Release Date
8 June 2022
Release 2.15.1 Contents
- New and Improved Functionality
- Dimaps Address Delivery Lookup to include alternate delivery days (WFAMPS-2845)
- Dimaps Address Delivery Lookup to view and select list of distributors (WFAMPS-2846)
- Update DIMAPS ComplaintAnswer processing (WFAMPS-2895)
- Make Customer Type Configurable (WFAMPS-2969)
- Merge DIMAPS integration into core AMPS (WFAMPS-2733)
New and Improved Functionality
This section covers the release notes related to new functionality and capabilities added to AMPS. For this release the following functionality has been made available:
Dimaps Address Delivery Lookup to include alternate delivery days (WFAMPS-2845)
This enhancement will allow to pass in an additional field in requests sent to DIMAPS for address delivery lookup and get more information from the response received from the call.
Request structure is updated to support a new field called "LookupType", this field contains a code indicating the level of details to be returned in the response.
Similarly, the response structure is updated to include the following additional fields that were not part of the old response:
- AltDeliveryWeek: contain delivery options
- AltDelivery: contains alternate delivery options
- FutureDistDate: contains a date in the future on which the address will be supported by distribution
- ResultID: contains the ID provided by Dimaps for the result
- AddressDeliveryLookupDetResult: an array structure that contains details on any box delivery options that may apply to a specific address.
Dimaps Address Delivery Lookup to view and select list of distributors (WFAMPS-2846)
In this enhancement, changes have been made in the distribution management component of AMPS. This enhancement is to be able to provide additional information on the address and then pass this information to the distribution partner. This information will then be used in DIMAPS as part of the start and stop messages.
NOTE: Release script 2846 must be executed to set the related configuration of the data in the parameter configuration table. (AMPSOperations)
Update DIMAPS ComplaintAnswer processing (WFAMPS-2895)
This enhancement will enable users to control the transfer of "DIMAPS Complaint Answer" messages to an external system and the format of updates within AMPS. This is being done using configuration parameters: CompDIMAPSCompAnswerTransfer and CompDIMAPSCompAnswerDest. This enhancement will support the transfer of the complaint answer to an external configurable destination and be used for updating the complaint in AMPS. The information received in "Explanation Code" and "Info Text" is also added to the complaint notes field on the complaint.
Please find below parameter configurations and how they will be used:
This parameter defines a parameter that controls whether complaint answers received from DIMAPS are sent to an external system as well as being updated in AMPS. The following codes apply:
"TRANSFER" – each complaint answer is transferred to an external system formatted as a "DIMAPS Complaint Answer" message.
"IGNORE" – each complaint answer is ignored and NOT transferred to an external system.
This parameter defines the destination of "DIMAPS Complaint Answer" messages when sent to an external system. Is used only if "DIMAPS Complaint Answer Transfer" is set to "TRANSFER".
Make Customer Type Configurable (WFAMPS-2969)
In this enhancement, the account services have been modified to create any other type of customer accounts including CONSUMER and BUSINESS. But due to Account level field update limitations CAS ticket needs to be raised as an account-level field, ‘CustomerType’ can only be configurable in a new environment where no account exists or support might do something about it. To overcome this issue, a system constant has been introduced ‘AccountCreateCustomerTypeVersion’ with valid values of CURRENT (to support existing functionality) and NEW (To support new functionality for having any type of customer type value in the account level field (that should exist in AcctCustomerTypes database table.
Note: When checking out, system constant AccountCreateCustomerTypeVersion should also be checked out and the value should be set to CURRENT (if the account level field is not made text instead of select) else set it to NEW. Release script should be executed to add default customer types in the AcctCustomerTypes table.
Merge DIMAPS integration into core AMPS (WFAMPS-2733)
In this enhancement, the DIMAPS services have been moved under the aria publishing suite and made part of standard AMPS to follow the AMPS roadmap. As part of an overall strategy for standardizing the AMPS application, the APIs relating to dimaps integration have been revised and renamed to be consistent with other parts of the AMPS solution. The base behavior of the API remains the same and it should be noted that the existing APIs have not been deprecated and will continue to work.
The following table contains the mapping between the current name and the future standard AMPS name.
Existing API Name | Standardized AMPS API Name |
dimapsReceiveInfoMessage | DistdimapsReceiveInfoMessage |
dimapsReceiveDeliveryMethodChange | DistdimapsReceiveDeliveryMethodChange |
dimapsCreateComplaint | DistdimapsCreateComplaint |
dimapsComplaintAnswerModify | DistdimapsComplaintAnswerModify |
dimapsAddressDeliveryLookup | DistdimapsAddressDeliveryLookup |
dimapsStartDelivery | DistdimapsStartDelivery |
dimapsGetDelayInfo | DistdimapsGetDelayInfo |
dimapsReceiveDelayInfo | DistdimapsReceiveDelayInfo |
dimapsStopDelivery | DistdimapsStopDelivery |
dimapsAddressLookup | DistdimapsAddressLookup |