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Form of Payment Page Inputs


The Direct Post Payment Handler expects the form inputs listed in the chart below. Note that before the payment handler can function without returning any errors, an account must have already been created using the create_acct_complete_m API, and an Aria session must be started using the set_session_m or set_session_auth_m API.

Whenever a credit card or ACH payment method is saved on an account in Aria (regardless of whether authorization succeeds or fails, regardless of whether collection succeeds or fails, and regardless of whether the payment method is disabled due in failure scenarios), the <payment_method_no> (the Aria-assigned unique identifier of the payment method) is now included in the Direct Post response (for both success and error conditions).

Expected Inputs


Field Name Field Type Optional Expected Values Comments
<attempt_3d_secure> string Yes



This will manually trigger a 3D Secure check if the payment gateway/processor supports this feature. If NULL value is passed, the payment processor decides whether or not to use 3DS.
<bank_acct_num> text Yes Valid bank account number This is only required if ACH is selected as the <formOfPayment> option.
<bank_routing_num> text Yes Valid 9‐digit bank routing number This is only required if ACH is selected as the <formOfPayment> option.
<bill_address1> string Yes First address line of the billing contact  
<bill_address2> string Yes Second address line of the billing contact  
<bill_address3> string Yes Third address line of the billing contact  
<bill_birthdate> string Yes Birth date of the billing contact  
<bill_cell_phone> string Yes Cell phone number of the billing contact  
<bill_city> string Yes City of the billing contact  
<bill_company_name> string Yes Company associated with the billing contact  
<bill_country> string Yes Country of the billing contact. The ISO-compliant 2-character country code abbreviation in uppercase.  
<bill_email> string Yes Email address of the billing contact  
<bill_fax> string Yes Fax number of the billing contact  
<bill_first_name> string Yes First name of the billing contact  
<bill_last_name> string Yes Last name of the billing contact  
<bill_locality> string Yes State or province designation for addresses not located in the U.S. Canada, or Australia For addresses in the U.S., Canada, or Australia, you can optionally enter township, county, or locality information other than the state or province in this field.
<bill_middle_initial> string Yes Middle initial of the billing contact  
<bill_phone_ext> string Yes Phone extension of the billing contact  
<bill_phone> string Yes Phone number of the billing contact  
<bill_postal_cd> string Yes Postal code of the billing contact  
<bill_state_prov> string Yes Official postal service state or province code if the address is in the U.S., Canada or Australia This field does not support states, provinces or territories other than for these three countries. Use the bill_locality field for other countries.
<bill_work_phone_ext> string Yes Work phone extension of the billing contact  
<bill_work_phone> string Yes Work phone number of the billing contact  
<cc_exp_mm> drop-down Yes Numeric month (1-12) This is only required if CreditCard is selected as the <formOfPayment> option.
<cc_exp_yyyy> text Yes The 4-digit year This is only required if CreditCard is selected as the <formOfPayment> option.
<cc_no> text Yes A valid credit card number This is only required if CreditCard is selected as the <formOfPayment> option.
<client_master_plan_instance_id> string No

The client-defined identifier for the master plan instance(s) on the account

<client_no> hidden No Aria-assigned client number Every Aria client is assigned a unique ID number.
<collection_amount> text Yes Monetary units This is only required if <do_one_time_collection> is set to 1.
<cvv> text Yes The 3-4 digit security number found on the back of credit cards This is only required if CreditCard is selected as the <formOfPayment> option.
<full_invoice_no> string   Aria system-generated number for the non-pending invoice(s). If multiple invoices are provided, only one collection attempt occurs for the combined amount due for all invoices specified.
<formOfPayment> radio No

Credit Card


The expected values must be options in radio button or dropdown menu format, as they are mutually‐exclusive. The client must be configured to accept these forms of payment.


  • For tokenized credit cards, use an input value of CreditCard and be sure that the setting Save Credit Card as Token is set to Yes. This setting is located under Configuration > Client Settings > USS Reg Configuration.
  • To collect a payment made using Direct Debit, pass DD into this field and complete the additional steps described in Use Direct Post to Collect Direct Debit Payments.
<inSessionID> hidden No A valid Aria session ID generated by set_session or set_session_auth A session ID is a unique string that a Web assigned to a specific end‐user for the duration of that users visit (session).
<master_plan_instance_no> string No Aria system-generated number for the master plan instance(s) on the account If multiple master plan instances are provided, there is only one collection attempt for the combined total or current balance due (based on the client parameter setting) for all master plan instances specified.
<mode> hidden No A string matching the configuration set name "suffix" created for the Direct Post Handler For example, if you named your configuration set “direct_post_reg”, then the value of hidden form field mode must be “reg." This tells the Direct Post Payment Handler which configuration set to use.
<pending_invoice_no> string Yes, unless <do_one_time_collection> is set to False when creating a configuration set. A valid invoice number If <do_one_time_collection> is set to True, then this value is ignored.
<aria_md> hidden Yes Your chosen information such as descriptive data about your customers.​ Example: vehicle make and model
The 6 fields listed below are used by some payment gateways for 3D Secure 3DS Authentication. Not all payment gateways support 3DS. The payment gateways documentation identifies payment gateways that support 3DS. Please contact your payment gateway representative for more information about which version of 3DS is supported and other details.
<end_user_browser_color_depth> hidden Yes Browser color depth in bits per pixel. You can obtain this by using the browser's screen.colorDepth property. Accepted values: 1, 4, 8, 15, 16, 24, 32 or 48 bit color depth.  
<end_user_browser_java_enabled_ind> hidden Yes Boolean value indicating whether the customer's browser is able to execute Java.  
<end_user_browser_language> hidden Yes Browser supported language (as defined in IETF BCP-Internet Engineering Task Force Best Current Practice 47). You can obtain this by using the browser's navigator.language property.  
<end_user_browser_screen_height> hidden Yes Total height of the browser that was used for placing an online order.  
<end_user_browser_screen_width> hidden Yes Total width of the browser that was used for placing an online order.  
<end_user_browser_timezone_offset_mins> hidden Yes Difference between UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) time and the customer's browser local time, in minutes.  
Fields required to collect Direct Debit Payments are listed below. To collect a payment made using Direct Debit, pass in the fields identified below and complete the additional steps described in Use Direct Post to Collect Direct Debit Payments.






























Basic Bank Account Number. Identifier that uniquely distinguishes an individual account, at a specific financial institution, in a particular country.

International Bank Account Number.




For both BBAN and IBAN payments, pass in these additional fields:
<bank_check_digit> text Yes Number provided by the customer's bank. Bank check digits enable a sanity check of the bank account number to confirm its integrity before submitting a transaction.  
<bank_country_cd> text Yes Country of the bank. The ISO-compliant 2-character country code abbreviation in uppercase.  
<bank_swift_cd> text Yes SWIFT code is a standard format of Bank Identifier Codes (BIC). It consists of 8 or 11 alphanumeric characters. Only hyphens and spaces are allowed for formatting the SWIFT code.  
<mandate_id> text Yes A mandate is provided by the customer to authorize you to collect a payment and to instruct the customer's bank to make that payment.  
<bank_id_cd> text Yes Up to 10-digit numeric bank identifier code. Used in Europe. Only hyphens and spaces are allowed for formatting the bank ID code.  
<bank_branch_cd> text Yes Up to 10-digit numeric bank branch code. Used in Europe. Only hyphens and spaces are allowed for formatting the bank branch code.  
For only BBAN payments, pass in these additional fields:
<bank_name> text Yes Name of the bank used for the payment.  
<bank_city> text Yes City in which the bank used for the payment is located.  
End of fields required to collect Direct Debit payments

When the <do_one_time_collection> parameter of the set_reg_uss_config_params_m API is set to True (1), and a collection amount is not provided in the form, then any invoices or master plan instances provided in the following fields are used to calculate the <collection_amount>:

  • <pending_invoice_no>
  • <full_invoice_no>
  • <master_plan_instance_no>
  • <client_master_plan_instance_id>

If neither invoices or master plan instances are provided, then the account balance is collected.

When <do_one_time_collection> is False (0), then only one field is used to calculate the <collection_amount>. The fields listed above are evaluated in the same order of precedence.

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