You can also assign a plan with an existing surcharge to an account. A surcharge can be assigned to a master plan or a supplemental plan. Using this method, any account that purchases a plan that includes a surcharge automatically inherits the surcharge. This means that you do not need to manually assign a surcharge to an account since it is already included at the plan level.
Surcharges appear on invoices based on the following:
- Once a surcharge is incurred on a plan, the charge is added to the account invoice based on the surcharge definition.
- If an account is assigned two master plan instances within the same billing group, and each instance has the same surcharge on it, the surcharge appears twice on the invoice.
- If an account is assigned two instances, each in a different billing group, and each instance has the same surcharge on it, the surcharge appears once on each invoice associated with each billing group.
- If a surcharge is assigned directly to an account, and the surcharge is also assigned to an instance on the account, the surcharge appears twice on the account invoice.