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Aria Knowledge Central

AMPS 2.14 Release


New and Improved Functionality

This section covers the release notes related to new functionality and capabilities added to AMPS. For this release the following functionality have been made available:

Update to Token access for Dimaps rest calls (WFAMPS-2731)

This enhancement is required to support the new security mechanism put in place by DIMAPS when calling their services. All existing API's must be updated to use this new token-based mechanism. The following API's has been updated:

  • dimapsReceiveInfoMessage
  • dimapsReceiveDeliveryMethodChange
  • dimapsCreateComplaint
  • dimapsComplaintAnswer
  • dimapsAddressDeliveryLookup
  • dimapsStartDelivery
  • dimapsCustomerRefunds
  • dimapsAddressLookup
  • dimapsGetDelayInfo
  • dimapsReceiveDelayInfo
  • dimapsStopDelivery

To configure the DIMAPS integration, the following global constants must be set in the workflow environment:

  • DimapsCustomerID—the identification of the AMPS client towards DIMAPS, i.e. the clients customer number with DIMAPS.
  • DimapsCustomerKey—the base key as provided by DIMAPS
  • DIMAPSRequestHeaderPublisher—the identification of the publisher in DIMAPS. This is the clients identification towards DIMAPS.
  • DIMAPS_VERSION—set to CURRENT for previous functionality and TOKEN for the new token based authentication mechanism.

Application Fixes

This version sees the following application fixes deployed:

BMD-11438 ARIA / CIM - Option to reverse a pending cancellation (WFAMPS-2719)

This application fix resolves an issue where AMPS did not allow the caller of "Manage Subscription [SubsMa¬nage¬Subscription]" to reverse a previous anniversary cancellation of a subscription. This has now been resolved and using "MODIFY" action now allows the caller to set the status of the subscription to 1 (ACTIVE) and thereby remove the future pending change. Any future cancellations registered in AMPS are also removed.

GetEligibileOfferings does not return correct plans (WFAMPS-2726)

This application fix resolves an issue where "Get Eligible Offerings [SubsGetEligibleOfferings]" did not return plans correctly. The issue was caused by the processing examining only certain "ChargeType" on the services defined on the plan. This has now been resolved so all plans having a service with a "ChargeType" that begins with "ACCESS" will be returned.

GDPR process does not remove accounts from the Migration logs (WFAMPS-2747)

This application fix resolves an issue where anonymizing and deleting an account in ARIA via "GDPR Delete Account [AcctGDPRDeleteAccount]" caused future migrations to reuse the account rather than creating a new account. This has now been resolved, and the anonymization process now also removes the account from the migration logs.

Data points missing from AMPS CreditNote Created event (WFAMPS-2771)

This application fix resolves an issue where the credit note number (AriaCreditNoteNo) and credit note date (AriaCreditNoteDate) was not included in relevant AMPS events, even though a credit note was processed. This has now been corrected and the attributes are set as required.

ERP Process for STAMPEN not creating correct postings (WFAMPS-2849)

This application fix resolves a number of issues with the STAMPEN ERP processing, namely:

  • Refunds was not always included correctly in the XML files
  • Handling of unapplied payments was not always correct
  • Handling of credit notes were not correctly handling tax inclusive pricing
  • Handling of invoice fees with immediately paid invoices was not handled correctly
  • Handling of excess payments did not include all required postings.

The above issues have now been resolved.

Need to update Recursion Policy for BEMNordeaPayments in Berlingske (WFAMPS-2884)

This application fix resolves an issue in processing of payments from NORDEA. The issue occurred when processing payment files with more than 20000 payments included. This issue has now been resolved, and the process can handle unlimited number of payments in the same file.

Incorrect value being loaded to Aria for subscription_balance through migration (WFAMPS-2901)

This application fix resolves an issue where subscription balances was not set correctly during migration. If "," was used as the decimal point, then values were incorrect. This has now been resolved.

Queue status in workflow is displaying "FAILED" instead of "EXECUTED" (WFAMPS-2944)

This application fix resolves a problem where future changes registered in AMPS were marked as "FAILED", even though the associated change in ARIA core had been executed successfully. In this scenario, the entry in AMPS should have been marked with "EXECUTED". This issue has now been resolved and the status is set correctly.

Subscription member sharing is not set to inactive when main user is (DevOps #923) (WFAMPS-2947)

This application fix resolves an issue where members sharing a subscription was not cancelled when the main owner was cancelled. This issue has now been resolved, and member subscriptions are now correctly cancelled when the owner of the main subscription is cancelled.

DI batch process using DistTitleCode instead of TitleCode (WFAMPS-2948)

This application fix resolves a problem where the "Product" and "CustomerSystem" was set incorrectly in the file sent to DI. "Product" and "CustomerSystem" was previously set to the "Distribution Title Code" defined on the respective titles. To resolve the issue, parameter "Distribution Title Code Setting [DistTitleCodeSetting]" has been introduced. The parameter can have the following values:

  • "SAME"—the customer system and product code are set to the same value namely the "Distribution Title Code" as defined on the individual titles. This is the default value.
  • "SPLIT"—the customer system and product code are set to different values. Customer system is set to the value from "Title Code" itself, while product code is set to the value from "Distribution Title Code" as defined on the individual titles

Error: Change to Credit Note XML after upgrade to 2.12 (Task 1057) (WFAMPS-2949)

This application fix resolves an issue introduced in 2.12 where "DocumentOption" was omitted from the financial document XML when handling credit notes, despite the attribute being a mandatory field. This has now been resolved, and "DocumentOption" is now always included.

acctManageAccount API is returning 504 error in CIM (WFAMPS-2991)

This application fix resolves an issue where "Manage Account [AcctManageAccount]" timed out when processing accounts with a large number of subscriptions. This issue has now been resolved by changing to a more efficient ARIA Core API to retrieve the account details.

Credit Memo created by AMPS is not for the correct value and is short by 1 ore (WFAMPS-2998)

This application fix resolves a problem in "Manage Document [DocmManageDocument]" during the credit and reissue of invoices. The problem was caused by rounding errors when the amount to credit was calculated. This has now been resolved and no rounding errors occur.

Processing of BG max fails in Stampen UAT (WFAMPS-3022)

This application fix resolves an issue where a calculation on certain amount fields caused a workflow exception, which in turn stopped processing of the file. This issue has now been resolved and the exception no longer occurs.

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