff_or_dispute_m, and get_writeoff_details_m

The following input parameters were enhanced for the get_acct_writeoff_or_disputes_m API to retrieve parent-pay invoice write-off and dispute hold information:

Input Parameter Description
<acct_no> or <client_acct_id>

Identifies the account. Enhanced to pass the child account number to retrieve necessary information.

<master_plan_instance> or <client_plan_master_plan_instance_id>  Identifies the plan. Enhanced to pass the child plan number to retrieve necessary information.

Flag to indicate whether the API will return write-off/dispute hold invoices or not. (field type: long; max length: 22) 

Allowable values are as follows: 
- (Default) will not return write-off/dispute hold invoices 
- will return write-off/dispute hold invoices 

The following output parameter was added for the get_acct_writeoff_or_disputes_m API:

Output Parameter Description
<paying_acct_no> Returns the account ID for the self-pay or parent-pay account. This is the parent account ID or the account responsible for paying the invoice.  

The following input parameters were added to the get_invoices_to_writeoff_or_dispute_m API:

Input Parameter Description

Includes parent-pay child invoices eligible for write-off or dispute hold. Eligible parent-pay child invoices are those whose balance transfers are unpaid. The field type is a string.

Allowable values are as follows: 
false - (Default) Parent-pay child invoices will not be included in response.
true -  Parent-pay child invoices will be included in response.

<record_limit> Limits the number of records returned in the <invoice_details> array. Input can take minimum value of 1 and maximum of 999. If no value is specified, the default is 100. (field type: long; max length: 3)
<record_offset> The number of records to skip in the <invoice_details> array. Input can take minimum value of 0 and maximum is unlimited. If no value is specified, the default is 0. (field type: long; max length: 3)

The following output parameters were enhanced for the get_invoices_to_writeoff_or_dispute_m API:

Output Parameter Description
<invoice_details> Output array
  •  <account_no>
If it is a child invoice, then the child account no is returned. Otherwise, it will return the self-pay account number. 
  •  <total_paid>
For the parent-pay invoice, this would be the total paid of the sum of the balance transfer. Self-pay would refer to the total paid of the invoice. 
  •  <balance_due>
For the parent-pay invoice, this would be the sum of the unpaid balance transfer. Self-pay would refer to the balance due of the invoice. 

The following output parameter was added for the create_writeoff_or_dispute_m API:

Output Parameter Description
<writeoff_transactions> Output array
  •  <account_no>
For parent-pay invoices, this will be the child account number. For self-pay invoices, this will refer to the self-pay account number. 

Enhanced APIs and Plan Queue Behavior (DEV-10826)

This feature enhances four API calls and Aria’s proration calculations related to queued plan updates.

API Changes
update_acct_complete_m New input field: <auto_offset_months_option>
update_acct_plan_m New input fields: <offset_months>, <auto_offset_months_option>.
update_acct_plan_multi_m Now honors values for "update" actions in the input fields <offset_months> and <auto_offset_months_option>
edit_acct_plan_queued_changes_m Now honors values for "update" actions in the input fields <offset_months> and <auto_offset_months_option>

In addition, Aria now honors <offset_months> and <auto_offset_months_option> for all update-related plan queue actions executed via API call, initiated via the UI, or executed via the nightly batch job

Auto-activated Child Supplemental Plan Bill Thru Dates

When you reactivate a Parent's plan and specify <offset_months>, any subsequently auto-activated child Supplemental plans now honor the parent’s offset_months. If the Child Supplemental Plan’s interval does not fit the given offset_months, Aria adjusts it with <auto_offset_months_option> = 1 to backtrack the recurring bill thru date to the closest possible date that does fit into its interval.

API Fixes 

  • Aria was modified so that the <order_no> input parameter will display in API Live (Configuration Utilities), as expected, for the following core APIs: get_order_items_mupdate_order_m, and cancel_order_m. (TICKET-18097)
  • This ticket addresses two issues related to the <auto_offset_months_option> field for plan update and replacement API calls: (TICKET-19027)
    1. For update_acct_plan_multi_m API call, when <auto_offset_months_option> is set to "1" on a plan replacement, the bill through date for the new plan is now calculated as expected. Previously, a value of "1" caused Aria to calculate the bill through date based on the old plan's billing interval, regardless of the billing interval of the new plan.
    2. When a negative value is specified for <auto_offset_months_option> in several plan assignment and replacement API calls, which is invalid, Error Code 14136, "Offset months must be greater than or equal to 0" is now returned. Affected APIs are:

WSDL File Locations

Stage Current





Stage Future





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