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Aria Knowledge Central


Add and Edit Payment Methods

To add a new or edit an existing Payment Method, navigate to the Account > Overview > Payment Methods sub-tab. See Payment Methods for more details.


Make Payments

Making Payments from Transactions > Payments

To make a payment, search for the Account you want to make a payment to and open the Transactions > Payments page from the side navigation menu. This page allows you to view payments that have been made to the current Account, make new payments, and void payments.

Select the Make Payment button from the upper right side of the Payments page.

After you click the Make Payment button, a pop-out drawer will open where you can create and apply payments. Select a Payment Option to indicate the type of payment, choose to Collect Against the current account or the billing group for the account, select the Payment Method you want to use to make this payment, and then select Apply Against to choose how your payment will be applied.


Payment Options

The Payment Options available can be seen below. Each Payment Option has a unique set of ways to apply your payments. The different ways in which your payments can be applied are displayed under the Apply Against dropdown. Depending on your choice of Payment Option, the payment can either be applied against:

  • FIFO: Automatically to the oldest invoices for the Account (FIFO)
  • FDFO: Automatically applied to the first invoice due (FDFO)
  • Defer Until Later: Deferred to be applied at a later time
  • Open Transactions: Entered manually to apply specific amounts for invoices listed

Payment Options

Apply Against

Request Electronic Payment apply against dropdown.png
Post External Payment apply against dropdown (1).png
Apply Existing Payment clipboard_e9101ffbd08e7b8be793727508af10c10.png
One Time Payment apply against dropdown (3).png

To manually enter amounts for invoices, scroll through the list of open invoices at the bottom of the Make Payment drawer. Select an invoice and enter the amount you want applied in the Amount box next to that invoice.

To apply payments to specific line items on an invoice, select the dropdown arrow on the left to expand all of the invoice's line items then enter the amount next to each individual item. Note that the Grand Total is displayed at the bottom of the screen to keep a running tally as you apply your payment.


Once the payment has been distributed to your liking, click the Apply Payment button located at the bottom of the invoice list.

A confirmation pop-up will display for you to review the payment. If everything looks satisfactory, press Submit Payment


Making Payments from Account > Overview

Payments can also be made from the Account Overview page. Search for the Account you want to make a payment to and open the Account > Overview page. In the upper right side of the Overview screen is the Total Account Balance. Next to this total is the Make Payment button.


Click the Make Payment button to open a pop-out drawer where you can create and apply payments. Follow the same procedure as above to create your new Payment.

Void Payments

To void a payment, select the row actions ⋯ to the right of the payment and click Void


A confirmation pop-up will appear prompting you to enter a reason for voiding the payment as well as a comment. Fill in these fields and then press Void Payment to finish the void.


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