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Aria Knowledge Central

Card-Present Transactions


If you have customers who pay for your services in person using a procedure by which their credit cards are passed through a Point of Sale (POS) device (card-present transactions), Aria can securely handle the financial processes generated by the card-present transactions. Aria can do this because of the following reasons:

  1. Aria provides a Credit Card Swipe JavaScript Application that allows you to process credit card data retrieved from a Point of Sale (POS) device.
    You may choose to use the Aria Credit Card Swipe JavaScript Application or your own custom software to process credit card data retrieved from a Point of Sale (POS) device.
  1. Aria’s Direct Post Payment Handler and the Aria Web Services API are PCI-compliant, allowing Aria to pass payment data securely to Chase Paymentech.
  1. Aria is certified by Chase Paymentech as an authorized presenter of card track data.
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