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Aria Knowledge Central

Usage Pooling Overview


You can pool usage across multiple services within the same plan instance to determine the rate to bill a customer. The customer is billed for usage based on the total usage pool for all of the services on a plan instance, instead of the number of billable units for each service. The total usage pool resets to 0 after each invoice is generated for a customer unless you have usage accumulation enabled for the customer.

Note: If you plan to rate usage Per-Record, you cannot use Usage Pooling.

Refer to the usage pooling example to see how invoice charges are calculated for a service with usage pooling enabled.

Once a customer has been billed for usage on a plan instance, you cannot enable or disable usage pooling for that plan. Usage pooling applies to only standard tier structures, not volume or flat rate tier structures.

Usage pooling works whether Aria rates usage at the time of invoicing or when usage records are uploaded into the system (real-time). If you load usage records into Aria with currency amounts assigned to them, your customers are billed based on your specified currency amounts, even if you have usage pooling enabled for those customers.

To set up usage pooling, you must first enable usage pooling, then turn on usage pooling at the plan instance level.

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