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Vertex O Series


This article describes how to configure the Vertex O Series tax service.

Before You Begin

Make sure you have completed the tasks described in Set Up Taxes.

Getting Here: Click Configuration > Integrations > Taxation Configuration

  1. Click New to set up an Vertex O Series-specific taxation configuration.
  2. Fill in all the required fields of a new taxation configuration (i.e. Status, Set Name, Set Description, and Countries).

    For additional information, reference Create Taxation Configuration.

    Note: Selected countries (in the right column) are the only countries that will be included for taxing in the Vertex O Series integration. All other countries (in the left column), are either taxed using another taxation method, or are not subject to any taxes.

  1. Choose Vertex O Series from the Method drop-down.

A new form populates, specific to the Vertex O Series configuration, with Tax Group Configuration and Tax Config Values sections to complete. Fill in all fields within these sections, detailed below, before clicking Save.

Tax Group Configuration

Complete each section within the Tax Group Configuration based on the tax groups chosen. See below for information on what input is required for each section (for Aria Internal Taxation).

  • LineItem/Product: Defines the line item or product. Consult your Vertex representative for more details.
  • Product/productClass: Defines the product class. Consult your Vertex representative for more details.
  • LineItem/LineType: Defines the line item and line type. Consult your Vertex representative for more details.
  • LineType/direction: Defines the line type and direction (selections are Inbound, Outbound or Two way). Consult your Vertex representative for more details.
  • LineType/content: Defines the line type and content (selections are Data, Voice or Both Data and Voice). Consult your Vertex representative for more details.
  • LineType/Status: Defines the line type and content (selections are Active or Inactive). Consult your Vertex representative for more details.
  • Quantity/unitofMeasure: Defines the line type and content (selections are Lines, Channel or Minutes). Consult your Vertex representative for more details.
  • CommodityCode/commodityCodeType: This is passed in both the Group (line item level) and Main (invoice level) configurations; the group level value takes precedence. The CommodityCode can be set at Products > Services and is passed on the invoice line item level. Both the Commodity Code and Commodity Code Type must be passed to utilize the Commodity Code feature. Vertex allows the following Commodity Code types: UNSPSC, NCM, Service, and HSN. If you use the Commodity Code Type field, contact Vertex about field values based on your use case or supported products or services (code is unique for international trading purposes).

Tax Config Values

Configure the Tax Config Values section based on the tax groups chosen. For information on what input to provide for each field, see below.

Note: The Tax Config Value fields are at the client-level. If any information must be passed at the account level instead, then configure account supplemental fields and use the Supp Field Override field.

Field Label Definition
VertexURL Full URL to the tax service
Login/UserName Login username for Vertex API access
Login/Password Login password for Vertex API access
Login/TrustedId An identifier supplied by an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) module
Seller/Company Identifies the top-level legal entity for which tax exceptions may exist (Supplemental Field override allowed—here).
Seller/Division Identifies the mid-level legal entity for which tax exceptions may exist (Supplemental Field override allowed—here).
Seller/Department Identifies the low-level legal entity for which tax exceptions may exist (Supplemental Field override allowed—here).
DocVersion Vertex Document Version. Consult your Vertex representative for the correct document version.
Seller/TaxRegistrationNumber Registration information for the Value Added Tax (VAT)
Customer/TaxRegistration/TaxRegistrationNumber Registration information for VAT (Supplemental Field override allowed—here).
Customer/TaxRegistration/isoCountryCode Registration country for VAT (Supplemental Field override allowed—here).
InvoiceRequest/Seller Consult your Vertex representative for more information on the requirements for this field.
QuotationRequest/Seller Consult your Vertex representative for more information on the requirements for this field.
Bill-From Address
  • Use Detailed Service Location: The following service location order of precedence applies:
    • If a Service Location is associated with a service for a plan instance on the account or with an item purchased as part of a one-time order, that Service Location is used as the bill-from (Administrative Origin) address for the corresponding invoice line items.
    • If a Service Location is associated with a Service in the product catalog, that Service Location is used as the bill-from address for the corresponding invoice line items.
    • If no Service Location is found based on the criteria above, then the standard Service Location (values for the fields listed on this screen) will be used as the bill-from address for the remaining invoice line items. 
  • Do Not Use Detailed Service Location: The standard Service Location (values for the fields defined in the Tax Config Values) is used as the bill-from address for all invoice line items.
Ship-From Address
  • Use Detailed Service Location: The following service location order of precedence applies:
    • If a Service Location is associated with a service for a plan instance on the account or with an item purchased as part of a one-time order, that Service Location is used as the ship-from (Physical Origin) address for the corresponding invoice line items.
    • If a Service Location is associated with a Service in the product catalog, that Service Location is used as the ship-from address for the corresponding invoice line items.
    • If no Service Location is found based on the criteria above, then the standard Service Location (values for the fields listed on this screen) will be used as the bill-from address for the remaining invoice line items. 
  • Do Not Use Detailed Service Location: The standard Service Location (values for the fields defined for the tax Config Values) is used as the bill-from address for all invoice line items.
Default Service Location for Bill-From address Selecting a value from this drop-down auto-populates the Administrative Origin values based on the Service Location selected.  
Default Location for Ship-From Address Selecting a value from this drop-down auto-populates the Physical Origin values based on the Service Location selected.
Seller/AdministrativeOrigin/taxAreald Vertex-specific number that identifies a tax area for the "bill-from" location. When provided, all other address fields will be ignored.
Seller/PhysicalOrigin/taxAreaId Vertex-specific number that identifies a tax area for the location "ship-from" or "first removed"
Seller/AdministrativeOrigin/StreetAddress Street address of the "bill-from" location
Seller/PhysicalOrigin/StreetAddress Origin Street Address
Seller/AdministrativeOrigin/City The name of the city of the "bill-from" location, used to determine the Tax Area ID if none is provided.
Seller/PhysicalOrigin/City The name of the city that determines the Tax Area ID (if none is supplied).
Seller/AdministrativeOrigin/MainDivision The name or the postal abbreviation of the state, province, or territory of the "bill-from" location used to determine the Tax Area ID if none is provided.
Seller/PhysicalOrigin/MainDivision The name or postal abbreviation of the state, province, or territory used to determine the Tax Area ID if none is supplied.
Seller/AdministrativeOrigin/SubDivision The name of the county of the "bill-from" location used to determine the Tax Area ID if none is provided.
Seller/PhysicalOrigin/SubDivision The name of the county used to determine the Tax Area ID (if none is supplied).
Seller/AdministrativeOrigin/PostalCode The postal code of the "bill-from" location used to determine the Tax Area ID if none is provided.
Seller/PhysicalOrigin/PostalCode The postal code used to determine the Tax Area ID (if none is supplied).
Seller/AdministrativeOrigin/OriginCountry The country of the "bill-from" location used to determine the Tax Area ID if none is provided.
Seller/PhysicalOrigin/Country The country used to determine the Tax Area ID (if none is supplied).
Customer/CustomerCode A code used to represent a customer, vendor, dispatcher or recipient (Supplemental Field override allowed—here).
CustomerCode/classCode: A code used to represent groups of customers, vendors, dispatchers, or recipients who have similar taxability.
Destination/taxAreaId Vertex-specific number that identifies a tax area for the location "ship-from" or "first removed" (Supplemental Field override allowed—here).
Destination/SubDivision The name of the county used to determine the Tax Area ID if none is supplied.
FlexibleCodeFields User-defined field for string values (Supplemental Field override allowed—here).
FlexibleNumericFields User-defined field for double values. Consult your Vertex representative for more information on the requirements for this field (Supplemental Field override allowed—here).
FlexibleDateFields User-defined field for date values. Consult your Vertex representative for more information on the requirements for this field (Supplemental Field override allowed—here).
IgnoreActionTypes Setting this to "tax" results in no taxes being recorded in Aria. Setting this to "post refund" results in no line amounts being recorded in Vertex.
ApplicationData/Sender Identifies the type of Application/Data being sent to the tax service. Please consult with your Vertex Account Representative for the appropriate values to enter for your business.
Include zero taxes in invoice tax detail
  • Yes: Include zero taxes in invoice tax detail.
  • No: Exclude zero taxes in invoice tax detail.​
Skip Default Line Level Destinations
  • Yes: If the line item and header levels share the same address, Aria will not send the line item level address to Vertex.
  • No: If the line item and header levels share the same address, Aria sends the line item level address to Vertex.
Seller/Utility Provider

This has been added to provide additional taxation reporting internal to Vertex. Select from the following:

  • Regulated Taxpayer
  • Unregulated Taxpayer
  • Blank/empty (default)

The Regulated value will only be sent if you choose; otherwise it will be sent as empty. There is no impact to taxation requests for existing clients.

Supp Field Override Aria provides the ability to calculate taxes on the division and department levels at this field. After enabling the override, you can configure the Seller/Division and/or Seller/Department fields to calculate taxes based on account fields. This ensures that the legal entity/company hierarchy is maintained for tax calculation (drop-down values are populated based on account fields).
Posting date for Void
  • Use Invoice Posting Date: Original date of the posted invoice to be voided (default).
  • Use Void Created Date: The date the void transaction was created.
  • Current Date: The current system date.
Posting date for Reversal
  • Use Invoice Posting Date: Original date of the posted invoice to be reversed (default).
  • Use Reversal Created Date: The date the reversal transaction was created.
  • Current Date: The current system date.
Posting date for Write Off
  • Use Invoice Posting Date: Original date of the posted invoice subject to the write off (default).
  • Use Write Off Created Date: The date the write off transaction was created.
  • Current Date: The current system date.
Posting date for Credit Memo
  • Use Invoice Posting Date: Original date of the posted invoice against which the credit memo was created (default).
  • Use Credit Memo Created Date: The date the credit memo against the invoice was created.
  • Current Date: The current system date.
Allow Credits after 'x' days When this parameter is configured, negative line items for credits are transmitted with the associated invoice for tax calculation purposes; this applies when a credit memo is processed after the period specified by this parameter. The default for Vertex is 90 days; this means that the credit memo can be processed as a new transaction with negative line items when the invoice date is older than 90 days.
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