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Aria Knowledge Central

Release 41


Enhancements and fixes to Aria functionality for this release are described below.

Release Date

Stage Future Release Date


Production Release Date


System Requirements

Supported Browsers

  • Chrome 63
  • Firefox 52
  • IE11
  • Safari 11 on MacOS

Screen Resolution

1024 x 768 or higher

Application Features

Move Self/Parent Pay MPIs From Dunning When Paying Parent Account Charges (DEV-10260)

Aria has enhanced its existing dunning functionality related to parent-pay master plan instances (MPIs). It is now required that dunning groups are associated with MPIs (even if a dunning group is not provided by the client upon MPI assignment, an empty dunning group will be created and assigned to the MPI).

The following additional functionality is included as part of this enhancement:

  • When creating an order/prorated invoice, Aria now auto-collects the remaining transfer charge (if any) after consuming the open payment on the parent account if Auto Collect From Parent for immediate invoices of child is set to True (from Configuration > Billing > Invoice Settings).
  • The parent-pay MPI also now enters dunning when a collection fails on the immediate order invoice.
  • The dunning process number is removed from plan assignment when the dunning group is disabled. The following error message has been introduced when trying to update details for a dunning group that is disabled: “Dunning group cannot be modified since it is already disabled.”
  • The total balance of the MPI/Billing Group is now collected in the dunning manager batch job when the client parameter Auto-Collect Balance Scope is configured as Full Balance (from Configuration > Billing > Invoice Settings).
  • The dunning fee calculator has been enhanced to calculate the dunning fee based on the dunning process from the dunning group mapped to the parent-pay MPI.
  • The fields Full Balance on Parent and Current Balance on Parent have been added for parent-pay MPIs (Accounts > [search for an account] > Plans > MPI Details > Plans). These fields will not be displayed for self-pay MPIs.
  • Validation has also been introduced to not allow a responsibility change when the parent-pay MPI is in a dunning state. If this is attempted, the following error message appears: “The Responsible Master Plan Instance cannot be changed for this Parent-pay Master Plan Instance since it is in dunning or has completed dunning without exiting successfully as a result of an unpaid balance transfer.”
  • Account comment functionality has also been enhanced to include more details related to dunning activity for self-pay and parent-pay accounts (Accounts > (search for an account) > Account Overview > Recent Comments > Comment Text).
  • Dunning steps for parent-pay MPIs can be changed from the following location: Accounts > (search for an account) > Account Overview > Plans > Plan Instance ID > Dunning State > Move to Dunning Step.
  • A master plan instance (MPI) using the payment terms payment type will come out of dunning (parent-pay MPIs and any child MPIs if applicable) if the statement balance is below the dunning threshold (please note that the dunning threshold does not apply to MPIs with electronic payment methods; the collection threshold applies for MPIs using electronic payment methods). This works with the client setting Dun Plan For Non-Electronic Payment Terms Using Cumulative Past Due Balance when it is set to True (Configuration -> Payments -> Payment Settings).

More information on parent/child accounts in Aria can be found here.

Nets Netaxept Payment Gateway Now Part of Aria Integration (DEV-10305)

With this release, the Nets Netaxept payment processor is now supported as part of your Aria integration. Nets Netaxept supports international payment processing. In this implementation, the following features are supported:

  • Tokenized credit card payments
  • 3DS support via API and Direct Post
  • Minimal Authorizations
  • Low Value Payment Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) exemptions via API and the Aria UI including Direct Post.

Also, please be advised that the DIBS Payment Services and DIBS DT payment gateways are now deprecated.

Learn more about the Nets Netaxept payment gateway from here.

URL Address Appears Correctly on Email Templates (DEV-10480)

An extra dot is no longer added to a URL address when the address is generated using any Aria email template (ConfigurationNotifications > Email Templates).

Learn more about Aria Email templates from here.

Parent Account Statement Enhancements for Voided Child Account Invoices (DEV-10481)

For parent/child accounts, Aria will now print the current period's new invoices alone for the child account and not the prior period's invoices that were voided in the current period.

Also, two new statement replacement strings applicable to child account invoices have been added:

String Description
insertGLAnd*GL*XferTotalDue This is enhanced from the existing “insertGLAndXferTotalDue” such that, for the child invoice balance transfer part of the total, it will take the total of invoice balance transfers alone and not other transfers like void invoice transfer, dunning charge transfer, void dunning charge transfer, and other transfer types.
insertStmtNonInvCreditTotal This will return the sum of all credit type transactions on current statement excluding the invoice credit lines. So, it will be a sum of transactions like cash credits, external payments, electronic payments, write-offs, void of parent invoices, void of child invoices, void of child dunning charges, and void of child balance forwards (trans type=-9). This prints the total of cash credits and void of child invoices.

Logic has also been enhanced on the following four existing statement replacement strings applicable to child account invoices:

String Description
insertGLTotalRecurAfterCredits For the child invoice part of the total, ensures the total is from the current period's new invoice(s) alone and not from the prior period's invoices voided in the current period.
insertGLTotalUsageAfterCredits Same as above
insertGLTotalTaxAfterCredits Same as above
insertGLBaseDebit For the child invoice part of the total, ensures the total is from the current period's new invoice(s) alone and is not reduced due to the prior period's invoice(s) voided in the current period.

These enhancements have been added to streamline reporting of child account invoices.

Click here to learn more about generating invoices within Aria.

New Replacement String Added for Aria Statement Templates (DEV-10493)

The new replacement string "insertCreditActivitySourceNo" has been added to render the payment number as part of the "beginLoopCreditActivity" loop for Aria statement templates. This displays the payment number (source number) in the credit activity for payment types such as cash credits, write-offs, account-level credit memos, electronic payments, and external payments. For a service credit on an invoice, discount rule credit on an invoice, and a voided invoice for lines that are rendered by the same "beginLoopCreditActivity" loop, this new replacement string will not print any value, but it will be empty/blank.

Learn more about Aria's statement templates from here.

Setting 0% Tax Rates for Tax Configuration Sets Enabled (DEV-10494)

This UI enhancement allows you to set a 0% tax rate when using the Aria Internal Tax method. The update can be completed in the UI for new, or existing tax configurations in Configuration > Integrations > Taxation Configuration > [select Taxation Configuration Set or New] > Internal Values tab. In the Rate field, enter "0" percent and click Add Rate to complete the action. Currently, this functionality does not support the Canadian tax jurisdiction.

Currency Scale Added for Indonesian Rupiah Currency Type (DEV-10531)

Aria has introduced a field called Currency Scale in the Currencies screen (Configuration > Billing > Currencies). This sets the currency scale for the respective currency, rounding the transaction based on the scale. The allowed values are Null or Empty (default), 0, 2, 3, and 4. If the drop-down list is empty, the default currency scale for this currency defined within Aria will be used.

Note: This applies only to the Indonesian Rupiah currency type.

Learn more about adding a currency from here.

Additional Statement Fields Added and On-Demand Statements Now Generated Within Aria Billing Cloud (DEV-10534)

Aria Billing Cloud has added the field Sent Status (Sent or Not Sent) along with the Date Sent field (populated with the date and timestamp when the statement is sent or resent to the customer) to Accounts > (search for an account) > Account Overview > Recent Statements (as well as Account Overview > Statements & Invoices > Statements > Statement Details). In addition, the Send Statement button for generating on-demand statements has been added to Accounts > (search for an account) > Account Overview > Statements & Invoices > Transactions. These enhancements have been added to ensure parity with Aria 6.

Learn more about Aria transaction processing from here.

MasterPlanInstanceNo and ServiceTypeCd Parameters Added for Generic Taxation (DEV-10557)

Aria has introduced the new tax version 3.0 for generic taxation, which will send the MasterPlanInstanceNo and ServiceTypeCd parameters for each line in the generic tax module only when the Generic Tx version is configured as 3.0. Clients can use this ServiceTypeCd to determine the Surcharge line in the invoice and use the MasterPlanInstanceNo to get the destination contact for taxation.

What follows is a list of ServiceTypeCd values sent in the invoice line to the Tax endpoint:

  • SC - Surcharge
  • RC - Recurring
  • TX - Tax
  • RA - Recurring Arrears
  • US - Usage
  • AC - Activation
  • MS - Miscellaneous
  • CN - Cancellation
  • OR - Order Based
  • MN - Minimum Fee

Application Fixes 

  • The usage period date range for a pending invoice (Configuration > Billing > Pending Invoices) is now consistent with the date range for the same pending invoice in the account (Account > [search for an account] > Statements and Invoices > Pending Invoices). (TICKET-18388)
  • Tool tips now appear correctly when adding a large number of fields at the Payment Gateway or Collection Group screens (under Processor Details, Gateway Options and Field Options) at Configuration > Billing > Payments > Payment Gateways [Collection Groups]. (TICKET-18530)
  • When scheduling plan service changes (Products > Plans > Services) and using the DD/MM/YYYY date format, the change will now complete as expected. (TICKET-18549)
  • When updating Bill Lag Days under the Payment Terms tab (Finance > Payment Terms), clients will now be allowed to create and update payment terms when selecting "A group of accounts" at the Account Group field applicable to the desired payment term. (TICKET-18642)
  • Provisioning event 941 (Invoice Fully Paid) now fires when an invoice has no line items. For example, for a plan with only usage services: if there is no usage, Aria evaluates the invoice and fires the event because no payment is expected. (TICKET-18665)
  • Configuration screens for Collection Groups now correctly show “0” (zero) in the Authentication API URL field (Configuration > Payments > Collection Groups > Collection Group Options) when there is a “0” value in the backend. Previously, a null value was displayed, and 3D Secure payment failed because the “0” value was processed as the value for Authentication API URL, which is not a valid URL. (TICKET-18667)
  • For accounts with a negative bill lag day value specified that is subsequently removed or updated after the 1st invoice, subsequent invoices will now reflect the correct usage period. Note: In such cases, if a subsequent invoice is generated before the negative bill lag day specified, the incorrect usage period will still be reflected. (TICKET-18696)
  • Previously, the statement replacement string beginLoopMPITxnsWLinkedTaxes loop displayed both Master Plan Instance (MPI) and Account level information. This has been updated to display only the MPI transaction level information. (TICKET-18705)

API Features

Pending Activation Plan Instance Status Code Added for Aria APIs (DEV-6789)

The following Admin Tools APIs have been enhanced with the addition of Pending Activation as an allowable <plan_instance_status_code> input parameter value:

This additional API selection ensures parity with the Aria application (Accounts > (search for account)> Account Overview > Plans > Plan Instance ID > Plans).

Move Self/Parent Pay MPIs From Dunning When Paying Parent Account Charges (DEV-10260)

Aria has enhanced its existing dunning functionality related to parent-pay master plan instances (MPIs). It is now required that dunning groups are associated with MPIs (even if a dunning group is not provided by the client upon MPI assignment, an empty dunning group will be created and assigned to the MPI).

The following additional functionality is included as part of this enhancement:

…the following error message is returned:

Error Code Description
26047 Dunning group cannot be modified since it is already disabled.

...the following error message is returned:

Error Code Description
26048 The Responsible Master Plan Instance cannot be changed for this Parent-pay Master Plan Instance since it is in dunning or has completed dunning without exiting successfully as a result of an unpaid balance transfer.
Field Description
<current_balance_transfer_unpaid> The current balance of a master plan that has been transferred to a responsible payment Master Plan Instance but has yet to be successfully paid.
<total_balance_transfer_unpaid> The total balance of a master plan that has been transferred to a responsible payment Master Plan Instance but has yet to be successfully paid.

More information on parent/child accounts in Aria can be found here.

update_payment_method_m Validation Enhanced for Outside Tokens (DEV-10495)

Within the Aria application, it is now possible to have an account with more than one payment method with an agreement ID obtained outside of Aria with a collection group that is mapped with more than one billing group. The update_payment_method_m API will validate the agreement ID against the collection group when the token outside Aria is passed using existing input parameters. When no collection group is passed as an input via API, then the agreement ID will be validated against the account level collection group. If there is no collection group at the account level, then the agreement ID is validated against the last processor mapped to that client.

Collection Groups with Outside Tokens Allowed in Billing Groups (DEV-10496)

Aria has been enhanced to allow accounts to have multiple billing groups with different collection groups when a token outside of Aria has been obtained. This capability has been implemented in the the following APIs:

API Fixes 

  • When using create_acct_complete_m and update_acct_plan_multi_m APIs, the dunning group mandatory validation has been removed. This allows you to assign master plans even when a dunning group is not provided for the MPI. In these cases, a new dunning group will be created internally for each of the master plan instances and dunning will be completed separately as with the assign_acct_plan_m API. (TICKET-14953)
  • When updating contracts with modify_instance_contract_m or modify_acct_universal_contract_m API’s you will now get the appropriate error code "1016" and the error message "invalid input" as the response when you pass the invalid input parameter <length_months> as “0”. (TICKET-18158)
  • The surcharge level <currency_cd> input has been deprecated in the create_surcharge_m and edit_surcharge_m Admintools APIs. Please note that this can be input in the <rate_schedule> array. (TICKET-18579)
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