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Aria Knowledge Central

Release 57


Enhancements and fixes to Aria functionality for this release are described below.

Release Date

Stage Future Release Date


Production Release Date


System Requirements

Supported Browsers

Aria supports the latest stable versions of the following Web browsers: 

  • Chrome 63
  • Firefox 52
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Safari 11 on MacOS 

Screen Resolution

1024 x 768 or higher

Release 57 Contents

Application Features 

NSO Installment Terms Phase 1 (DEV-10927)

This feature allows you to sell high-priced Non-Subscription Offerings (NSOs) to your customers by letting them choose to pay in installments. NSO Installment Terms provides the following benefits:

  • For your customers: Makes expensive NSO products more affordable by breaking the total cost into smaller payments.
  • For you: Records the entire revenue from the NSO sale upfront.

You can define installment terms once, then map them to multiple NSOs in your product catalog. This prevents product catalog proliferation. You can then grant your customers the installment options mapped to the NSO they wish to purchase.

Note: Phase 1 of this feature is currently accessible only via API. See NSO Installment Terms Phase 1—API Updates (DEV-10927) API note below for more information.

Key Features

  • Flexible Payment Options: Customers can choose to pay for high-priced NSO products in installments.
  • Optional: Installment terms are optional, even if an NSO is configured with installments.
  • Two Types of Installment Terms:
    • Aligned with master plan instance: installment schedule (bill/notify dates, due dates) is aligned with the Master Plan Instance (MPI) associated with the NSO and is included in MPI anniversary statements. It will always follow the MPI anniversary dates and statements even if you adjust the MPI bill date.
    • Independent: Installment schedule has its own bill/notify and due dates. Customers are notified of payments due via a new Email Template Class, Installment Due Reminder (IDR).
    • Note: Aria Customer Support must enable a batch process for existing clients called Installment Schedule Due to use the IDR Email Template Class. The batch is enabled automatically for new clients.
  • Enhanced Payment Collection and Payment Application: Payment collections exclude installments due in the future, and will honor your existing payment settings (e.g. First-Due-First-Out or First-In-First-Out).
  • Discount Compatibility: This feature is compatible with coupons.

Click here to read about use cases showing the advantages of Installment Terms invoicing for you and your customers.

Tax Calculation for Individual Usage Records (DEV-11229)

This feature introduces the ability to tax usage at the individual usage record level when usage is rated at load time and you are using the Aria tax engine. This enhances the Usage Rating Per-Record feature introduced in Release 56. As with per-record usage rating, you can use this feature by setting the Taxation Level Indicator to "Individual" when configuring a usage-based service you are adding to a new or existing plan.

You can also report pre-calculated taxes for usage records, and a single invoice can support both pre-taxed usage records and not-yet-taxed usage records. See the API notes for DEV-11229 for details regarding API call support for tax calculation for individual usage records.


  1. This feature is tailored to support low-volume usage records of approximately 100 records or less.
  2. If an invoice includes per-record usage taxes, you cannot perform a refund-reversal, create a credit memo, nor generate a rebill against it. Attempting any one of these, either via API or UI, results in Error 3117: "A Refund related Reversal/Credit Memo/Rebill cannot be performed since this invoice contains usage with either precalculated taxes, or taxes calculated at the individual record level."

Legacy UI "Express Search" Enhancements (DEV-11232)

Aria has added a new client parameter Configuration > Client Settings > Miscellaneous Settings > Enable Express Search that, when set to "True", enables a search algorithm that supports faster searches when using Accounts > Search in the Aria UI. This is especially useful if you have a large number of accounts, and allows you to search on the “Account User ID” or “Client Account ID” fields. Express Searches are also now logged to the Search History tab.

Adyen's Smart Payments Now Supports SEPA Payment Auto Rescue (DEV-11311)

Aria now supports "Auto Rescue" for SEPA payments. Auto Rescue is a payment recover feature that attempts to reprocess failed SEPA transactions up to three times depending on client settings.

The following two configuration settings have been introduced at the Payment Gateway and Collection Group levels (Configuration > Payments > Payment Gateways/Collection Groups > Field Options > Auto Rescue Options):

Field Name Allowable Values Tooltip
Auto Rescue Payment Recovery On and Off (default) Auto rescue is Adyen's payment recovery service. It will attempt to reprocess the transaction using their intelligence up to 2 times within the specified period for certain event codes. Refer to Adyen documentation for more details. Default is No.
Maximum Rescue Days 30 Enter the maximum number of days that a failed SEPA/credit card transaction will be reattempted. For SEPA, Adyen only allows values between 1 and 42 days. For credit card payments, the allowed values are between 1 to 48 days (Aria recommends setting this value at 30 days).

When the Auto Rescue Payment Recovery client setting is set to "On" and the SEPA payment fails, Adyen performs the auto rescuing of failed SEPA payments and notifies Aria whether the attempt has succeeded or failed.

Avalara Allows Refunds Across Multiple Invoices (DEV-11358)

For Avalara, Aria now allows refunds created across multiple invoices by processing the invoice number with the refund number in the Code field sent to the tax engine via the issue_refund_to_acct_m API and the UI (Accounts > [search for an account] > Payments and Credits > Refunds). This applies to the AvaTax and AvaREST transmission methods for the following actions: tax, post, void, and refund (for a reversal, credit memo, or write off).

Credit Card Type and Query Token Details Stored for Adyen Tokenized Cards (DEV-11378)

Adyen Smart Payments now displays the credit card type along with the query token details when storing a Tokenized Credit Card (pay method 13) at the Payment Methods tab (Accounts > [search for an account] > Account Overview > Payment Methods). This applies to the following card types: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diner’s Club, Japan Credit Bureau (JCB), and China UnionPay (CUP).

Soft Descriptor, Tokenization and Fraud Sight WorldPay Smart Payment Enhancements (DEV-11382)

Soft Descriptor

Aria has implemented soft descriptors to set the description that will appear on a customer’s bank statement for credit/debit transactions. This applies to Credit Card, Tokenized Credit Card, ACH and SEPA payments. This can be added at the Payment Gateway level (Configuration > Payments > Payment Gateways/Collection Groups > Field Options tab) and the Collection Group level (Configuration > Payments > Payment Gateways/Collection Groups > Advanced Options tab) level.

Aria truncates the original soft descriptor to the maximum allowable characters before sending it to WorldPay, in accordance with the pay methods in the following table:

Pay Method Maximum Amount of Allowable Characters
Credit Card, Tokenized Credit Card 22
ACH, SEPA, Tokenized SEPA 25


For pay method 37 (Tokenized Direct Debit), Aria will store the IBAN suffix (last four digits of the account number) when creating a token for this pay method. Aria will also store the generated mandate_id value when creating a token. Both the IBAN suffix and the mandate_id values will be displayed on the Payment Methods list (Accounts > [search for an account] > Account Overview > Payment Methods).

Fraud Sight

Aria has also implemented WorldPay’s Fraud Sight feature to integrate with WorldPay’s credit card fraud protections. Aria receives the <riskscore> tag containing the final Score attribute in the WorldPay response; fraud scores are received for both authorization and payment actions for Pay Methods 1 (Credit Card) and 13 (Tokenized Credit Card). These are enabled at the Processing Options tab on the Payment Gateway and Collection Group levels (Configuration > Payments > Payment Gateways/Collection Groups).

Worldline Added to Smart Payments for Credit Cards and Tokenized Credit Cards (DEV-11383)

With this release, Aria has now integrated the Worldline payment gateway as part of Smart Payments for the Credit Card and Tokenized Credit Card pay methods. This initial phase of integration supports the following actions:

  • Authorization
  • Capture
  • Create Token
  • Query Token

Transactions can be reversed using the Aria UI or by the reverse_authorize_electronic_payment_m with the authorization number of the authorized transaction. Tokens can be deleted either by the remove_acct_payment_method_m API or by deleting a tokenized payment method.

Service Name Replacement String Does Not Honor Locale Translations (DEV-11412)

The displayed Service Names of the service charge items associated to an invoice now correctly display in the language defined by the Statement Template's assigned locale when <insertItemSimpleLabel> is used.

Credit Note Replacement String Does Not Honor Locale Translations (DEV-11427)

To ensure plan name is displayed in the correct language on a Credit Note when <insertReversedItemOrgPlanName> is used, the Credit Note template now honors locale translations from the locale number provided in the Credit Note Template. If a locale number is not provided at the Credit Note template level, then the plan name is returned per the Client Level locale settings, which is set to English by default.

Application Fixes 

  • Mixed-case usernames (Name ID) are now converted into fully lower-case usernames and matched with Aria user credentials to facilitate Aria’s SSO login process. This enables you to use existing mixed-case Name IDs to login to Aria via SSO. (TICKET-19321)
  • Aria now correctly generates prorated recurring charges during plan assignment via UI for given <alt_bill_day> and <retroactive_start_date> inputs when the <invoicing_option> is set to 'Prorated Invoicing'. This also applies to combined invoice generation that includes a prorated billing period with an <alt_bill_day> input during plan assignment via UI. Previously, the <alt_bill_day> input was not being honored during invoice generation when plans were assigned via UI which led to the invoice not being prorated. (TICKET-19332)
  • The Aria UI has been modified to retrieve the correct Currency Format Mask defined in the system for the currency being used. Previously, the default currency format was used leading to the incorrect display of “,” and “.” in the EUR currency. In tandem, the code that handles the Refund reversal range validation has also been updated to honor the system-defined Currency Format Mask. Previously an error occurred during the Refund with Reversal process that displayed “Amount entered is not within allowable range” even when the amount supplied was valid. (TICKET-19387)

API Features 

NSO Installment Terms Phase 1—API Updates (DEV-10927)

The following APIs have been added and/or enhanced for this feature:

New Admintools APIs

  • create_installment_term_m (New)—Creates installment terms to allow multiple payments for a Non-Subscription Offering. Once created, the terms must be mapped to a product when creating an order.
  • get_installment_terms_m (New)—Gets the details of the specified installment term. If no installment term is specified, it returns the data for all installment terms.

Updated Admintools APIs

Field Name Field Type Max Length Description
<installment_terms> Array   A list of installment terms can be mapped to an inventory item


Int 100 Installment no




String 100 Client installment term id


Boolean 1
Mandatory to pass a default installment term.
Allowable Values
Values Description
1 This installment term is the default for this inventory item.
0 No, this installment term is not the default for this inventory item.

New Outputs: get_inventory_items_m

Field Name Field Type Description
<installment_terms> (Array)   Installment term details assigned to an account.


long Aria-assigned unique identifier for client installment term.


string Specified client installment term id.


string Specifies installment term name.
Field Name Field Type Description
<installment_terms> (Array)   A list of installment terms can be mapped to an inventory item.


long Installment no.




string Client installment ID.



The value of 1 is defaulted for the first installment term denoting it is the default. For subsequent installment terms, the default is set to 0. Alternate boolean values are accepted.

Allowable Values
Values Description
1 This installment term is the default for this inventory item.
0 No, this installment term is not the default for this inventory item.

New Core APIs

get_acct_installment_m (New)—Return the installment term details for all installment plans on an account.

Updated Core APIs

New Inputs: create_order_m

(Add to existing <order_line_items> array)

Field Name Field Type Max Length Description
<assign_installment_term> string  
Allowable Values
Values Description
Y Yes
N No (default)
Note: Other values will be treated as NULL when entered.
<client_installment_term_id> string   Specifies client installment id. If null, then it selects the installment default.
<installment_term_no> string   Installment no on product catalog. If null, then it selects the installment default.

New Outputs: get_order_items_m

Field Name Field Type Description
<installment_terms> (Array)   Summary of installment terms associated with items in an order.


string Specifies client installment term id.


string Specifies installment term name.


string Installment term description.


Aligned installment schedule with existing master plan instance.
Allowable Values
Values Description
Y Aligned with existing master plan instance. Installment amount will be charged along with master plan instance anniversary invoice/statement.
N Its own installment schedule and due dates.


Allowable Values
Values Description
M Months (default)
W Weeks
D Days


Installment term length. For example if interval type is M (Monthly), if users enter 36 then, installment period is 36 months.


Installment interval, works jointly with terms type. For example: 2 on interval and months in terms type mean installment is due every 2 months. If defined, must be less than terms length.


Applicable only when aligned_installment is No (N)—Its own installment schedule and due dates. Determines how many days after a purchase or subscription date that the first installment will start.

For example: if 5 is passed, then 5 days after a purchase date 1st installment will start. If 0 is passed, then 1st installment will start on purchase date.

Field Name Field Type Max Length Description
<payment_application_method> int 1
New Allowable Value: 4—LIFO (applicable for installment ONLY)

New Error Codes

Code Description Affected API
32001 Installment term no does not exist. create_order_m
32002 <installment_number> cannot be updated to a non-default. Assign another installment term number as the new default installment term. update_inventory_item_m
32003 <installment_number> cannot be deleted. Assign another installment term number as the new default installment term. update_inventory_item_m
32004 Client installment term id does not exist. create_order_m
32005 Assign one installment term as a default using the input parameter is_default. create_inventory_item_m, update_inventory_item_m
32006 Inputs conflict: assign_installment_term input conflicts with client installment term id or installment term no. create_order_m

$0 Authorizations Disallowed For authorize_electronic_payment_m (DEV-11130)

Aria has updated the API call authorize_electronic_payment_m to disallow $0 authorizations. Previously, this API call only rejected negative input amounts. Now, it returns an error when the input amount is less than or equal to 0. Instead, you should use validate_payment_information_m when you require a $0 authorization.

Tax Calculation for Individual Usage Records (DEV-11229)

This feature enhances several API calls to support taxation for the Per-Record Usage Rating feature introduced in Release 56 for usage records rated at load time.

Note: Calling the APIs issue_refund_to_acct_m (to create a refund-reversal), create_cm_m (to create an invoice based credit memo), or gen_rb_m (to generate a rebill)—and specifying an invoice that includes per-record taxes for usage—will result in Error 3117: "A Refund related Reversal/Credit Memo/Rebill cannot be performed since this invoice contains usage with either precalculated taxes, or taxes calculated at the individual record level."

New Inputs

APIs New Input Field Description



  1. For edit_plan_m, to retain backward compatibility: Aria retains the usage taxation level if you did not pass the field key <usage_record_taxation_level_ind>. If you do pass this field key, but with a NULL value, Aria will use the default value.
  2. For edit_plan_m, Aria saves the taxation level you specify as part of the "add service" queue and applies it when executing the queue on its effective date.


Indicates whether the usage taxation to be done at individual record level or aggregated records level.

Allowable Values

Values Description
0 Charge from Aggregated records level (Default)
1 Charge from Individual records level



  1. This feature is supported for the Aria Internal taxation engine only.
  2. Aria uses the Billing Group address of the usage record’s Master Plan Instance or the account address country to determin the tax jurisdiction.
  3. For child accounts, Aria uses the Responsible Master Plan Instance Billing Group (from the parent account), or the account address from the respective child account, to determine the tax jurisdiction.
  4. Aria has implemented this new feature to honor the client parameter Account Taxable Addresses To Use.
  5. If you pass precalculated tax details but no <precalc_tax_amt>, these APIs return Error 1016, "Invalid input: Records with Pre-calculated tax must include Amount.”
  6. If the sum of <precalc_tax_amt> values and the usage amount are of different signs (one positive, one negative), or if the sum of <precalc_tax_amt> values is greater than the usage amount, these APIs return Error 1016, “Invalid input: The total of precalc_tax_amounts cannot be greater than usage amount and must be of same sign.”


Determines whether or not the usage amt includes the <precalc_tax_amt>. Setting this value to "true" means that the <usage_amt> includes the <pretax_amt>.

Allowable Values

Values Description
false true
true true

<precalc_tax_records> (array)

Precalculated tax records specific to usage records.

  • <precalc_tax_amt>

Precalculated tax amount.

  • <precalc_tax_rate>

Preclaculated tax rate.

  • <precalc_taxable_amt>

Precalculated taxable amount.

  • <precalc_tax_jurisdiction_name>

Precalculated tax jurisdiction name.

  • <precalc_tax_authority_level>

Precalculated tax authority level.

Allowable Values

Values Description
0 Federal
1 State/Province
2 County
3 City
4 Unincorporated Area
5 District
  • <precalc_tax_type_id>

Precalculated tax type id.

  • <precalc_tax_type_desc>

Precalculated tax type description.

  • <precalc_tax_category>

Precalculated tax category.

  • <precalc_tax_summary>

Precalculated tax summary.

New Outputs

APIs New Output Field Description


Indicates whether the usage taxation to be done at individual record level or aggregated records level.

Allowable Values

Values Description
0 Charge from Aggregated records level (Default)
1 Charge from Individual records level

<usage_record_tax_details> (array)

Array of usage tax details.

  • <usage_rec_no>

Aria-assigned usage record identifier.

  • <tax_detail_line_no>

Line number associated with each tax detail record.

  • <tax_amount>

Amount of tax applied for the given tax type.

  • <tax_rate>

Rate at which tax is calculated for the tax type used by the tax engine.

  • <taxable_amount>

Taxable amount of the tax type returned by the tax engine.

  • <tax_jurisdiction_name>

Jurisdiction name returned by the tax engine.

  • <tax_authority_level>

Tax jurisdiction code.

Allowable Values

Values Description
0 Federal
1 State/Province
2 County
3 City
4 Unincorporated Area
5 District


Identifier of the tax type returned by the tax engine.


Description of the tax type returned by the tax engine.


Category of the tax type returned by the tax engine.


Summary text returned by the tax engine.


Specifies whether or not this tax record is included for invoicing.

Allowable Values

Values Description
0/null Tax record has not been excluded from billing.
1 Tax record has been excluded from billing.


<unbilled_usage_rec> (array)

  • <usage_record_pre_taxed_ind>

Flag to differentiate Client-calculated and Aria-calculated taxes. 

Allowable Values

Values Description
1 Client calculated taxes provided as input to Aria.
2 Aria calculated taxes using Aria's internal tax method.

<unbilled_usage_rec> (array)

  • <usage_record_tax_inclusive_ind>

This flag denotes if a rate is inclusive of the taxes. 

Allowable Values

Values Description
0 Usage amount is Tax Exclusive.
1 Usage amount is Tax Inclusive.

<unbilled_usage_recs> (array)

  • <usage_record_pre_taxed_ind>

Flag to differentiate Client-calculated and Aria-calculated taxes. 

Allowable Values

Values Description
1 Client calculated taxes provided as input to Aria.
2 Aria calculated taxes using Aria's internal tax method.

<unbilled_usage_recs> (array)

  • <usage_record_tax_inclusive_ind>

This flag denotes if a rate is inclusive of the taxes. 

Allowable Values

Values Description
0 Usage amount is Tax Exclusive.
1 Usage amount is Tax Inclusive.

<usage_history_information> (array)

  • <usage_record_pre_taxed_ind>

Flag to differentiate Client calculated and Aria calculated taxes.

Allowable Values

Values Description
1 Client calculated taxes provided as input to Aria.
2 Aria calculated taxes using Aria's internal tax method.

<usage_history_information> (array)

  • <usage_record_tax_inclusive_ind>

This flag denotes if a rate is inclusive of the taxes. Value of 1 means tax inclusive rates and a value of 0 (default) means tax exclusive rates.

Allowable Values

Values Description
0 Usage amount is Tax Exclusive.
1 Usage amount is Tax Inclusive.

<usage_history_information> (array)

  • <usage_record_tax_details> (array)

Array of usage tax details.

  • <tax_detail_line_no>

Line number associated with each tax detail record.

  • <tax_amount>

Amount of tax applied for the given tax type.

  • <tax_rate>

Rate at which tax is calculated for the tax type used by the tax engine.

  • <taxable_amount>

Taxable amount of the tax type returned by the tax engine.

  • <tax_jurisdiction_name>

Jurisdiction name returned by the tax engine.

  • <tax_authority_level>

Tax jurisdiction code.

Allowable Values

Values Description
0 Federal
1 State/Province
2 County
3 City
4 Unincorporated Area
5 District
  • <tax_type_id>
Identifier of the tax type returned by the tax engine.
  • <tax_type_desc>
Description of the tax type returned by the tax engine.
  • <tax_category>
Category of the tax type returned by the tax engine.
  • <tax_summary>
Summary text returned by the tax engine.
  • <is_excluded>

Specifies whether or not this tax record is included for invoicing.

Allowable Values

Values Description
0/null Tax record has not been excluded from billing.
1 Tax record has been excluded from billing.

Enhancements to get_acct_writeoff_or_disputes_m, settle_dispute_hold_m, and create_writeoff_or_dispute_m APIs (DEV-11299)

Aria updated the API calls get_acct_writeoff_or_disputes_msettle_dispute_hold_m, and create_writeoff_or_displute_m with the following changes:

API Field Name Updates
  • get_acct_writeoff_or_disputes_m
  • settle_dispute_hold_m


Output field added. You can consider this field a replacement for the field <can_unsettle> (see below).

  • get_acct_writeoff_or_disputes_m
  • settle_dispute_hold_m
  • create_writeoff_or_displute_m


Output field deprecated.
  • get_acct_writeoff_or_disputes_m
  • settle_dispute_hold_m


Output field now shows the total of the invoice associated with a writeoff. Previously, this total only included the total charge of items associated with a writeoff and did not include the other line items on the invoice.

API Enhancements for Adyen Smart Payment Integration (DEV-11311)

The following API has been added and an existing Aria API has been enhanced in support of Adyen's Smart Payments integration.

Use this API to cancel the payment retry.

Additional fields added to support this functionality follow:


Field Name Field Type Max Length Description




This param is used to filter payments that were reattempted. If filter_retry_payments value is 1, reattempted payment will be retrieved. If 0 or null (default), all payments will be retrieved.

Allowable Values

Values Description
1 Reattempted payment will be retrieved.
0 (default) All payments will be retrieved.


Field Name Field Type Description



Returns the payment's retry status.

Allowable Values

Values Description

Retrieve all payments (default).

1 Retrieve only retry payments.

New Error Codes

In addition, the following error codes are now returned:

Code Description Affected API
1016 Invalid input. Allowed values are 0 and 1 (for <filter_retry_payments>). get_acct_payment_history_m
2010 The payment ID is not valid or is not associated with account number. get_acct_payment_history_m
33001 Cancellation failed. This transaction is ineligible for an automated payment recovery process (payment record must be eligible with rescue status = 1). cancel_payment_retry_m
33002 Could not cancel the automated payment recovery process for this transaction. cancel_payment_retry_m

Enhanced get_acct_plan_balance_m API To Account For Payment Terms Due Date With Timestamp (DEV-11403)

The get_acct_plan_balance_m API has been enhanced to remain consistent with the due date logic implemented for ‘Payment Terms’ MPI dunning.

A new input parameter <current_balance_and_transfer_calc> for the get_acct_plan_balance_m API was introduced to implement this change. The <current_balance_and_transfer_calc> input parameter has the allowable values of 0 (Default. The current balance due amount and current balance transfer unpaid are considered due from the start of the due date independent of statement level payment type.) and 1 (The current balance due amount and current balance transfer unpaid are considered due depending on the statement level payment type. If statement payment type is “Payment Terms”, these are due at the end of the due date (i.e. next day of due date). If the statement payment type is not “Payment Terms”, these are due at the start of the due date.)

The <current_balance_due> and <current_balance_transfer_unpaid> output responses for get_acct_plan_balance_m now considers the statement balance amount as due only on the next day of ‘statement due date’ when the new input parameter is set to 1. 

New Input parameter for get_acct_plan_balance_m API:


Field Name

Field Type

Max Length





This param is used to filter payments that were reattempted. If filter_retry_payments value is 1, reattempted payment will be retrieved. If 0 or null (default), all payments will be retrieved.

Allowable Values



0 (NULL/default)

Default. The current balance due amount and current balance transfer unpaid are considered due from the start of the due date independent of statement level payment type.


The current balance due amount and current balance transfer unpaid are considered due depending on the statement level payment type.

If statement payment type is “Payment Terms”, these are due at the end of the due date (i.e. next day of due date). If the statement payment type is not “Payment Terms”, these are due at the start of the due date.

API issue_refund_to_acct_m No Longer Returns Uncommitted Rebill Details (DEV-11426)

The issue_refund_to_acct_m API call no longer returns values for the fields <rebilled_invoice_no> and <reversing_date> during a refund-rebill operation when <do_write> is "false." A value for <reversing_date> is also not returned when <do_write> is “true” for a refund-rebill (because there was no reversal).

WSDL File Locations

Stage Current

EUR None

Stage Future




Object Query WSDL Files

Stage Current

EUR None

Stage Future



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