Returns details of credit template
Input Arguments
Req | Field Name | Field Type | Max Length | Description |
client_no | long | 22 | Aria-assigned unique identifier indicating the Aria client providing service to this account. | |
auth_key | string | 32 | Aria-assigned unique key to be passed with each method call for authenticating the validity of the requestor. | |
credit_template_no | int | Specifies the recurring credit template number | ||
OR | ||||
client_credit_template_id | string | 100 | Client defined unique id |
Output Arguments
Field Name | Field Type | Description | ||||||||
error_code | long | Aria-assigned error identifier. 0 indicates no error | ||||||||
error_msg | string | Textual description of any error that occurred. "OK" if there was no error. | ||||||||
credit_template_id | int | Specifies currently assigned recurring credit template associated with coupon. All of the remaining parameters are dependent on this. | ||||||||
client_credit_template_id | string | Client defined unique id | ||||||||
credit_template_name | string | Recurring credit template name | ||||||||
eligible_plan_no | int | Eligible service plan number. If eligible_plan_no is present then eligible_service_no is also set and vice-versa. This means that coupon can only be applied against a specific type of charge. But If both values are null then it means that coupon can be applied against any change. | ||||||||
eligible_client_plan_id | string | Specifies Client defined unique id | ||||||||
eligible_service_no | int | Eligible service number | ||||||||
eligible_client_service_id | string | Specifies Client defined unique id | ||||||||
no_of_credits | int | This parameter is related to information about generation frequency. i.e. Number of credits If this value is set along with time_between_credits, then it means that generation frequency is multiple. | ||||||||
credit_interval_months | int | Time interval between credits | ||||||||
credit_interval_weeks | int | Number of weeks that should go by between each time that the credit is applied to a customer's invoice. | ||||||||
credit_interval_days | int | Number of days that should go by between each time that the credit is applied to a customer's invoice. | ||||||||
credit_interval_type_ind | int |
Type of duration between credits. Allowable values for credit_type_ind:
discount_type | string | Specifies discount type as 'Flat' or 'Percentage'. Valid values are [1 or 2] 1 - Indicates flat rate 2 - Indicates percentage | ||||||||
discount_amt | float | Specifies discount amount | ||||||||
percentage_plan_no | int | Specifies Percentage plan number. This value is only set if discount_type is 2 i.e. discount type is Percentage | ||||||||
percentage_client_plan_id | string | Specifies Client defined unique id | ||||||||
percentage_service_no | int | Specifies Percentage service number. This value is only set if discount_type is 2 i.e. discount type is Percentage | ||||||||
percentage_client_service_id | string | Specifies Client defined unique id | ||||||||
alt_service_no | int | Specifies Alternative service number. If this value is null, then for coupon can be Service code to use is standard | ||||||||
alt_client_service_id | string | Specifies Client defined unique id | ||||||||
eligible_service_types | hash | Service type code for which the credit is applicable. | ||||||||
eligible_service_type | string | |||||||||
coupons | hash | |||||||||
coupon_cd | string | Coupon Code | ||||||||
coupon_msg | string | Specifies Coupon Message | ||||||||
coupon_desc | string | Coupon description | ||||||||
status_ind | int | Specifies Coupon status. Valid values are [0, 1]1 indicates coupon is Active. 0 indicates coupon Inactive | ||||||||
no_of_uses | int | Specifies number of uses after which coupon get expires.Related to coupon expiry detail | ||||||||
start_date | string | Specifies start date. The date is in the format "yyyy-mm-dd"Related to coupon expiry detail | ||||||||
end_date | string | Specifies start date. The date is in the format "yyyy-mm-dd"Related to coupon expiry detail | ||||||||
coupon_scope | int | Specifies the coupon application. The value will be available only for EOM Clients.
Allowable values for coupon_scope: