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Aria Knowledge Central

Create a Service Location


Service locations support the use of bill-from or ship-from addresses for taxation. Once service locations are created, they can be associated with services and/or with services within a plan instance. Then you can select the applicable service location(s) in the configuration for the Avalara, Sovos, or Vertex O-Series tax engines to calculate taxes for a service or inventory item.

Alternatively, if you use any of the 3 tax engines mentioned above, taxes can be calculated based on your specified destination contact.

Note: If a Service Location is defined and associated with a given set of plans/services/items purchased by a given account, that Service Location's address will be used as the taxing jurisdiction in any associated taxable transactions. For the plans/services/items to which a Service Location is defined, it will effectively override the use of any other address on the account previously designated as the taxable jurisdiction of record.

You can associate service location to a service when:

You can also change a service location for a service by Modifying the Service Location.

Create a Service Location

Getting Here: Click Configuration > Client Settings > Service Locations

  1. Click New.
    Create Service Location.png
  1. Complete the form.
  2. Click Save. The new service location appears in the list and is available to associate with services or services within a plan instance.

Note: The Location ID is an Aria-assigned unique ID for the Service Location.

A red X displays when a service location is not associated with any services or services within a plan instance. Once a service is associated with a service location, a lock icon displays.

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