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Dispute Hold Expiration Overrides


You can override the default time limit for a Dispute Hold in the system. There are two settings that control this:

  • The Dispute Hold Expiration Days setting sets the default number of days (between 2 and 180) that a dispute will be on hold.
  • The Dispute Hold Expiration Override setting allows you to extend the hold for a specific number of days or until a specific date. It allows you to set a range between 2–540 days.

Both of these settings apply to all Dispute Holds in your system.

When creating an override, the expiration date will be between the date of the creation of the Dispute Hold plus two days and the addition to the number of days set with this parameter. Therefore, it is recommended to set a number of days that is equal to or greater than number of days that are set by the "Dispute Hold Expiration Days" parameter.

Note: This Dispute Hold default expiration override capability must be purchased before it can be authorized for use. Contact your Customer Success Manager or Aria Implementation Specialist for further details..

Before this dispute hold override option capability will appear in the Aria Billing Cloud user interface, it must be enabled using configuration settings in Configuration > Client SettingsMiscellaneous Settings. This topic describes how to enable the override option and perform the override in the user interface when creating a new Dispute Hold.

Enabling Dispute Hold Override Option in Settings

Getting Here: Click Configuration > Client Settings > Miscellaneous Settings 

  1. In the Miscellaneous Settings screen, find and select the "Dispute Hold Expiration Override Maximum Days" parameter name in the screen listing. You can use the field in the upper right corner to enter "dispute hold" or something similar to narrow down the viewable parameters in the list box. When selected, the parameter will appear in orange shade.
  2. In the listing, click the "Dispute Hold Expiration Override Maximum Days" parameter. The Dispute Hold Override Maximum Days setting screen appears.
  3. In the Value field, enter a number that is greater than or equal to the value set with the "Dispute Hold Expiration Days" configuration parameter per the recommendation in the Description section. This represents the maximum number of days ascribed for a dispute. If this Value field was not previously set here or in the user interface, this field will be blank. If it had been previously set, the last value set will appear here.

Note: The value of the maximum hold days sets the maximum limit of number of days that can be set in the system when creating all Dispute Holds on individual unpaid invoices. Once activated, this Dispute Hold Maximum Days Override setting allows you to set custom end dates in the user interface on Dispute Holds that cannot exceed this set limit. See next procedure in this topic for details.

  1. Click Save. A Completed popup dialog box will appear to confirm that the value was successfully saved in the system.
  2. Close out of the Completed dialog. You will notice that the value was changed in the Value field.

Creating a New Dispute Hold with a Maximum Day Expiration Override

This procedure describes how to change the "Dispute Hold Expiration Override" to set a maximum number of days to resolve a given dispute hold issue. For example, you may wish to extend the time period for the customer to make payments on the outstanding invoice before writing it off or taking further action. Also, it may become necessary to allow more time to research the reason that the payment was not received or processed.  

Prerequisite: Before you begin, ensure that you have enabled the Dispute Hold override option as described in Enabling Dispute Hold Override Option in Settings topic above. In addition, also refer to Dispute Holds topic which describes how to perform this action without the override option.

Getting Here: Click Accounts > search for an account > select an account > Account Overview  [Recent Invoices]
  1. In the Account Overview screen (Recent Invoices) or via Accounts > Statements & Invoices [All Plans listing], click the Invoice Number of the unpaid invoice you wish to hold in dispute.
  2. In the detailed Invoices screen, click Write-Off/Dispute Invoice
  3. On corresponding screen, click Create a Dispute Hold.
  4. Click the Invoice in the Invoice No.column.
  5. On the corresponding screen in the Dispute Expires In field, enter a desired value between 2-540 days to set the maximum number of days for the dispute hold. Notice after you enter a number of days, the calendar date in the Dispute Expires On field is auto-updated. 
  6. (Optional) In the event the date of the time period that is populated in the Dispute Expires On field falls on an undesirable date, click on Calendar icon and select a appropriate date using the Date Selector drop-down. 
  7. Choose the reason for the dispute from the Dispute Reason drop-down and enter an any additional information in CSR Comments text box to describe or clarify important aspects of the dispute or the reason for it. 
  8. Click Create Dispute Hold on the bottom right of the screen. 
  9. Confirm your selection and input for the Dispute Hold and click the Create Dispute Hold again. The Back button allows you to correct any items before permanent creating the Dispute Hold item in the system. 
  10. Notice that you have successfully created a Dispute Hold in the system. For this invoice or transaction, you will find a Un-Settled Dispute Hold link in the Type/Reason column of the instance to take further action.
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