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Aria Knowledge Central

AMPS 2.15 Release


New and Improved Functionality

This section covers the release notes related to new functionality and capabilities added to AMPS. For this release the following functionality have been made available:

Add Support for price model PRICE-PERIOD to AMPS (WFAMPS-2739)

This enhancement covers the addition of a new pricing model to AMPS called “PRICE-PERIOD”. This AMPS price cycle pricing model considers any future price change registered on the product in the ARIA product catalog and selects the price in effect at the start of the current billing cycle. Since the price is applicable at the start of the billing period and not based on the invoice date, the rate applicable on the start of the billing period applies for the entire duration, and no proration is performed. For this change to take effect an existing product level supplemental field ProductPriceModel should be updated to the value “PRICE-PERIOD”.

Application Fixes

This version sees the following application fixes deployed:

Remove "Price" line from order notification on NSO (WFAMPS-3021)

This application fix is for a specific client, where to remove the "Price" line from the order confirmation Email because it causes confusion as it differs from the campaign price. This has been resolved as an email notification text is updated for NSO subscriptions.

ANNIVERSARY/SPECIFIC-DATE cancellation on SUSPENDED subscriptions fail (WFAMPS-2868)

This application fix resolves an issue where the Subscription Management is showing FAILED Cancellation attempt when the status of the subscription equals “PENDING CANCELLATION” or “SUSPENDED”. This has now been resolved as the status of the subscription equals “PENDING CANCELLATION” or “SUSPENDED”, then only ‘IMMEDIATE’ cancellation is allowed.

Coupon description is not shown correctly in Invoice XML (WFAMPS-2762)

This application fix resolves an issue where discManageDiscount API has been updated to add translation on modified action code when there are no translations available in the solmTranslations table. Also, the discSync process has been updated to add description translations with the same ref trans no for all locale ids.

Wording change (WFAMPS-3125)

This application fix is for a specific client, where email notifications text is updated for NSO subscriptions.

Credit and Reissue - New Invoice is not calculated with correct value (WFAMPS-2965)

This application fix resolves an issue where docmManageDocument API processing for credit and reissue has been updated to use related subscriptions and other charges when moving from a yearly subscription to a monthly subscription instead of calculating for a monthly subscription from a yearly subscription. Another change has been introduced if the invoice date is the same date of credit and reissue, do not create a credit memo just reverse the anniversary date and Aria will take care of the invoice creation.

SUBS Manage Subscription is throwing an exception while REPLACEMENT of big accounts (WFAMPS-2606)

This application fix resolves an issue where we call the get_acct_plans_all_m API call in SubsManageSubscriptions flow without using any limit or plan instance filter. For the accounts with a large no. of subscriptions i.e; more than 100 MPIs we are going to face this exception. This issue has been resolved, as now we retrieve the details of the plan by specific instance by calling the get_acct_plans_all_m API for processing each action directive to process.

Reactivation of COMBO subscription (WFAMPS-2940)

This bug fix will resolve the issue where customers are not getting physical DELIVERY started after a plan moves from SUSPENDED to ACTIVE state. The process that handles 734 event is updated to look for relevant status changes by comparing status_cd and status change date received in event payload with current <status_cd> and status change date retrieved using the get_acct_plan_history_m api.

Issue with callbacks is affecting all STREX payments and causing payment issues in large numbers (WFAMPS-3186)

This bug fix will resolve the issue where processing call-backs received from external partners, and the gateway status equal to “EXECUTED”, then the payment request is REJECTED and the GatewayPaymentID is stored in the wrong field.

Stripping "null" JSON-keys from events sent from AMPS to the Data Platform (WFAMPS-2960)

This application fix is for a specific client where the additional Boolean “Specified” fields take up quite a lot of space for no reason and are actually a problem in the large invoice events, which sometimes are too large. These “XSpecified: true/false” fields are removed using converter flow which uses pattern recognition (regex). Whether it’s true or false the “Specified” fields will be removed and sent to BEM.

ERP handling of immediately paid invoices where more than one payment applies is wrong (WFAMPS-2750)

This application fix is for a specific client where AMPS, when handling immediately paid invoices paid by two different payments. Prior to this fix only revenue for the first payment was recognized, now both are correctly processed.

Additional Dimensions required for Stampen ERP (3088) (WFAMPS-2761)

This application fix resolves an issue where the ERP Process is updated to set dimensions when handling underpayments and posting on these. The values are set as follows:

  • Dim2 - set to the title_erpbank_acct_no also used for other postings where specific title postings are required. The title will be determined based on the origin of the payment.
  • Dim3 - set to the title_erpbank_clearing_cd also used for other postings where specific title postings are required. The title will be determined based on the origin of the payment.

Invoice XML Error: FIN-SUBSCRIPTION is listed with Charge-Type ACCESS-PRINT-THU (WFAMPS-2878)

Fixed the issue in AMPS XML wrong charge type/tax group for FIN-SUBSCRIPTION

Payment registered to wrong account no | PamyManagePayment API (WFAMPS-3151)

This application fix resolves an issue where PaymManagePayment was called to register a payment based on customer invoice reference, but it got applied to the wrong account no. This issue has been resolved now as PaymManagePayment API is updated to ensure that the process will return an error in case the invoice number for which payment is being applied is 0.

AMPS generated 0 value FINAL-INVOICE (WFAMPS-2754)

This bug fix will resolve the issue where AMPS has generated a 0 value FINAL-INVOICE for the customer. This issue has been resolved as now, we have added a condition that if the due balance is greater than 1, then only the final invoice is created.

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