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- Add Bulk Usage On-Demand
- Aria's Add Bulk Usage functionality allows you to upload a .csv file containing multiple usage records on-demand.
- Create a Usage Type
- A usage type is a category of a usage-based service available for an account holder to consume. You must associate all usage-based services in your product catalog with a usage type.
- Discard Usage
- You cannot delete usage records. Aria enforces this restriction to retain information for auditing. However, you can discard usage records.
- Include Usage Billing on the First Invoice
- If you load usage records into Aria before the generating a customer's first invoice and want Aria to bill that usage on the first invoice, you must set Include Usage Charges on First Invoice to True.
- Rate Usage Per-Record
- Usage rating per record allows you to rate usage based on each individual usage record rather than at the aggregated level.
- Usage High-Water Mark
- You can set a High-Water Mark indicator for a usage-based service indicating that Aria should base charges on the highest number of incremental usage units consumed, rather than on total usage.