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Replace a Plan on a Master Plan Instance


This article explains how to replace a plan on a Master Plan Instance from the Master Plan Instance Details screen.

Replacing a Plan on a Master Plan Instance

Getting HereAccounts > search for an account > Plans

  1. Select the desired Plan Instance from the Plan Instance ID field.
    The Master Plan Instance Details screen displays.
  1. Click Replace Plan.

    Note: The "Replace Plan," "Remove Plan," and "Change Plan Units" links are unavailable for suspended plans.

    A screen loads and displays the current plan, and allows you to specify the replacement plan and how it is assigned.
  1. Value the fields on the screen as follows:
    1. Promotion Code
      Promotional codes may be added to each Master Plan Instance assigned to an account. Promotion codes serve the following purposes:
      • Allow you to filter the list of available Master Plans for assignment based on, for instance, the offer the customer is using.
      • Allow you to track the offers a customer is using for a given Master Plan Instance.
    2. Master Plan: Select the Master Plan Instance that is replacing the currently selected one.
    3. Master Plan Instance Units: The number of units of the selected Master Plan Instance that you are adding to the account.
    4. Master Plan Instance Status: Available statuses include:
      • Active: The plan is fully provisioned.
      • Pending Installation: The plan is waiting for installation to occur before full provisioning can take place. This is only applicable to Master Plan Instances.
      • Pending Activation: The plan is in queue awaiting activation.
      • Active Non-Billable: The plan is not yet billable due to a trial plan that is assigned.
      • Trial: The plan is in a trial period prior to being rolled over into an active status.
    5. Client Defined Identifier: This ID must be unique across all Master Plan Instances on all accounts. If you do not provide this ID, the default Aria-assigned unique ID is used.
    6. Master Plan Instance Description: A description of the assigned Master Plan Instance.
    7. Coupon Code: A coupon assigned to the Master Plan Instance.
    8. Rate Schedule: The rate that you want to charge the customer for the replacement plan.
    9. Assignment Scope: Determines when the plan is assigned to the account. Select one of the following values:
      • Assign on Anniversary: Plan is assigned on the anniversary of the current Master Plan.
      • Assign Immediately: Plan is immediately assigned to the account.
      • Assign in Future: Plan is assigned on a future date that you specify. When you select this option, the Effective Date field displays and allows you to specify the assignment date.
    10. Proration Options - Determines how charges are handled if you do not assign the plan on the anniversary date. Select one of the following values:

      • Default Pro-ration (Full Pro-ration): Unless the defaults have been modified, the invoice is fully prorated when the plan change takes effect.
      • No Pro-ration: No proration occurs when the plan change takes effect.
      • Full Pro-ration: Full proration occurs when the plan change takes effect.
      • Charge Pro-ration ONLY: Only charges are prorated when the plan change takes effect.
      • Credit Pro-ration ONLY: Only credits are prorated when the plan change takes effect.
      • Offset Option: Select the method by which you want to extend the proration period:

    11. Enter Offset Month; or

      Offset to the Paid Through Date of Master Plan

      Offset Months: Extends the proration period by the number of months entered here. If the account's new master plan has the same recurring billing interval as the old Master Plan, the prorated period is automatically extended to the paid-through date, and offset months are ignored. Otherwise, the prorated period only extends to the next instance of the account's bill day, plus any given offset months. The prorated period cannot be longer than the plan's billing interval. This field only applies to immediate plan assignment.

      Alternate Pro-ration Start Date: This date applies to immediate plan assignment and assigning a plan in the future. It impacts only proration calculation. Use this option to select the date when you want to start the prorated period.

      This date cannot be earlier than the last date on which the customer was billed for the current plan, or after the account's paid-through date.

      Pro-ration End Date: If the replacement plan is a daily or weekly plan and you selected Assign Immediately or Assign in Future for the Assignment Scope, then this Pro-ration End Date field will appear:

      The Pro-ration End Date sets the date that proration should go up to and determines the start date of the next full invoice.

      Example: You can enter a date in this field to align the next bill date of the new plan with the previous plan's bill date.

      The start date of the next full invoice will be the day after your specified Pro-ration End Date.
    12. Invoice Unbilled Usage: Select this option to automatically invoice the unbilled usage, depending on the proration rule you selected above (which takes priority over the Invoice Unbilled Usage setting)

  1. When you are finished entering values, click Replace.

The replacement plan is now the current plan, or is assigned to take effect on a future date.

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