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Aria Knowledge Central

Vertex Field Mappings


This article details information Aria sends to Vertex in a tax request, including transactional and configurable Aria/Vertex fields. To review a sample Vertex request and corresponding response, reference the Vertex Response and Request article.

Information in a Request to Vertex

Both transactional (from invoices) and configurable (Aria UI fields) information are mapped to fields in Vertex and are sent in the request from Aria to Vertex.

Transactional Information Field Mappings

Listed below is the transaction-based information from Aria, and the Vertex fields that each piece of information maps to.

Aria Field Vertex Field
Aria invoice number Request/documentNumber
Aria transaction date Request/postingDate
Aria invoice number Request/transactionId
Aria original invoice number Request/originalTransactionId (for void transactions) 
Hardcoded to "SALE" Request/transactionType
Aria date of original tax quote request Request/documentDate
Aria currency code Request/Currency tag (curreny upper cased)
Aria account number Request/Customer/CustomerCode tag
Aria tax contact street address Request/Customer/Destination/StreetAddress. This value can be a maximum of 100 characters.
Aria tax contact city Request/Customer/Destination/City tag 
Aria tax contact state Request/Customer/Destination/MainDivision tag
Aria tax contact zip code Request/Customer/Destination/PostalCode tag
Aria tax contact country Request/Customer/Destination/Country
Aria invoice line item number Request/LineItem/lineItemId
Aria invoice line item number Request/LineItem/lineItemNumber
Hardcoded to "FALSE" Request/LineItem/isMulticomponent
Aria service number Request/LineItem/Product tag
Convert Aria Tax Service Group to value in configuration Request/LineItem/Product/productClass
Aria invoice item number of units Request/LineItem/Quatity tag
Aria invoice item price per unit Request/LineItem/UnitPrice tag
Aria invoice item gross price Request/LineItem/ExtendedPrice tag
Invoice message to be received from Vertex Message

Configurable Aria/Vertex Fields

Configurable Vertex fields within Aria include Tax Group Configuration fields and Tax Configuration Value fields.

Client-instance level settings apply to all Vertex fields and are sent per transaction (i.e. for the entire client). Account-level supplemental fields may be set for select Tax Configuration Value fields and are sent per account in the Vertex tax requests. This allows for customization of the tax request on an account-by-account basis.

The chart below indicates which of these fields support Account level supplemental fields.

Vertex Field Account Level Supplemental Field Configurable?

Tax Group Configuration

LineItem/Product No
Product/productClass No

Tax Configuration Values

Vertex URL No
Login/UserName              No
Login/Password                 No
Login/TrustedId                 No
Seller/Company Yes
Seller/Division No
Seller/Department No
DocVersion No
Seller/TaxRegistrationNumber  No
Customer/TaxRegistration/TaxRegistrationNumber Yes
Customer/TaxRegistration/isoCountryCode Yes
InvoiceRequest/Seller    No
QuotationRequest/Seller              No
Seller/PhysicalOrigin/taxAreaId No
Seller/PhysicalOrigin/StreetAddress.  This value can be a maximum of 100 characters. No
Seller/PhysicalOrigin/City No
Seller/PhysicalOrigin/MainDivision No
Seller/PhysicalOrigin/SubDivision No
Seller/PhysicalOrigin/PostalCode No
Seller/PhysicalOrigin/Country No
CustomerCode/classCode            No
Destination/taxAreaId Yes
Destination/SubDivision                No
FlexibleCodeFields1-25* Yes
FlexibleNumericFields1-5* Yes
FlexibleDateFields1-5* Yes
IgnoreActionTypes Yes
ApplicationData/Sender                No

*Flexible Fields

Flexible fields (e.g. FlexibleCodeField) are additional fields that can be sent per account by configuring an Aria Account supplemental field. These flexible fields act as allowable inputs for any additional information that is specific to the client, but is not required by Vertex.

Values for these fields can be configured by navigating to Configuration > Client Settings > Account Fields. For additional information, reference Create an Account Field.

Configuring Vertex Fields

Getting Here: Click Configuration > Integrations > Taxation Configuration

  1. Click New to set up a Vertex taxation configuration.
  2. Fill in all applicable fields. For additional information, reference Set Taxation Configuration.
  3. Choose Vertex O Series from the Method drop-down.
    Taxation Configurationv2.png

    A new form, specific to Vertex, populates based on this selection.

  1. Fill in all applicable line items in the LineItem/Product section.

    The fields that populate within this drop-down are based on the configured tax service groups. For additional information on how to set up tax service groups, please reference Create a New Tax Service Group.
    line item-productv2.png

  1. Expand the Product/productClass section and fill in all applicable line items.
  2. Enter the full URL of the tax service in the VertexURL field.
  3. Enter all other applicable fields.

    Reference the Configurable Aria/Vertex Fields section above for which fields can be sent per account, rather than being sent per transaction, by configuring the Vertex field to an Aria Account supplemental field.
    supp fieldv2.png

  1. Click Save.
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