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Aria Knowledge Central

Include Usage Billing on the First Invoice


If you load usage records into Aria before the generating a customer's first invoice and want Aria to bill that usage on the first invoice, you must set Include Usage Charges on First Invoice to True.

Configure Usage Billing on First Invoice

Getting Here: Go to Configuration > Billing > Invoice Settings

  1. The Invoice Settings screen displays the settings in alphabetical order. Locate the Include Usage Charges on First Invoice setting.
    Bill on first invoice_6.47.png
  1. Click the parameter row. The Details screen displays.
  2. Select a Value from the drop-down.
  • True: Usage charges are included on the first invoice.
  • False: Usage charges are not included on the first invoice. The subsequent invoices include usage.

Include Usage _ 6.47.png

  1. Click Save.
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