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Account Search

Account Search Options

To open an account, enter a known account number into the Quick Search text field.


You can also change the search criteria by opening the dropdown menu to select an Account field to search for and to choose other search operators. Currently you can search by Account Number, Account User ID, and Client Account ID.


Note: Additional search options will be added in upcoming releases.

Search fields have additional search criteria to choose from. For instance, when searching by Account User ID you can search for text like, equal to, beginning with, or ending with the text you enter.


If your search results in an exact match or single record, the Account found will open the Account Overview automatically. If there are multiple matches, for instance if you search by Account User ID and Begins With, a dropdown will expand, showing you up to the first five related matches. If the account you are looking for is not within the top five results, you can press Show All to view the entire list of search results.


Once you find the desired Account, open the Account by clicking on the Account Number within the search results. This will open the Account Overview page. At the top of page you will see some Account information. 


  1. At the top of any page in CCP, you will see the navigation path leading to the current page. The displayed navigation path below is Accounts (account number) > Overview
  2. Status of the Account is displayed to the right of the Account holder's name. Active Accounts statuses will show in green while Archived Accounts statuses will be grey.
  3. Select the expander at the bottom of the Overview section to see more Account related details. Click the expander again to hide the Account related details.
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