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Aria Knowledge Central

Universal Connector

Universal Connector

Data Feed + Universal Connector

Universal Connector is an extension to Aria's Data Feed Offering that parses Aria data into a ready-for-consumption Parquet file. The Universal Connector uses the Data Feed Streams to write these Parquet files and store them in an S3 Bucket that you can access at the frequency of your choice.

Data Feed (DF) offers Aria clients a means to extract their monetization data from Aria for use with other data in their ecosystem to gain a holistic customer view. To use the standard DF offering, Aria clients must write listeners that read this data from the DF service and places it into their data warehouse. This is an overhead in terms of resources and skill sets and can delay the timeline for data availability. 

Sharing your Aria data directly in the form of Parquet files using the Universal Connector extension reduces implementation overhead and minimizes the implementation timeline significantly. Additionally, having Parquet files serves a broader landscape of data warehouse platforms like Databricks, Redshift, Cloudera, etc. 


See Subscribe to objects in Data Feed and Connectors to learn which objects are available to subscribe to.


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