You can translate select Product Catalog values for pre-existing locales, then either display those translations in the Aria UI or display those translations for your customers.
Multi-Language Support
Translating Product Catalog Values
To translate Product Catalog values, you must first create the associated locale.
You can then add translations either during the creation of a Product Catalog element (e.g. plans, services, etc.), or you may choose to add, modify, or delete translations for an Product Catalog element via the Aria UI or API.
Displaying Translated Product Catalog Values in the UI
You can choose to display a locale's translated Product Catalog values by default by setting a display locale for either the client (administrator only) or user profile (logged-in user only).
The client locale default is English.
Displaying Translated Product Catalog Values for Customers
To display translated Product Catalog values for your customers, you can assign a locale to an account. This can be done through the account creation template or via the create_acct_complete_m API. An account's assigned locale can be updated at any time via API.
Creating Customer Notifications in a Different Language
Statement templates can be set to display in the language of a pre-defined locale by submitting a support ticket. You may offer statements in multiple languages for the same subscriber account.
Note: Statement data, with translated values, can be retrieved by calling the get_aria_statement_xml API.
You can additionally set account notifications to display in a different language.