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Assign a Surcharge to an Account


This article provides the steps necessary to assign a surcharge directly to an account. Use this method when you want to manually assign a surcharge to an account. For instance, you may want to assign a specific type of surcharge to an account because the account belongs to a specific customer segment.

You can also assign a plan with an existing surcharge to an account. A surcharge can be assigned to a master plan or a supplemental plan. Using this method, any account that purchases a plan that includes a surcharge automatically inherits the surcharge. This means that you do not need to manually assign a surcharge to an account since it is already included at the plan level.

Surcharges appear on invoices based on the following:

  • Once a surcharge is incurred on a plan, the charge is added to the account invoice based on the surcharge definition.
  • If an account is assigned two master plan instances within the same billing group, and each instance has the same surcharge on it, the surcharge appears twice on the invoice.
  • If an account is assigned two instances, each in a different billing group, and each instance has the same surcharge on it, the surcharge appears once on each invoice associated with each billing group.
  • If a surcharge is assigned directly to an account, and the surcharge is also assigned to an instance on the account, the surcharge appears twice on the account invoice.

Assigning a Surcharge to an Account

Getting Here: Click Accounts > Search

  1. Search for and select the desired account.
  1. Click Plans in the left navigation panel, and then click the Surcharges tab.
  2. Locate the desired surcharge in the Surcharges Available for Assignment section and click Assign.

    The surcharge assignment is saved to the selected account.

    Note: Upon assigning a surcharge, the surcharge fee is applied to the account’s next invoice.


    Note: Surcharges can also be assigned to an account via the create_account_complete_m or update_acct_plan_multi_m APIs.

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