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Aria Knowledge Central

Open Charges

Open Charges

Navigate to Transactions > Open Charges from the side navigation menu. This page displays a list of open (prorated) charges for the current account and the total charge amount. Learn more about open charges from here.


Click the Make Payment button to apply a payment from the dialog below:


The following selections appear:

  • Payment Option — Select from one of the following:
    • Request Electronic Payment
    • Post External Payment
    • Apply Existing Payment
    • One-Time Payment
  • Collect Against — If you're making a collection against the account (default), the following selections appear:
    • Payment Method — Select from an existing payment method for the account (e.g., Credit Card, ACH).
    • Apply Against — Choose a transaction to apply a payment against, or select FIFO (First In, First Out), FDFO (First Due, First Out), or Defer Until Later.
    • Amount — Select the current balance due or specify another amount (if selecting another amount, a field appears to enter the amount value).

      If you're making a collection against the billing group, the following selections appear:
    • BIlling Group — Select the account billing group.
    • Payment Method — Select from an existing payment method for the account (e.g., Credit Card, ACH).
    • Apply Against — Choose a transaction to apply a payment against, or select FIFO (First In, First Out), FDFO (First Due, First Out), or Defer Until Later.
    • Amount — Select the current balance due or specify another amount (if selecting another amount, a field appears to enter the amount value).
  • Enter any Comments at the text box and click Apply Payment.
  • Press Submit Payment at the confirmation dialog to complete payment.
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