1004: authentication error
<client_no>, <auth_key> |
1009: account does not exist, Account not found: AriaNo (acct_no), Account not found: Userid (userid), or Account not found: ClientId (client_acct_id)
<acct_no>, <client_acct_id> |
1010: missing required parameters, Missing input: (object-name) is required with assignment_directive ($AriaNo)
<client_no>, <auth_key>, <acct_no> or <client_acct_id>, <contract_no> or <client_contract_id>
1016: invalid input
Additional Comments: This error can be caused by the wrong type of input; for example, text in a numbers-only field, or specifying a value other than one of the documented allowable values.
<client_no>, <acct_no>, <contract_no>, <type_no>, <length_months>, <cancel_fee>, <modify_directive>, <plan_instance_no>, <rollover_plan_no>, <rollover_rate_sched_no>, <custom_rate_plan_instance_no>, <custom_rate_service_no>, <custom_rate_seq_no>, <custom_rate_from_unit>, <custom_rate_to_unit>, <custom_rate_per_unit>, <renewal_duration_type>, <renewal_duration_length> |
1033: a parameter that represents a true or false value contains invalid input
<cascade_action> |
14005: invalid Plan service combination
Additional Comments: The given Plan number and service number combination for master and Supplemental Plans is not valid.
<custom_rate_service_no>, <custom_rate_client_service_id> |
14014: When entering custom rates, the end sequence number of one tier must immediately precede the start sequence number of the next tier. Alt: invalid rate tier structure
Additional Comments:
When entering custom rates, the tiers must be continuous, that is, the end sequence number of one tier must immediately precede the start sequence number of the next tier. In addition, the rate schedule must have the same number of units in each tier, and the same number of tiers, as the schedule on which it is based. From_units must be greater than - and less than to_units.
<custom_rate_to_unit>, <custom_rate_seq_no> |
14015: The custom rates for services other than usage and recurring types can have only one tier with rate_seq_no set to 1, the from_unit set to 1 and to_unit left empty. Alt: custom from and to units not supported for given service_no
Additional Comments: For the custom rate sequence, the "from" unit in one tier is not immediately after the end unit in the previous tier. Tiers are not allowed for other than recurring and usage services.
<custom_rate_from_unit>, <custom_rate_to_unit> |
14027: The end units of final rate tier is not infinity
Additional Comments: The custom rates final unit must be infinity.
<custom_rate_to_unit> |
14035: Invalid client Plan id
<client_plan_instance_id>, <custom_rate_client_plan_instance_id> |
14036: Invalid client service id
<custom_rate_client_service_id> |
14039: Invalid client rate schedule id
<rollover_client_rate_sched_id> |
14043: Invalid Plan instance rate_seq combination
Additional Comments: If the from/to units are not specified, the given rate_seq_no must be a valid rate_seq_no.
<custom_rate_from_unit>, <custom_rate_to_unit> |
14046: If you passed in an invalid plan_instance_no, this message will appear: "Invalid Plan instance number". If you passed in an invalid master_plan_instance_id, this message will appear: "Invalid master_plan_instance_id".
Additional Comments: The plan_instance_no or master_plan_instance_id must belong to the account, or it is invalid. The percent_eval_plan_instance_no must belong to the account and also to the MPI given in input.
<plan_instance_no>, <client_plan_instance_id>, <custom_rate_plan_instance_no>, <custom_rate_client_plan_instance_id> |
14047: If you passed in an invalid client_plan_instance_id, this message will appear: "Invalid client Plan instance identifier". If you passed in an invalid client_master_plan_instance_id , this message will appear: "Invalid client_master_plan_instance_id".
<client_plan_instance_id>, <custom_rate_client_plan_instance_id> |
14082: Plan instance specified for contract completion rate schedule rollover is not included in the contract definition
<custom_rate_plan_instance_no>, <custom_rate_client_plan_instance_id> |
14089: Mandatory child Plans have not been added as part of the contract.
Additional Commetns: This error occurs when cascade_action is false and modify_directive is add.
<cascade_action>, <modify_directive>, <contract_plan_instances_update> |
14105: Mandatory child Plans should be removed from the contract along with the parent Plan.
Additional Comments: This eror occurs when cascade_action is false and modify_directive is remove.
<cascade_action>, <modify_directive>, <contract_plan_instances_update> |
14106:This mandatory child Plan cannot be removed from the contract without its parent Plan and other mandatory child Plans.
<cascade_action>, <modify_directive>, <contract_plan_instances_update> |
14107: Invalid Service Number.
<custom_rate_service_no> |
16001: contract does not exist
<contract_no>, <client_contract_id> |
16005: Invalid Modify_Directive.
<modify_directive> |
16006: This contract is ineligible for editing because its scheduled end date is in the past.
<end_date> |
16007: This contract is ineligible for editing because it is no longer in effect.
<contract_no>, <client_contract_id> |
16012: Contract end date is less than start date
<end_date> |
16013: Unsupported contract type
<type_no> |
16015: Plan Instance is not in this contract. No Plan instances were removed
<plan_instance_no>, <client_plan_instance_id> |
16016: The Plan instance can not be added because it is already in the contract.
<plan_instance_no>, <client_plan_instance_id>, <renewal_duration_type>, <renewal_duration_length> |
16017: At least one Plan instance must be in this contract. Cannot remove all Plan instances
<modify_directive> |
16019: Multi Plan instance contract cannot be created because the given Plan instance statuses on this account are Suspended, Pending Cancellation, Cancelled or Terminated.
<plan_instance_no>, <client_plan_instance_id> |
16020: The target Plan used for contract rollovers must be a sibling of the existing Plan in the product catalog.
<rollover_plan_no>, <rollover_client_plan_id> |
16021: The currency for the contract completion rollover target rate schedule must match the currency on the account.
<rollover_rate_sched_no>, <rollover_client_rate_sched_id> |
16022: The contract rollover target rate schedule is not associated with the contract completion rollover target Plan.
<rollover_rate_sched_no>, <rollover_client_rate_sched_id> |
16023: The contract completion target rate schedule rollover is not associated with the Plan instance specified.
<rollover_rate_sched_no>, <rollover_client_rate_sched_id> |
16024: The contract rollover target Plan no is ineligible because it must be Master Plan no
Additional Comments: The current and rollover Plan types must match.
<rollover_plan_no>, <rollover_client_plan_id> |
16025: The contract rollover target Plan no is ineligible because it must be Supplemental Plan
<rollover_plan_no>, <rollover_client_plan_id> |
16030: The contract start date must be on or after the earliest effective date (plan assignment date or retroactive start date) of the Plans covered by the contract.
<start_date> |
16031: duplicate client contract id.
<client_contract_id>, <new_client_contract_id> |
16033: The contract end date cannot be earlier than today (whether provided as input or calculated based on the contract term and start date).
16035: The renewal_end_date should not be on or before the initial contract period’s end date.
<renewal_end_date> |
16036: When creating an auto renewal with a different duration (type 9), then please supply either the new renewal_end_date, or both the new renewal_duration_length and renewal_duration_type.
<type_no> |
25020: Illegal characters entered
<type_no> |
25020: Illegal characters entered
<auth_key>, <client_acct_id>, <client_contract_id>, <new_client_contract_id>, <update_comments>, <start_date>, <end_date>, <cascade_action>, <client_plan_instance_id>, <rollover_client_plan_id>, <rollover_client_rate_sched_id
custom_rate_client_plan_instance_id>, <custom_rate_client_service_id>, <alt_caller_id>, <attach_qualifier_option>, <qualifier_name>, <qualifier_value> |