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Aria Knowledge Central

Release 50


Enhancements and fixes to Aria functionality for this release are described below.

Release Date

Stage Future Release Date


Production Release Date


System Requirements

Supported Browsers

Aria supports the latest stable versions of the following Web browsers: 

Chrome 63
Firefox 52
Microsoft Edge
Safari 11 on MacOS 

Screen Resolution

1024 x 768 or higher

Release 50 Contents

Application Features 

Email Template Notification Classes Added For Contract Expiry/Renewal (DEV-10921)

Five new email notification classes have been added to allow for configuration of advance contract expiry notifications specific to each of the five contract ending actions available in Aria Billing Cloud. They are:

Class Name
Contract Expiry - Continue existing service without contract
Contract Expiry - Rollover automatically
Contract Expiry - Terminate Service and Billing
Contract Expiry - Terminate service and Billing (Proration)
Contract Renewal - Renew automatically

Learn more about Aria's Email Template Classes from here.

Note: It is recommended that the existing Class R template setting is set to False when not in use to avoid sending duplicate Email notifications. This can be configured via Configuration > Notification > Email Templates.

Credit Memos Now Honor Tax Exemption For Aria Internal Taxation Engine (DEV-10930)

This feature enhances Aria's Credit Memo functionality when you are using the Aria Internal Tax Engine to calculate taxes. Now, if an account is marked "exempt" from either or both of State/Provincial and Federal/National taxes, Aria will honor that exemption and not include tax rates in its calculation of the amount to be returned to your customer. Exempted tax lines will not be displayed on the Invoice-based Credit Memo Confirmation nor Credit Memo Detail Aria UI screens in such cases, and the billing behavior will be that of a refund.

Plan filter on invoices list to only show invoices of selected plans (DEV-10938)

When selecting a Master Plan Instance from the Invoices tab (Accounts Statements & Invoices > Invoices), the invoice(s) display(s) for that Master Plan Instance only if invoice line items are included. If the Master Plan Instance does not have any invoice line items, a $0 invoice appears.

Child Invoice Write-offs Now Available for Inclusion on Parent Statements (DEV-10940)

With this release, Aria introduces the capability of including child invoice write-offs on their respective parent's statements. When this newly created loop is configured in your Aria instance and added to a statement template, Aria's statement manager will loop through child transactions and print line items for written-off invoices and, depending on your statement template implementation, can include account, MPI, and line-item-level data.

Enhanced Adyen Payment Processor Integration - Phase 2 (DEV-10943)

With Phase 2 of Aria’s Adyen integration, ACH (US), BACS (UK), and SEPA Direct Debit payments are now supported. You can use the Adyen shopper reference to make recurring tokenized payments (pay method 37 for BACS/SEPA and pay method 48 for ACH). The iDEAL payment method is now also supported with Adyen smart payments as an alternative payment method when an initial iDEAL payment takes place outside of Aria.

Additional information appears in the following table:

Payment Type Details Recurring Payment Method
ACH Direct Debit Recurring Payments (US)
  • Use Adyen shopper reference or recurring detail reference:shopper reference to proceed with recurring payment.
  • Tokenized refund flow supported.
BACS Direct Debit Recurring Payments (UK)
  • Use Adyen shopper reference or recurring detail reference:shopper reference to proceed with recurring payment.
  • Tokenized refund flow supported.
SEPA Direct Debit Recurring Payments (EU)
  • Use Adyen shopper reference or recurring detail reference:shopper reference to proceed with recurring payment (using IBAN details).
Note: Only SALE flow is supported where Direct Debit payments happen automatically for ACH, BACS, and SEPA.
iDEAL (Netherlands)
  • iDEAL payment method supported for Adyen smart payments.
  • iDEAL is Alternative Payment Method (APM).
  • Initial payment takes place outside Aria to create SEPA token used for Aria recurring payments.
  • Use record_alternative_payment_m with SEPA token for Aria recurring payments.

*32 (Initial payment outside Aria)

Note: Refund flow is supported for both iDEAL payments and tokenized SEPA payments.

Soft descriptors have also been introduced as part of the Adyen Phase 2 integration. These are used by merchants to provide more detailed transaction information. The soft descriptor can be set and passed through various levels, prioritized as follows:

  • API
  • Collection Group
  • Payment Gateway

This is included with the Phase 2 Adyen integration for the following supported card types:

  • American Express
  • China Union Pay (CUP)
  • Diners
  • Discover
  • Japan Credit Bureau (JCB)
  • Mastercard
  • VISA

Note: The soft descriptor field character count maximum is 22 for all supported card types. If both the Collection Group and Payment Gateway settings are populated, the Collection Group setting takes precedence.

Also, the IBAN and BBAN number displays at the Payment Methods screen for these payments through Adyen (Account > [search for an account] > Account Overview > Payment Methods > Payment Details).

Learn more about the Adyen payment gateway from here.

ServiceTypeCd Added to XML for Invoice-Based Credit Memos (DEV-10953)

The <ServiceTypeCd></ServiceTypeCd> is now included in the XML generated when populating a credit memo or refund reversal using Aria’s generic tax engine. This enables a more granular categorization of charges to an external tax provider.

Application Fixes 

  • Account level flat surcharges are now applied to all Master Plan Instances within an account if the surcharge is assigned on the plan level for that Master Plan Instance. Previously, if the surcharge type was a fixed flat surcharge, then the surcharge was applied only against the first Master Plan Instance within the Account. (TICKET-18873)
  • Aria now correctly displays the account balance when an invoice with taxable charges is generated with a negative total (debit amount < credit amount) due to an inconsistent tax returned by tax engine. Previously, this resulted in a $0.01 account balance rather than $(0.01). (TICKET-19049)
  • You can now discard and regenerate a pending Parent invoice via the Aria UI (Configuration > Billing > Pending Invoices) when such an invoice has pending Child invoices. If you try to approve a Parent invoice with pending Child invoices, Aria displays this error message: "Account is a parent account with child accounts with parent pay plans. Pending invoices for these child accounts must be approved before approving the invoices for the parent account." (TICKET-19057)
  • Master Plan Instances with overdue balances and configured for payment via Payment Terms now enter the Dunning process as expected when associated with an account with multiple MPIs, some with electronic payment methods. (TICKET-19076)
  • Aria no longer incorrectly populates a Plan Name from a different account when sending Universal Contract Expiry notifications. Previously, a plan name would incorrectly display on Universal Contract Expiry notifications when the nightly batch job processed contract expiry notifications for different Multi-Plan Contracts on different accounts. (TICKET-19077)

API Features 

API Added to Generate Next Bill Preview (DEV-10737)

With this release, Aria introduces the get_acct_preview_next_bill_m API, which returns a preview of the next bill for a specific master plan instance (MPI). The upcoming bill is calculated based on the given account number and its associated MPI. Error message handling has also been added for scenarios where applicable (e.g., trying to generate a bill preview on the actual bill date).

Adjusting the billing date of an MPI via adjust_acct_plan_billing_dates_m API adjusts the anniversary queue date accordingly (DEV-10904)

When the billing date of a Master Plan Instance is adjusted via the adjust_acct_plan_billing_dates_m API, the effective date of active anniversary queue for the Master Plan Instance and its Supplemental Plan Instances will be adjusted accordingly.

Credit Memos Now Honor Tax Exemption For Aria Internal Taxation Engine (DEV-10930)

This feature enhances Aria's Credit Memo functionality when you are using the Aria Internal Tax Engine to calculate taxes. Now, if an account is marked "exempt" from either or both of State/Provincial and Federal/National taxes, Aria will honor that exemption and not include tax rates in its calculation of the amount to be returned to your customer. Exempted tax lines will not be displayed in the output of calls to the create_cm_m API call.

Enhanced Adyen Payment Processor Integration - Phase 2 (DEV-10943)

Phase 2 of Aria’s Adyen integration includes Tokenized Direct Debit support for the following APIs:

Note: Tokenized Direct Debit is an existing pay method supported by these APIs.

Also, since Tokenized Direct Debit has been added for Adyen Phase 2 to support the BBAN and iBAN payment identifiers, the following error message is now included for the APIs listed above:

Error Code Message
6056 The Bank Account number, IBAN or Agreement ID is required for this payment method.

For the get_acct_payment_method_and_terms_m API, the following output field has been added:

Field Description
<proc_payment_method_id> This field is populated at the time of token creation for payment methods 13 (Tokenized Credit Card) and 48 (Tokenized ACH).

Additionally, the below fields will be stored when received from Adyen apart from regular fields when the iDEAL payment method is converted to Tokenized Sepa DD using the record_alternative_payment_m api:

  • <agreement_id>
  • <proc_payment_method_id>

More information about the Adyen payment gateway can be accessed from here.

Voided Payment Functionality for the get_acct_payment_history_m API (DEV-10964)

A new input parameter, <include_all_voidable_pmt>, has been added to the get_acct_payment_history_m API. When set to 0, the output parameter will return 1 (default) only for external payments. When set to 1, that output parameter will return 1 for both electronic and external payments. This enhances the get_acct_payment_history_m API to allow voiding of electronic payments that is compatible with existing UI functionality.

API Fixes 

  • The update_acct_complete_m API now correctly passes the <custom_rate_client_service_id> input parameter’s value into the Replace Plan and Update Plan calls. Previously, the <custom_rate_client_service_id> input was not honored. (TICKET-17716)
  • Aria now honors the date specified in the field <alt_proration_start_date> in the API call update_acct_plan_multi_m during Master or Supplemental Plan replacement. In addition, Aria will honor <alt_proration_start_date> in calls to edit_acct_plan_queued_changes_m when you specify either <queue_id> or <plan_instance_no>. (TICKET-19042)

WSDL File Locations

Stage Current


EUR None

Stage Future





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