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Aria Knowledge Central

User Setup Instructions

Aria Billie: Creating a Role in Aria Billing Cloud UI

Prior to commencing the creation of a role, you must request that your client instance be enabled with the following parameters:

  • Billie Connect Service
  • Aria Customer Care Portal (ACCP) and Role Access
  • Role Access for Billie Conversational UI

If this has been done successfully then:


  1. You should see the Aria Customer Care Portal option at the bottom of the left navigation panel in Aria Billing Cloud's classic UI.

  2. Enable Billie Conversational UI will be available in Roles. See the Create a Role for Billie CUI section below.

Note: If the Billie Icon is ‘grayed out’ then either BillieCUI is not enabled for the currently logged in user, or the underlying service is not enabled or available.


To perform the following steps, you will need an appropriate role (usually administrator) to edit roles and permissions of users.
If, in the left navigation panel of the classic Aria UI, you do not see 'Aria Customer Care Portal,' this may indicate that you do not have the correct permissions or that the Service has not been enabled. Please check with an Aria resource.

Create a Role named “Billie CUI”

This example shows the creation of a role called “Billie CUI” with just the Billie CUI enabled for clarity. Depending on your role creation methodology, you can just add this enablement to an existing role, remembering that all users that have been assigned that role will have ACCP and Billie CUI enabled. Learn more about creating a role.

Step 1: Enter the Name of the Role


Step 2 and 3: Enable Customer Care Portal Access and Enable Billie Conversational UI


Step 4: Save the Role

After saving, you will see the "Billie CUI" role in your role list


Step 5: Role is now available for assignment to a User


Assign the "Billie CUI" Role to a User

Now you can assign the role that is enabled with Billie Conversational UI to a maximum of Seats allowed for your instance.
Either Create a New User or add the Role created in the prior steps to an existing User.


Sign in as User with ACCP and Billie Enabled

Once all of the above has been completed correctly then when using the ACCP UI you will see an active ‘Chat with Billie’ icon in the top right corner.

Note: If the Billie Icon is ‘greyed out’ then either the Billie CUI is not enabled for the currently logged in user, or the underlying service is not enabled or available.



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