record_external_payment_m Guide
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Records a payment transaction for a payment collected from an account holder without using Aria.
API Specification: |
record_external_payment_m |
Required Fields: |
- <client_no>
- <auth_key>
- <acct_no> or <client_acct_id>
- <reference_code>
- <payment_amount>
Additional Guidance
Input Fields
Field Name |
Notes |
<client_receipt_id> |
Use of special characters will result in an error. |
<payment_application_method> |
The value that you pass into the this field will override your selection for the Default Payment Collection Method parameter (in the Aria application under Configuration > Payments > Payment Settings).
(When the input fields <specific_invoice_no>, <specific_master_plan_instances_list> or <specific_charge_transaction_id> are passed, then those fields will be honored over <payment_application_method>).
Allowable Values
Values |
Description |
Null (default) |
Value taken from client parameter |
1 |
FIFO (First In, First Out). (default) |
2 |
FDFO (First Due, First Out). |
3 |
None (future manual allocation). |
4 |
Statement FIFO |
<payoff_installment_ind> |
Indicates if a payment should be allocated to pay off a future installment early or not. Applicable only for installment; will be ignored for other non-installment charges.
This is applicable only when users pass <specific_charge_transaction_id>, <invoice_no>, or <specific_master_plan_instances_list>.
Allowable Values
Values |
Description |
0 |
Pay off installment due (default) |
1 |
Pay off installment (including future installment) |
Error Codes
Error Code/Description |
Associated Inputs |
1004: authentication error
Associated Inputs: auth_key, client_id, client_no
<client_no>, <auth_key> |
1009: account does not exist, Account not found: AriaNo (acct_no), Account not found: Userid (userid), or Account not found: ClientId (client_acct_id)
Associated Inputs: acct_no, account_no, client_acct_id, user_id, userid, parent_acct_no
<acct_no>, <client_acct_id> |
5001: duplicate entry
Associated Inputs: acct_no, userid, reference_code
Additional Comments: The acct_no or userid of the new account is already in use or the reference_code of a payment matches an existing value.
<reference_code> |
1025: amount not positive
Associated Inputs: amount, percent_amount
Additional Comments: This error occurs when the percent amount is greater than 100.
<payment_amount> |
22006: Cannot enter data for only one field! Both the external_destination_id and external_id fields must be valued.
22005: Invalid external destination id
<external_destination_id> |
1024: invalid date format
Associated Inputs: bill_birthdate, birthdate, degrade_date, initial_credit_date, invoice_line_reversing_date, service_fulfillment_date, queue_date, start_bill_date, end_bill_date, start_date, end_date, stmt_birthdate, bill_birthdate
Additional Comments: All date inputs must be in yyyy-mm-dd format.
<payment_received_date> |
1016: invalid input
Additional Comments: This error can be caused by the wrong type of input; for example, text in a numbers-only field, or specifying a value other than one of the documented allowable values.
<client_no>, <acct_no>, <payment_amount>, <external_destination_id>, <specific_charge_transaction_id>, <invoice_no>, <payment_application_method>, <master_plan_instance_no> |