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Create Parent-Child Account Relationships


You can create parent-child account relationships to group accounts together based on your business needs by following the steps in this document.


Getting Here: Click Accounts > search for an account > Account Overview > Manage Child Accounts tab

To create a parent-child account relationship:

  1. Click Assign Child Account.
  2. Enter the Account number of the account that should be the child account of the current account, then click Assign.
  3. Select the Billing Responsibility for each master plan instance (MPI) for which the current account will be responsible:
  • Standard Self Pay: Usage accrued by the child account will be recorded under the child account. All service types (activation, recurring, usage-based, order-based, cancellation, and minimum fee) will be billed according to the child account's plan. Invoices will be paid by the child account.
  • Parent Pay: Usage accrued by the child account will be recorded under the child account. All service types (activation, recurring, usage-based, order-based, cancellation, and minimum fee) will be billed according to the child account's plan. Invoices will be paid by the parent account.
  • Parent Usage & Pay: Usage accrued by the child account will be recorded under the parent account. All service types (activation, recurring, usage-based, order-based, cancellation, and minimum fee) will be billed according to the parent account's plan. Invoices will be paid by the parent account.


If converting a self-pay child account to a parent pay MPI, or vice-versa, see section “Changing Payment Responsibility” in important notes. This section also contains important guidelines pertaining to these payment responsibility conversions that you should be aware of prior to performing this action.

  1. From the list of displayed self pay plans, select the MPI that will have payment responsibility for the corresponding child account.

    You can assign payment responsibility to an MPI from any account in a parent pay child account's ancestry. In the example shown below, for MPI 25025272, we can select a responsible MPI from the parent account (20930189) or the "grandparent" account (20930188). For more information, please see the important notes about parent‐child accounts.

  1. Click Save.

    The child account that you just assigned will be displayed on the list of child accounts as shown below: 

    To see a diagram showing the child accounts assigned to an account, please see the account hierarchy.


  • You can also unassign or update any previously-assigned accounts on the Manage Child Accounts screen.
  • In addition, you can create a parent-child account relationship when you create an account.

    For additional rules that apply to assigning or unassigning child accounts, please see important notes about parent‐child accounts.

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