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Set Up Multiple Payment Gateways


You can set up multiple payment gateways (also known as "payment processors") by utilizing collection groups. A collection group (also known as a "collection account group") allows you to specify that financial transactions conducted with specific groups of accounts should be completed with a particular payment gateway or combination of payment gateway and merchant account.

Special Note: Payment Gateway configuration and integration are extremely sensitive settings with respect to security of payment card and other personally identifiable information. You should carefully control and routinely monitor your Payment Gateway(s). Given your role as controller of the data that flows through the gateway, you should limit access to this module to your qualified, authorized resources, and ensure compliance with PCI and other applicable data security and privacy laws, regulations and standards.

There are two different ways that multiple payment gateways can be set up, depending on your specific use case.

  1. Set up multiple payment gateways as collection groups (one for each payment gateway).
  2. Set up a single payment gateway with multiple Merchant IDs that would utilize collection groups (one for each Merchant ID).

Note: In either of the above scenarios, you may want to set your payment gateway(s) per currency since a client of Aria’s could operate in multiple geographies.

Setting Up Multiple Payment Gateways as Collection Groups

You can set up multiple payment gateways by creating a collection group with the same assigned payment gateway (i.e. payment processor) for each payment gateway created by following the steps below (Configuration > Payments > Collection Groups).

Note: A payment gateway can be configured as a standalone processor or it may be configured as part of a collection group. If both scenarios apply, the collection group setting takes precedence.

  1. Create one new collection group for each payment gateway, being sure to select the applicable payment processor (i.e. payment gateway) from the Select Payment Processor drop-down. For more information, reference Create a Collection Group.
  2. Once you have set up the appropriate collection groups, assign the applicable accounts in Aria to each newly created collection group. For more information, reference Add an Account to a Collection Account Group.

This ensures that collections for accounts in that collection group will be completed successfully.

Note: When you have multiple payment gateways and collection groups, if you do not add a specific account to a collection group, then Aria will complete transactions for that account using the payment gateway with the lowest processor ID number (assigned by Aria).

Setting Up a Single Payment Gateway with Multiple Merchant IDs

Financial transactions for your accounts will be completed with the payment gateway that you add. If you have more than one payment gateway and/or merchant account, you can create collection account groups to indicate that financial transactions conducted with specific groups of accounts should be completed with a particular payment gateway or combination of payment gateway and merchant account.

To set up a single payment gateway with multiple Merchant IDs, follow the steps listed below.

  1. Set up a new payment gateway. For more information, reference Add a Payment Gateway.
  2. Contact the specified payment processor and request that all applicable, additional Merchant IDs be set up.
  3. Create one collection group for each Merchant ID that has been created for that payment gateway. For more information, reference Create a Collection Group.

Note: Be sure to select the same payment gateway (that was set up in step 1) in the Select Payment Processor field for each collection group. This will link the collection groups to the same payment gateway for the Merchant IDs to behave correctly.
collection group2.png

  1. Once you have set up each collection group, assign the account(s) in Aria to the collection group that has been set up for the corresponding Merchant ID. For more information, reference Add an Account to a Collection Account Group.

Turning Off a Payment Gateway

If you need to “turn off” a particular payment gateway, then you must identify which collection group to reassign all of the existing accounts to for them to continue to collect properly from the new payment gateway.

If a refund is required against the same card, but for the previous collection group, which has now been disabled, it is a best practice to leave the associated collection group operational (i.e. configured in Aria). Disassociating all accounts from the collection group, but not deleting the collection group until the maximum refund period has passed, ensures that the system handles the refund appropriately.

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