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Aria Knowledge Central

Remove a Master Plan Instance


This article explains how to remove a Master Plan Instance. Removing a plan is the equivalent of changing the Master Plan Instance status to Canceled.

Removing a Master Plan Instance

Getting Here: Click Accounts > search for an account > Plans

  1. Select the desired Master Plan Instance from the Plan Instance ID field. The Master Plan Instance Details screen displays.
  2. Click Remove Plan.
    clipboard_e476b02bf4fc3ad0aa9f02966aff030fa.pngA screen displays:
  • High-level details about the current plan
  • List of any linked supplemental plans
  • Various options that impact plan removal

Note: Removing a plan will cause all child plan instances to also be removed and no longer be provisioned.

  1. Choose the Assignment Scope:

    • De-assign Immediately: The Master Plan Instance will be canceled immediately along with any of its associated Supplemental Plan Instances. You can specify how you want to perform proration. Proration will determine any credits that should apply to the period between the plan cancelation date and the paid through date of the Master Plan and/or Supplemental Plan Instances being cancelled.
    • De-assign on Anniversary: The cancelation will happen the day after the paid through date of the Master Plan and/or any of it’s associated Supplemental Plan Instances being cancelled.
    • De-assign in Future: The Master Plan and/or any of it’s associated Supplemental Plan Instances will be canceled on a specified date in the future.
  2. If you select, De-assign in Future, you can optionally select the desired proration rule. You can also select Invoice Unbilled Usage, which invoices the unbilled usage based on the proration rule, if specified.
  3. Click Remove.

​The Master Plan Instance is removed from the account.

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