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Aria Knowledge Central

get_client_plan_services_m Guide

Returns information for all services in a specified plan.

API Specification: get_client_plan_services_m
Required Fields:
  • <client_no>
  • <auth_key>
  • <plan_no> or <client_acct_id>

Additional Guidance 

Output Fields
Field Name Notes
Allowable values
Values Description
0 Service is not recurring-based.
1 Service is recurring-based.
Allowable values
Values Description
0 Service is not usage-based.
1 Service is usage-based.
Allowable values
Values Description
0 Service is not taxable.
1 Service is taxable.
Allowable values
Values Description
0 Service is not a tax-based service.
1 Service is a tax-based service.
Allowable values
Values Description
0 Service is not arrears-based.
1 Service is arrears-based.
Allowable values
Values Description
0 Service is not setup-based.
1 Service is setup-based.
Allowable values
Values Description
0 Service is not miscellaneous.
1 Service is miscellaneous.
Allowable values
Values Description
0 Service is not donation-based.
1 Service is donation-based.
Allowable values 
Values Description
0 Service is not order-based.
1 Service is order-based.
Allowable values
Values Description
0 Service is not cancellation-based.
1 Service is cancellation-based.
Allowable values
Values Description
0 Service is not displayable.
1 Service is displayable.
Allowable values
Values Description
1 Standard
2 Volume Discount
3 Flat Rate Per Tier
Allowable values
Values Description
0 Service is not a minimum fee.
1 Service is a minimum fee.
Allowable values
Values Description
0 false, i.e., no future rate.
1 True, i.e., future rates are captured.
  null, i.e., no future rate.
Allowable values
Values Description
0 usage shall be rated based on the entire billing period
1 usage shall be rated based on one day periods individually.
Allowable values
Values Description
0 0
1 1
Allowable values
Values Description
0 0
1 1
Allowable values
Values Description
0 0
1 1
Allowable values
Values Description
0 0
1 1
Allowable values
Values Description
0 0
1 1
Allowable values
Values Description
0 0
1 1
Allowable values
Values Description
0 0
1 1
Allowable values
Values Description
0 0
1 1
Allowable values
Values Description
0 0
1 1
Allowable values
Values Description
0 0
1 1
Allowable values
Values Description
0 0
1 1
Allowable values
Values Description
1 Standard
2 Volume Discount
3 Flat Rate Per Tier
Allowable values
Values Description
0 0
1 1
Allowable values
Values Description
0 usage shall be rated based on the entire billing period
1 usage shall be rated based on one day periods individually.
Allowable values
Values Description
0 The service is tax-exclusive.
1 The service is tax-inclusive.
Allowable Values
Values Description
0 Refers to the setting you have on client parameter "Automatically Rate Un-rated Usage Records at Load Time"
1 At Loading Time
2 At Invoicing Time
Allowable Values
Values Description
0 Rating will be performed with aggregated usage units.
1 Rating will be performed at per usage record level.

<plan_services_list> (array)

<plan_services> (array)

  • <usage_record_taxation_level_ind>
Allowable Values
Values Description
0 Taxation will be performed with aggregated usage charges.
1 Taxation will be performed at per-usage-record level.

Error Codes

Error Code/Description Associated Inputs

1001: unexpected error


1004: authentication error

Associated Inputs: auth_key, client_id, client_no

<auth_key>, <client_no>

14004: Invalid_plan_no

Associated Inputs: new_plan_no, rollover_plan_no


14035: Invalid client Plan id

Associated Inputs: client_plan_id, custom_rate_client_plan_instance_id

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