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Discounting and Daily-Weekly Billing


This topic describes how to use the following discounting features:


Create Discount Rules

To create/view discount rules for intervals of days or weeks, use APIs as described below: 

API Inputs Outputs
  • Pass the applicable discount duration type into the <duration_type_ind> field:
    • W: duration in weeks
    • D: duration in days
  • Pass the duration of the discount into the applicable field:
    • <max_applicable_weeks>
    • <max_applicable_days>


  • See the applicable discount duration type in the allowable values in the <duration_type_ind> field:
    • W: duration in weeks
    • D: duration in days
  • See the duration of the discount in either of these fields:
    • <max_applicable_weeks>
    • <max_applicable_days>

Create Credit Templates

To create/view credit templates with daily or weekly intervals between credits, use APIs as described below: 

API Inputs Outputs



Pass the applicable duration between credits into these fields:

  • <credit_interval_weeks> or <credit_interval_days>; and
  • <credit_type_ind>

See the applicable duration between credits in these fields:

  • <credit_interval_weeks>
  • <credit_interval_days>
  • <credit_type_ind>

Create Coupons

To create/view coupons with daily or weekly durations, use APIs as described below: 

API Inputs Outputs



  • Pass the applicable discount duration type into the <duration_type_ind> field:
    • W: duration in weeks
    • D: duration in days
  • Pass the duration of the discount into the applicable field:
    • <max_applicable_weeks>
    • <max_applicable_days>


  • See the applicable discount duration type in the allowable values in the <duration_type_ind> field:
    • W: duration in weeks
    • D: duration in days
  • See the duration of the discount in either of these fields:
    • <max_applicable_weeks>
    • <max_applicable_days>

See the the duration of the discount in these fields in the <discount_rules> array:

  • <discount_rule_period_type>
  • <max_application_period>

Create Credits

To create/view credits with daily or weekly durations, use APIs as described below: 

API Inputs Outputs
  • Pass the applicable credit duration type into the <credit_expiry_type_ind> field:
    • W: duration in weeks
    • Y: duration in days
  • Pass the duration of the credit into the <credit_expiry_period> field.
  • Pass the type of duration between credits into the <frequency_interval_type> field:
    • 6: weekly
    • 7: daily
  • Pass the duration between credits into the <frequency_interval_length> field.
  • Pass the number of times the service credit should be applied to the account into the <frequency_no> field.




See the the duration between credits in these fields:

  • <credit_interval_weeks>
  • <credit_interval_days>
  • <credit_type_ind>
  • See the the duration of the credit in this field:
    • <credit_expiry_period>
  • See the type of credit duration in the allowable values in the <credit_expiry_type_ind> field:
    • W: duration in weeks
    • Y: duration in days
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