Create a Configuration Set with the set_reg_uss_config_params_m API
The <set_name> parameter of the set_reg_uss_config_params_m API must comply with the following format:
- The set name prefix must be “direct_post_”
- The set name suffix can be any combination of alphanumeric characters. As a best practice, the suffix should relate to your hosted application in some way. For instance, your registration configuration set name could be direct_post_registration, direct_post_reg, etc. User self‐service could be called direct_post_uss, or what makes sense from a coding perspective.
Along with the standard inputs <client_no> and <auth_key> used by all of Aria's API methods, the set_reg_uss_config_params_m API also accepts the <reg_name> and <reg_value> parameters. These parameters act as key‐value pairs that instruct the Direct Post handler how to behave.
Setting the <redirectURL> Parameter
Use the set_reg_uss_config_params_m API method to create the configuration set. The only required parameter for this call is <redirecturl>, which is the URL to which Aria returns the online customer. You must specify the <redirecturl> for each application that uses Direct Post.
Parameter | Expected Value | Comments |
<redirecturl> | Valid URL | This is a URL to which the Aria-hosted Direct Post Handler immediately redirects once it has processed payment information. It must be able to perform error handling based on potential error messages the Direct Post Handler can return, or able to print a “receipt page” (or some other type of success page) if there are no returned errors. |
The below table lists the optional parameters:
Parameter | Expected Value | Comments |
<min_cc_auth_threshold> | Monetary unit | This is the minimum transaction amount necessary before credit card authorization and payment validation occurs. For instance, if you want a minimum $10 transaction to occur before authorizing an electronic payment, set this to 10. See <do_cc_auth>, and do_collect_or_validate> below for cases where you can use this parameter. By default, the <min_cc_auth_threshold> parameter is set to 1. |
<do_cc_auth_full_amount> | 0/1 |
Determines whether a full authorization or a $0 authorization is performed for credit card payment methods. The default for this field is False (0). |
<min_collect_threshold> | Number | This is the minimum transaction amount above which collections occur. For instance, if you want at least $10 of transactions to occur before collecting an electronic payment, set this to 10. |
<do_combined_auth_and_collect> |
Determines whether to perform both an authorization and collection when a credit card is provided. Note that the <min_collect_threshold> is honored for all collection attempts, so in cases where the amount to be collected falls below the <min_collect_threshold>, no collection is performed. The default for this field is True (1). |
<change_mp_status_on_success> |
This flag indicates that the master plan instance status changes if a successful collection and/or authorization is performed as part of the Direct Post process. Set it to False (0) if you do not want to change the master plan instance status. The default for this field is False (0). |
<mp_status_on_success> |
Set this value only if <change_mp_status_on_success> is set to True (1). This value must be a valid Aria master plan instance status code. The default for this field is null. |
<change_mp_status_on_failure> |
This flag indicates that the master plan instance status changes if a collection and/or authorization fails as part of the Direct Post process. Set it to False (0) if you do not want to change the master plan instance status. The default for this field is False (0). |
<mp_status_on_failure> |
Set this value only if <change_mp_status_on_failure> is set to True (1). This value must be a valid Aria master plan instance status code. The default for this field is null. |
<disable_pmt_method_on_failure> |
By default, the payment method provided via Aria Direct Post is saved as an active payment method on the account in Aria. This parameter determines, in cases where the collection or authorization fails, if the payment method remains in an active status on the account, making it available for use in the future. Set this to True (1) to disable payment methods in cases of authorization or collection failures. This makes the payment method unavailable for future use. The default for this field is False (0). |
<save_as_cc_token> |
This flag indicates if payments made using credit cards or debit/check cards that are processed as credit cards, are stored as a token by the processor. The default for this field is False (0). |
<kill_dp_session> |
This flag indicates if Direct Post kills the current session after it has submitted its transactions, either successfully or unsuccessfully. If this field is set to True (1), Direct Post calls the kill_session API method, which disables the current session ID. After the session ID is disabled, you must call set_session or set_session_auth again to start a new session if you want to reattempt any unsuccessful transactions. This allows you to verify the validity of a session every time a customer resubmits payment information. In addition, disabling a session ID prevents that session ID from being used for any transactions other than the ones triggered by Direct Post in your Account Registration or User Self Service application. The default for this field is False (0). This allows the same session to be reused if a customer attempts to resubmit payment information. Note: If you call the set_session or set_session_auth API method for something other than Direct Post, and you want to utilize this field, you must call a separate instance of set_session or set_session_auth specifically for Direct Post. For example: You set this field to automatically disable a session ID. When Direct Post attempts to authorize a credit card and the authorization fails, the session ID is disabled. You must then call set_session again to start a new session and allow the customer to resubmit credit card information. |
<do_one_time_collection> | 1/0 |
This is a User Self-Service feature that requires a form input field named <collection_amount>. You can only use this with Credit Card and Automated Clearing House (ACH) forms. Net Terms is not supported, so any form of Net Terms must not be selectable in this type of payment page. If this is set to 1, <collect_from_account> is performed using the amount entered in the <collection_amount> form field, with the entered Credit Card or ACH information. Form of payment on file is not changed. This must be a positive numeric value to be entered in the <collection_amount> field. If set to 1, this takes priority over all other directives, which are not used. Note: This direct post configuration parameter only applies to User Self-Service (USS) direct post configurations. If you need more functionality, you can use the collect_from_account_m API. You can call this API during both USS, and registration use cases, and it also allows you to use an alternate payment method. |
<no_reuse_session_ind> | 0/1 |
If this field is set to 1, Direct Post calls the kill_session API method, which disables the current session ID after Direct Post has completed its transactions successfully or unsuccessfully. After the session ID is disabled, you must call set_session or set_session_auth again to start a new session if you want to reattempt any unsuccessful transactions. This allows you to verify the validity of a session every time a customer resubmits payment information. In addition, disabling a session ID prevents that session ID from being used for any transactions other than the ones triggered by Direct Post in your Account Registration or User Self Service application. This field is set to 0 by default. This allows the same session to be reused if a customer attempts to resubmit payment information. Note: If you call the set_session_m or set_session_auth_m API method for something other than Direct Post and you want to utilize the <no_reuse_session_ind> field, you must call a separate instance of set_session_m or set_session_auth_m specifically for Direct Post. For example, if you set up the <no_reuse_session_ind> field to automatically disable a session ID. When Direct Post attempts to authorize a credit card and the authorization fails, the session ID is disabled. You must then call set_session_m again to start a new session and allow the customer to resubmit credit card information. |
<alt_client_acct_group_id> | Your chosen Client Group ID |
This refers to a Client Group ID, a unique ID code with which to identify a collection account group. You add a Client Group ID when you create or edit a collection account group. Set this field to your chosen Client Group ID to specify that, for a payment that you are currently submitting to Direct Post, Aria processes the transaction using the payment gateway information associated with the corresponding collection account group instead of the default Aria collection account group or the collection account group to which a customer is assigned. Note: Passing in <alt_client_acct_group_id> does not assign a customer to the corresponding collection account group. Unless you specify otherwise, future payments are processed using the default Aria collection account group or the collection account group to which a customer is assigned. |
<alt_caller_id> | Your chosen value |
You can utilize this parameter to pass in your chosen value to associate with an API call used to create or modify your customer data. For example, you can pass in the user ID of the person making an API call. The value that you pass into the <alt_caller_id> parameter is displayed in your API call logs in Aria in a column named Caller ID. Note: To be able to pass a value into the <alt_caller_id> parameter, you must first contact Aria Systems Customer Support to enable the parameter for your company. |
<track_data1> | Track 1 data retrieved from a credit card that was passed through a swipe machine (card-present transaction) | If credit card numbers are added to your accounts via a swipe machine (card-present transactions), Direct Post accepts inputs consisting of the track 1 and track 2 data retrieved from credit cards. You can pass the track 1 and track 2 data into the <track_data1> and <track_data2> parameters in Direct Post. |
<track_data2> | Track 2 data retrieved from a credit card that was passed through a swipe machine (card-present transaction) | If credit card numbers are added to your accounts via a swipe machine (card-present transactions), Direct Post accepts inputs consisting of the track 1 and track 2 data retrieved from credit cards. You can pass the track 1 and track 2 data into the <track_data1> and <track_data2> parameters in Direct Post. |
<do_dd_collect> | 1/0 | To collect a payment made using Direct Debit, pass 1 into this field and complete the additional steps described in Use Direct Post to Collect Direct Debit Payments. |